Help! The dudes from BANGBROS wanna sue me!

It appears Mr. Friday was banned before I got a chance to read this thread. :(

If you're still lurking around here Friday, I've got a great idea on how you could make a LOT of money. It's should rob a bank. But to make it run more smoothly, you should call the cops first. Be sure to give them your name, address, date of birth, and time you will be robbing the bank. Hell...take an unloaded gun and wave it in front of the cops a few times for good measure. Finish it off by telling them to fuck off and that they can't do anything about it. Get back to me and let me know how it goes.
Are you guys even sure that guy wasn't just making up shit? Seems to me that the only good thing in this thread was the fact that it got me to see that not everything I have access to must be posted here or anywhere else for that matter.
it seems pretty likely to me that this wasn't all made up...the main points that made this seem so plausible were the responses from Roald, Petra and BangBrosSteve and how they seemed to know of the incident J Friday was describing and also some information about the poster J Friday that i don't remember him posting...his first name for instance, doesn't seem like B.S. to me :dunno:
it seems pretty likely to me that this wasn't all made up...the main points that made this seem so plausible were the responses from Roald, Petra and BangBrosSteve and how they seemed to know of the incident J Friday was describing and also some information about the poster J Friday that i don't remember him posting...his first name for instance, doesn't seem like B.S. to me :dunno: that case, good ridance...and he should get sued.
Till the next time J. Friday. This thread was fun. :)

Will we still be kept up to date with what's going on? I feel we all now have an emotional investment with this pending case.

I say BULLSHIT! the guy has been lying the whole time. and who cares? i think most of the folks on the board has done something illegal or is doing something illegal.

Shepherds we shall be
for Thee, my Lord, for Thee.
Power hath descended from Thy hand
that my feet may swiftly carry out Thine command.
And we shall flow a river forth to Thee,
and teeming with souls shall it ever be.
In nominem Patri, et Fili, et Spiritu Sancto.


The Boondock saints, class!
WHAT...he's gone?? I just made a fresh bowl of popcorn!! :crying:
I'm surprised this thread hasn't been closed.

I'm not. The thread is actually on topic despite the silliness of it all. It's surprising that this thread remains on topic while other threads with a serious nature turn into a schoolyard battleground. :rolleyes:
My name is "Cash D. Money." I am legal representation for J. Friday. I would like to offer a settlement for the lawsuit against my client. J. Friday will volunteer to participate in three guy on guy on guy shoots with the stipulation that J. Friday is allowed to be the all time catcher!

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I can't believe he would come on this site, a public site, and brag about what he's done. I've printed millions in counterfeit bills, hacked government computers to steal social security numbers, written bad checks, assassinated Lincoln and Kennedy, and started several Ponzi schemes with ill-informed investors. But I wouldn't go around bragging about all of my escapades for all the world to see. That's just crazy.
