it seems pretty likely to me that this wasn't all made up...the main points that made this seem so plausible were the responses from Roald, Petra and BangBrosSteve and how they seemed to know of the incident J Friday was describing and also some information about the poster J Friday that i don't remember him posting...his first name for instance, doesn't seem like B.S. to me :dunno:
Shepherds we shall be
for Thee, my Lord, for Thee.
Power hath descended from Thy hand
that my feet may swiftly carry out Thine command.
And we shall flow a river forth to Thee,
and teeming with souls shall it ever be.
In nominem Patri, et Fili, et Spiritu Sancto.
I'm surprised this thread hasn't been closed.
I think you're fucked man.