I never said I wasen't.
It was advice. As a fellow human, I felt obliged to inform you of something you did not seem aware of.
If the roles were reversed, I would hope you would do the same for me.
Sleep tight, cupcake.
The imaginary space God is MY GOD----I know you despise anyone that believes in something that is bigger than your "GREAT SELF"--You state as fact a "fake God"--are you the answer?---Who the hell are you to put down billions of people that believe in GOD?---Are you the messiah?---Are you the best that the world has to offer?--I don't think so.--Your hatred of "any" kind of religion or belief is the sign of a lonely and angry man.I take pity on your lonely and isolated world and I hope that your hatred gets you through the tough times in your life.----God bless you,Sam
I'm sorry you took what I said personaly and yes I agree some forgiegners do know more than, sadly, many Americans about our politics. Did I also mention I hate corn fed rednecks as much as I do assuming foriegners and lobbyists?Well, sorry to disappoint you, my fellow American, but...just because you live here in the US, doesn't mean that you understand our country's politics more than foreigners do. Also, just because someone is a "foreigner", doesn't mean that they don't understand our country's politics more than you do.
A big part of my family works for US Immigration/INS and I know A LOT of foreigners. Most of them understand this country more than "born and raised" Americans do. Sad, but true.
:2 cents:
I personally don't care for either one but I am a gun owner and an frequent shooter, so my choice is obvious. Besides why would I vote for someone that wants to prosecute me for using a gun in self defense in my own home.
Trust is earned, not given away.Trust me as well when I say I am very well informed on what other people from outside the U.S. think of us as well as American politics.
Hopefully we can come to our senses and see Nobama for what he really is: a liar with unrealistic promises to the American people. He says anything that will get him elected, and people believe him. God help us the day he is inaugurated into office. He says that we are the greatest country that the world has ever seen, yet he wants us to help him change it. Change the greatest country the world has ever seen?????????? WTF is wrong with this guy? Socialism in America??? WTF? Is he going to replace the Constitution with The Communist Manifesto as well? He might as well, he obviously doesn't agree with the Constitution, saying it is greatly flawed.
Republicans believe every day is July 4th.
Democrats believe ever day is April 15th.
^Hey look everybody. Here are some more wrong ideas about Obama.
He's not gonna take your guns dude. And you are more likely to get struck by lightening than you are to shoot someone in self defense.
Why does every gun toting republican think that he's gonna shoot a home intruder one day like they're some sort of cowboy vigilante? It's not gonna happen bro. This isn't a Charles Bronson movie.
however criminals will still have thiers and have even more inscentive to use them knowing almost everyone is un-armed..
whatever, I'm glad all this bullshit will be over in less than 24 hours. Then we can focus on how the new president is fucking up!:nanner:
I'm sorry you took what I said personaly and yes I agree some forgiegners do know more than, sadly, many Americans about our politics. Did I also mention I hate corn fed rednecks as much as I do assuming foriegners and lobbyists?
By the way I do and have known many people outside the U.S. some are cool and some are assuming. I used to know this great looking gal from Brazil, we would talk politics quite often among other things...lol I miss her, but I guess we weren't ment to be. :dunno:
however criminals will still have thiers and have even more inscentive to use them knowing almost everyone is un-armed..
There is less gun crimes in countries with harsher gun laws than you have in the US.
The only correlation there is with firearms and crime is: the more weapon there is in circulation in a country, the more firearms crimes there will be.
Im not in favor (or not) regarding gun control but its not a valid argument in my opinion.
My :2 cents:
There are threads about "Gun Control", so I won't really go into it here (...)
Well, who did the right thing today? Anyone?...
Hillary Clinton? :dunno:
Ooooooh, remember when she had a chance? Those were some funny times.