Again the video I posted of the white jerkoffs was portrayed as a real event.
That they were saving this actor who was stuck in rubble.
Clearly he wasn't if you watched the video.
And for the 5th time NO I do not think it was a gas attack.
It was another false flag for the US to use as an excuse to bomb the Syria army who is fighting our so called enemy with no help from us.
You people want to believe that the reason the US is hell bent on removing Assad because he gasses children then go ahead.
Fall for it again, at this point you'll never learn.
So I'm writing here everyday oppossing WAR. And I've stated the reasons why so many times.
But apparently most here buy the lies of the US and its media and you actually want to see the endless wars and invasions continue.
For that I say you are morally disgusting.
The US has no legal or moral right to attack all the countries they have attacked.
And it is what has put our economy in the toilet more and more everyday.
Look what it has done to our world........and some of you people want it to continue.
The goal of the US is to remove Assad and let our mercenaries take it over. Install a puppet government who does what we tell them to do.
Then rape their resources just like we did to all the others.
But if some of you want to buy the reason is because Assad gassed his own people without any proof at all then you are the dumbest of the dumb. again how many times will you be lied into wars and invasions until you finally catch on?
Ain't gonna make America great again by pushing the war agenda. That is the main reason our country is in the crapper.
The wars are for the richest of the rich to get richer at our expense. If you havn't figured that out yet then you never will.
Here a Syrian pleads with Mccain and he responds by telling her fuck you we are going to kill your president and hand your country over to al-queaeada regerdless of what the Syrians and the American people want.