Here We Go Again


Hiliary 2020
if I had to choose, I'd go with a steady and slanted stream of the new york times, washington post with the drivel of msnbc thrown in than whatever youtube channels meesterpsychotic gets his info from.

meesterderrfect on russia invading and annexing crimea: "whatever russia wants to do with their own country is their business." (paraphrasing)

so he's not only a lunatic, he's a terribly misinformed/ignorant one as well.

I'm sorry you feel that because I am very fond of you.


Hiliary 2020
Please excuse me for being an ignorant psychotic lunatic again but here is todays WH press conference.
The GOV and its media are trying to push the "Everybody is backing Trump on this" propaganda but its just not true.
Trump voters feel deceived and Anti Trump people finally have something real to criticize him about.
People don't want war, at least the sane ones.
Spicer even says at 13:00 minutes in their goal is to destabize Syria.
Note the comments, almost everybody is against this, and it comes from the White House's official channel which is veiwed by mostly Trump fans.


Hiliary 2020
Nobody commented on the spokes mouth of the prez openly admitting the goal of the US is to destabilize Syria.
I think I know why. That whole "you can't handle the truth" thing.

Anyway i was thinking. Trying to find a positive aspect of the US bobming the Syrian army who is fighting our enemy and winning.
Something that will lead to war with Russia and Iran who will destroy us.
And even if the US war machine wins and succeeds in destriying yet anoher country and handing over to "our enemy" like theyve done with all others.

But maybe what appears to be a reactionary idiotic and dangerous move is part of a bigger plan.

Food for thought: Please read, don't cost nothin.

Ok possible Trump 4-D chess move.
1- The politicians, the war machine, th deep state, the CIA controlled media....the whole corrupt establishment has been against Trump since day 1 and doing a good job impeding any good he's trying to do. Check

2- Trump is a Russian Stooge, Trump is in bed with Putin, Russia Russia Russia says the bought and paid for politicians and the media. Check.

3- Trumps plan: Do a weak innaffective attack over an obvious false flag on Syria. Show the world he is not in bed with putin and the war machine that he is on board with the destruction of Syria for the benefit of Israel, the Saudis, the Rothchild banks, Gobalists and the war profiteers. Check.

4- Watch the opponents not only back off but praise him. Get them off his back for a while. Check.

then come back out them with all he's got. Prosecute the traitors like Susan Rice and Barry O (If they can find him), Ally with Russia publically in killing the bearded mercenaries. Then if the opposition oppses him again they have exposed themselves as the terrorist suppoting traitors they really are.

A possible although unlikely possibilty. But Trump may be playing a long con on them.
He's probably been comprimised somehow but maybe just maybe he hasn't and he's playing them.


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
I don't buy that he's coning them, the deep state runs shit and there's nothing you can do. George Carlin said it best "They got you by the balls. You have no choice."


Hiliary 2020
I'm not trying to sell it now.
Just an optimistic possibility that it mat be something similar to what I attempted to explain.
Thanks for at least considering it.
Nobody commented on the spokes mouth of the prez openly admitting the goal of the US is to destabilize Syria.

What's to say? Trump's like a yo yo when it comes to so many things. Why not this one too. He did really manage to piss off his alt right buddies this time though, which was probably the most productive part of the whole affair :)

3- Trumps plan: Do a weak ineffective attack to show the world he is not in bed with putin

I changed your words above to reflect my own, but this is the only one I think might be slightly possible. But only very slightly. The congressional investigations of Trump/Russia didn't suddenly stop because he lobbed a few missles into an unoccupied airbase in Syria.


Hiliary 2020
There are congressional investigations of Trumps ties with Putin?
I thought it was Just Hiliary and the other insane people plus the MSM saying it.
Is there actually a legitimate investigation not counting Obama and Rices illegal spying?
What's to say? Trump's like a yo yo when it comes to so many things. Why not this one too. He did really manage to piss off his alt right buddies this time though, which was probably the most productive part of the whole affair :)

3- Trumps plan: Do a weak ineffective attack to show the world he is not in bed with putin

I changed your words above to reflect my own, but this is the only one I think might be slightly possible. But only very slightly. The congressional investigations of Trump/Russia didn't suddenly stop because he lobbed a few missles into an unoccupied airbase in Syria.

I am going to post this article every time someone mentions Trump/Putin collusion...

You guys can furnish proof any time..*taps fingers*


Hiliary 2020
Hi Everybody.
Obviously this in not Vladimir Putin but Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who represents Russia and Putin.
The other man is Rex Tillerson representing the USA.
I suggest everybody watch this because its important. It also shows were both countries are coming from regarding Syria, the US attack of Syria, and both countries objectives regarding not only Syria but the countries the the US has ruined but we'll call it destablized to be as neutral as possible.
I suggest you watch from 19:00 on which is when the main purpose of the press conference begins being discussed.
I suggest you watch it with an objective unbiased viewpoint and decide which side is more honest and trustworthy.

Russia is asking for an unbiased investigation regarding the alledged gas attack and who was responsible.
The attack that the msm covered so much while ignoring all the other civilian casualties the US military has caused since Trump has become Prez. And of course the attack that the US retaliated by attacking the Syrian government and killing human beings.
Keep that in mind and you decide who makes more sense and who is being more honest regarding this situation.


Hiliary 2020
White Helmets, the people who were at the scene of the alledged gas attack wearing no gloves or gear to protect themselves from sarin gas, which would have killed or nearly killed many of them caught again faking another rescue using fake victims.
Staging an event. These are the guys our country and nato give millions to. These are the guys who are clearly photographed and filmed so many times as both White Helmets and also Al-Qaeuda. These are the guys George C.Looney is making a movie about calling them heroes even though they are on film decapitating a 12 year old child.
These are the guys we trust when deciding to blame Assad and attack its government.

Before anyone who can't believe their own eyes over what the msm tells them calls me a crazy lunatic again , the Helmets have already admitted this was a staged event. Just one of many.



Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Congratulations. You got a film of one of their drills. How do you think they learn how to rescue? Wait for the real thing to happen? They have to train for these things. Run simulations for practice. The same goes for all rescue people like firemen, EMTs, police, etc. Being uninformed of this simple fact doesn't make you a crazy lunatic. Denying that people were injured or died from sarin that day does. Even the Russians said so.


Hiliary 2020
It was portryayed as real.
You can think it was just a drill and its being used by people like me to discredit them.
Dabating further isn't worth it.

Speaking to everybody here.
We just reportedly dropped a giant bomb on ISIS in Afghanistan. I wonder if any isis were killed and how many more civilians were murdered with that one.
Israel has bombed the Syrian military again.

We didn't vote for Trump to continue the war machine agenda did we? I thought we voted to put Americans 1st and fix our own problems.
Well it seems to be stronger and more aggressive now then ever. It clearly is.

At first I was hoping Trump was just playing along to get the opposition off his back a little.
Then I thought he might be comprimised. Maybe Blackmailed. Do what we tell you or we will ruin you.

But I've seen his face lately when talking about war stuff. He looks happy, thrilled even.
That is not the reaction of a comprimised person but a person who is fully on board with the never ending war agenda.

Well his oppostion who called him racist, sexist, homophobic, and you name it rarely called him a war monger.
They didnt go there because they knew their girl had a long record of creating death and destruction.
But know they have a real reason to call him out but I don't see many doing it.

But we who voted for him.Promoted him. And most of all trusted him are now speaking out against what he's apparently fully on board with.
We know he's not calling the shots, no president does, but we know or at least are beginning to accept that he bamboozled us.
Whether he did this all along or just recently turned doesn't much matter.

My point? Everybody, all of us not just in the USA but the entire world need to get together on this.
What they are doing and saying theyre going to do is not only wrong but has only one possible ending, and it ain't good.
Even if it doesn't lead to all out global war it will not help the US or its people at all.
It will put the people more in debt, more poorer, and pretty much be the final nail in our economy.
We have psychopaths controlling our politics and politicians. The only hope is to unite against it in massive numbers.
Step one is stop watching the controlled media and dont believe anything they say.

If anybody is still for all this war, attacking, bombing, killing knowing what damage it has done to not only the places we've destroyed but Europe and our own country you are either a traitor or a sheep.

We must unify against this in every way possible because if it continues there is only one possible ending.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
It was portryayed as real.
You can think it was just a drill and its being used by people like me to discredit them.
Dabating further isn't worth it.

Not worth it because you continue to not believe facts. Make us believe this video was when the gas attack happened? You post a video of something from November from no place identified. Grasping at straws. If you are trying to sell your creation of a conspiracy theory it ain't working pal. Facts are getting in your way.

Try answering the question I asked you 3 times before. Did anyone get injured by sarin gas that day or not?
Congratulations. You got a film of one of their drills. How do you think they learn how to rescue? Wait for the real thing to happen? They have to train for these things. Run simulations for practice. The same goes for all rescue people like firemen, EMTs, police, etc. Being uninformed of this simple fact doesn't make you a crazy lunatic. Denying that people were injured or died from sarin that day does. Even the Russians said so.

Good catch, Bob.

I am going to post this article every time someone mentions Trump/Putin collusion...

You guys can furnish proof any time..*taps fingers*

Hey, all I said was that I thought the chances were "very slight"

And that the investigation is ongoing.

If you wanna keep posting that article I'll just keep posting this one


Hiliary 2020
Again the video I posted of the white jerkoffs was portrayed as a real event.
That they were saving this actor who was stuck in rubble.
Clearly he wasn't if you watched the video.
And for the 5th time NO I do not think it was a gas attack.
It was another false flag for the US to use as an excuse to bomb the Syria army who is fighting our so called enemy with no help from us.

You people want to believe that the reason the US is hell bent on removing Assad because he gasses children then go ahead.
Fall for it again, at this point you'll never learn.

So I'm writing here everyday oppossing WAR. And I've stated the reasons why so many times.

But apparently most here buy the lies of the US and its media and you actually want to see the endless wars and invasions continue.
For that I say you are morally disgusting.
The US has no legal or moral right to attack all the countries they have attacked.
And it is what has put our economy in the toilet more and more everyday.
Look what it has done to our world........and some of you people want it to continue.
The goal of the US is to remove Assad and let our mercenaries take it over. Install a puppet government who does what we tell them to do.
Then rape their resources just like we did to all the others.

But if some of you want to buy the reason is because Assad gassed his own people without any proof at all then you are the dumbest of the dumb. again how many times will you be lied into wars and invasions until you finally catch on?

Ain't gonna make America great again by pushing the war agenda. That is the main reason our country is in the crapper.
The wars are for the richest of the rich to get richer at our expense. If you havn't figured that out yet then you never will.

Here a Syrian pleads with Mccain and he responds by telling her fuck you we are going to kill your president and hand your country over to al-queaeada regerdless of what the Syrians and the American people want.


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
I've had many conversations about this to other people and from what I've gathered most people want the dog eat dog system to remain in place, there is just nothing that can be done.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Again the video I posted of the white jerkoffs was portrayed as a real event.
That they were saving this actor who was stuck in rubble.
Clearly he wasn't if you watched the video.
And for the 5th time NO I do not think it was a gas attack.
It was another false flag, blah blah blah balh...

...But if some of you want to buy the reason is because Assad gassed his own people without any proof at all...blah blah blah balh...

"False flag" is you and your shepherds trying to use rhetoric to dodge my very pointed question. A yes or no answer to answer if anyone was hurt or died from sarin rips your conspiracy theory apart. We see through this rhetoric. You and your shepherds demand truth in news and events but you don't hold yourself to the same standards. What a bunch of hypocrites.

That video you posted, at what time and place was that done and can you name the people that made that video? Be specific because using rhetoric doesn't answer my question.


Hiliary 2020
Are you that narrow minded?
I don't know wnen the video was made and I never claimed to.
It was made before the alledged gas attack I know.
But it was reported as real and it obvioulsy wasn't.

But if it will get you off my back I'll say it was real. They white scumbags leaned over the victim who was lying there eyes closed for a few seconds while they remained motionless. Then as soon as they began moving the man starting screaming and they carried him away.

Ok fucking happy? It was real.

In this thread I am talking about things that are much bigger than whether or not the white dipshits are Al'Quaeda.
I'm talking about the endless wars which are continueing under Trump even though he ran saying he would end them.
I'm talking about the US nonstop aggression around the world that has destroyed so many places and destroyed our economy.
I'm talking about how they are hell bent on doing to Syria what they have done to so many other countries- destroy them, kill millions of theyre people then let the mercenaries take it over.
And how no matter how bad the US, Israel and the Saudis want to do that Syria Iran, Russia, and even China will never let it happen. And how it could lead to all out WWIII very easliy.
Even if theey took out Syria Iran would be next. And eventually Russia.
This war machine will not stop until it is stopped.

And if the people of the USA would unite and stop believing the lies the GOV and its news media tells us we could put an end to it.
For our own sakes.
Do you know theyre reenstating the draft again pretty soon?
That means they are going to steal our children to go fight die and get maimed in illegal, unecesary wars who's only goal is to make rich people richer.

All this much bigger picture then whether or not the White fuckheads are a real humanitarian group or just a bunch of Al-Quaeda who shaved their beards.


Hiliary 2020
You want to believe that Assad gassed his own people on the day there was to be a 2 day meeting regarding peace in Syria.
2 days after Trump said he has no intentons of sending troops into Syria or attempting to remove Assad.
A week after Assad said they need another month and they will have driven the terrorists out of Syria.
And this isnt the 1st time they have accued him of the same thing, which was proven false.
You want to believe what CNN and the rest of the Fake News tell you everyday.

You can believe it all bob, believe all the bulsshit they sell you.
But I dont get on you for being that fucking stupid and naive.
Don't get on me for trying to expose to people that this is all just pretexts to start more wars, drop more bombs, and fuck up the US ecomony worse than it is.
Like the US cares so much if a few Syrians died. How stupid and naive get a person be.
These are wars of which currency will dominate world trade. Russias, Chinas or the US Federal Reserve note.