Who would you trust to do such an investigation?
Real good question.
I guess nobody really.
Can't trust anything now.
Plus too much time has passed.
I've found, for example with the Warren Commission and all the subsequent big money investigations regarding JFK that their only real purpose is to validate the official story.
With this Syria thing, and most all things , one needs to just look at the big picture to come to the most probable truth.
In this case we have an elected leader who is more popular with his people than any US politician who has been fighting our enemy for about 6 years.
Yet we don't help him with our mighty military might. I havent heard of any Al Queada killed by the US in Syria.
Why not?
We call him our enemy. Trump called him an animal.
Well I've heard the man talk and I don't call him an animal.
Truth is the US calls Assad and Syria its enemy because Israel chooses to be their enemy.
Just like Iraq and Iran. Threatening to Attack Iran. Why? Are they a threat to us?
Again because Israel says they are an enemy we do too.
The US is Israels stupid goon.
Add to that the fact that Assad was accused of this twice before and both times it was shown that the attacks were done by US funded "rebels", which is Al Quaeada.
Assad had nothing to gain from it, The USA, Israel, and Al Quaeada did.
And the media praising Trump for bombing Syria.....how great that was.
Not questioning are asking for any evidence whatsoever that it actually was Assad.
Israel has just warned Syria not to shoot at Israeli war planes who are bombing them.
Its all insane and truthfully if anybody has not caught on by now that in all these years and all these invasions that our enemy in the war on terror is actually our allly then you probably never will.
We have the Saudis bombing the hell out of little Yemen but Yemen wont fall. Now the US says it will send troops in.
Why? What has Yemen done to us?
Same in Syria. We've got armies in Syria but we're not here to fight Al Queaeada we're there to fight the people who are.
And again what has Syria done to us?
Same in Iraq. Same in Libya, but in Libya we just bombed them into the Stone Age and Al Queada moved in and slaughtered the civilians. About a million of them.
"No American boots on the ground" bragged Barry. How is that possible if they werent working together?
Now they openly trade slaves in a country that just a few years ago had the highest standard of living any African country ever had.
So its all there right in front of us. Pretty obvious the truth.
And most of our soldiers know this. But they joined the military mostly because they had no other prospects.
It was the best deal they could get.
Not much of a motivator, unlike the soldiers of the countries we are constantly threatening who are fighting for the survival of their land that goes back thousands of years before the USA existed.
Final thought and I hope I'm wrong.
There is going to be something big happening soon. A major false flag to ignite a war.
Trump at this point I do not believe was comprimised after the election.
I believe we were tricked all along.