New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Was there a constant use of Barry Soetoro? Or Barack Hussein around here?
Constant, no. Persistent, yes. But I agree, calling people out of their name is both stupid and childish.
Was there a constant use of Barry Soetoro? Or Barack Hussein around here?
Sorry to hear that you don't want to discuss the lies and fantasies you post on discussion boards. You tell us it was staged. No one hurt and no gas released. You say you knew about the gas release before I posted it. Then you deny saying the incident was fake. Rather than admit you were wrong, you try covering it up with a lie.
And this whole "staged" thing. The gas happened and the Russians back that up. The only ones who could have staged it would be Syria or the Russians.
Another funny, actually disgusting thing about this is the people who have been protesting Trump because he's racistm sexist, homophobic , ect ect ect finally have a real reason to call him out.
But it would be for something their candidate said she would do and recommended as well to attack Iran.
Trump made a deal here. What it was exactly we'll never know because we never really do know.
Might have had something to do with Gorsuch getting the nomination approved. He might have been told to do it or they will vote to impeach him.
He might have been blackmailed for shit we know nothing about, most likely was.
This might have been done at israels demand , either way Netanyahoo and the other terrorists who run that GOV are sure happy about it.
Could have been many things and there are always multiple agendas behind this stuff for multiple interests, just usually not the interests of us peasants.
But one things for sure the official story once again is bullshit like always. Anybody who believes this had anything to do with a gas attack on civilians is a moron plain and simple.
I'll give you a hint what this is all about. It's something that changed Jed Clampetts life.
Fuck you Trump. Theyre not representing the United States and neither are you.
But Israel and the paid mercenaries who decapitate children are sure grateful for your help you fucking con artist traitor.
Now go blow up some more civilians because thats how we're gonna Make America Great Again.
Trump’s View of Syria and Assad Altered After ‘Unacceptable’ Chemical Attack
Is anybody buying this shit?
What's the deal with our resident Ausshole with the "Drumpf" crap?
I'll tell you what's with the drumpf crap. He's a liar, a fraud, and a failure, both as a business man, and a president, and he doesn't deserve even the miniscule amount of respect afforded by being addressed by his chosen name. He deserves scorn, contempt, and ridicule, and so do the people who voted for him.
Here's an example of how stupid your president is - 'I think we've had one of the most successful 13 weeks in the history of the presidency'. Ignoring the fact that when he made this statement he hadn't even been president for a full 11 weeks, he has had objectively the least successful beginning of a presidency ever. Disapproval, staffing chaos, corruption, and no real legislation despite majorities in both houses.
But drumpf doesn't fucking care, because he can just lie about it, or blame it on someone else, or make up a completely bullshit distraction story, and you eat it up. And this ridiculous statement barely rates as a sidebar in the news, and doesn't even raise eyebrows among the public, because that's how low the bar has now been set for the US president.
If republicans had any sense of morals, or ethics, or even patriotism, they would be deeply ashamed of the blustering moron they've put in the white house. But they don't have any of those things, they're driven purely by acquiring and holding power, and pissing off the left. Look at how your lickspittle animus fox brags about stacking the court with your stolen supreme court seat, and how he salivates all over himself when your party achieves something that will really hurt the average American. What's best for the USA and its people doesn't even come into it.
I call him drumpf and will continue to do so because he can not become accepted and normalized. People need to remember that he is a joke, however unfunny, and that after this idiocy is over and the piece of shit runs or is driven from office, the USA will need a real president again.
I'll tell you what's with the drumpf crap. He's a liar, a fraud, and a failure, both as a business man, and a president, and he doesn't deserve even the miniscule amount of respect afforded by being addressed by his chosen name. He deserves scorn, contempt, and ridicule, and so do the people who voted for him.
Here's an example of how stupid your president is - 'I think we've had one of the most successful 13 weeks in the history of the presidency'. Ignoring the fact that when he made this statement he hadn't even been president for a full 11 weeks, he has had objectively the least successful beginning of a presidency ever. Disapproval, staffing chaos, corruption, and no real legislation despite majorities in both houses.
But drumpf doesn't fucking care, because he can just lie about it, or blame it on someone else, or make up a completely bullshit distraction story, and you eat it up. And this ridiculous statement barely rates as a sidebar in the news, and doesn't even raise eyebrows among the public, because that's how low the bar has now been set for the US president.
If republicans had any sense of morals, or ethics, or even patriotism, they would be deeply ashamed of the blustering moron they've put in the white house. But they don't have any of those things, they're driven purely by acquiring and holding power, and pissing off the left. Look at how your lickspittle animus fox brags about stacking the court with your stolen supreme court seat, and how he salivates all over himself when your party achieves something that will really hurt the average American. What's best for the USA and its people doesn't even come into it.
I call him drumpf and will continue to do so because he can not become accepted and normalized. People need to remember that he is a joke, however unfunny, and that after this idiocy is over and the piece of shit runs or is driven from office, the USA will need a real president again.
My feelings on the attack are this:
1-Assad did not do it.Of that I am 99% sure.
2- It was a staged event to be used as an excuse to declare Syria our enemy and bomb them. Its something how all these reporters who are never in Syria were there so quickly to film it and ready to show the world how evil Assad is and how he must be attacked asap.
3- Those victims were not gassed. I don't know where they came from, I don't know how they died, but I am very confident they were not gassed.
I know what Russia said about the attack of the civilians.
And I never said and dont feel it was fake.
I said I don't know how those people died but I doubt they were gassed.
If anybody believes Assad gassed those people and it wasn't a false flag to be used as an excuse to begin an actual US invasion on Syria because their bearded mercenaries couldnt get the job done you really need to just wake up.
Is a joke was a joke and forever will he be a joke.
The poster child for why abortion is needed.
Embarrassing that the sheep put him where he is.
Which is why you are a joke. We just endured 8 years of a joke.
The idiot lied about everything and anything.
He even said the reason he didn't attack Syria was because all chemical weapons were destroyed.
Refer to Motörhead.This is not a debate. It is fact checking. What made them die? Sarin gas, something else, or you don't know?