Hispanics leaving Arizona


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I know in Boston we get the ocassional illegal Irish which is funny to me because they speak perfectly good english.
nearest i can tell the article basically says that nobody can tell if anything is happening yet so i'm confused by everyone saying good riddance just yet, as to the illegals issue well hopefully we'll get them all out of the country or naturalize the lot of em so that i don't have to hear about this red herring issue ever again
nearest i can tell the article basically says that nobody can tell if anything is happening yet so i'm confused by everyone saying good riddance just yet, as to the illegals issue well hopefully we'll get them all out of the country or naturalize the lot of em so that i don't have to hear about this red herring issue ever again

"Naturalization" is out of the question. Any sensible person can see and understand why this is sick. :2 cents: No more "anchor babies" either. This shenanagins has got to stop, now.