It's funny, if you realize that the term "redneck" was originally a term applied to people who fought (literally) against the big mining companies who were abusing the people of Appalachia in the late 19th and early 20th century. Ya know, back when capitalism was "free" to roar and
"make all our lives better." They wore red neckerchiefs to show that they were union men. These people hold the distinction of being the only Americans to be bombed from the air by the United States military. And it becomes even funnier (or more ironic) if you realize that the union movement back then was multi-racial. Blacks, Italian immigrants, Jews, Mexicans and even some Chinese were welcomed into the union movement. If you want to learn more about that
and be entertained, rent to the movie Matewan. It's a great movie and it's very informative. But now, a redneck is basically a person (southern or not) who is backward in his thinking (and proud of it) and likely has racist tendencies. It's pretty much just another catch-all term for PWT (poor White trash) now. If you go out to Fontana, CA, out near the race track, you'll find loads of rednecks. The last race I went to there, me and my friends joked that we couldn't tell which meth smell was stronger: the methanol fuel from the race cars or the meth being cooked by the local population.
Hillbilly (ridge-runner, etc.) is just a term for people from or near Appalachia. And if you've made it past the 7th grade, you then earn the right to call yourself a
Hill William. :hatsoff: But not all hillbillies are rednecks and not all rednecks are hillbillies.