Cleavage: A magnetic valley for your eyes
Maria recently visited this, staring at another set of exposed breast cleavage herself:
Cleavage: A magnetic valley for your eyes
Actually, their both perverts. They are both deviating from acceptable, social behavior between strangers. She’s flaunting her “chesticles” and Maria's staring. But yes, she’s a hypocrite for calling Maria such, in a clear complaint.
Now welcome to the world of men. Sadly, we men created this. Men have long claimed that women are responsible for our lust. We blame sex and porn for our problems, instead of separating the erotica from the violence and lack of consent — recognizing that it’s not the sex or porn, but those are just the excuse for violence and lack of consent.
As such, it is commonly and socially expected in the US, as well in countless “religious” views, that women should not present as much as men should not stare. Of course, both men and women ignore them. Women flaunt and tease, then complain about stares. Men then take it one step further and use the presentation as an excuse to override her consent. And men sometimes go much further.
Maria's poll on
“Hi! Can I grab your tits?” exposed the statistical realities of this.
[ Link to it and my comment on that blog article in this FreeOnes post: ]
75% of the respondents, those who “read” Score publications and are already in touch with their porn desire, said they’d still never ask. But let’s look at the remainder. Of the remaining 25%, 6% of the did it without asking (violating her right to consent to her own body), meaning only 19% were asked. Nearly two-thirds of women agreed to grant consent, when asked! Only a little over third said no. And only about 1 in 10 women felt justified to resort to violence to just being asked.
In reality, the world is about consent. We need to focus on that. If men would always seek consent, then women would have nothing to fear from men. More women would be into erotica, more women would have consensual sex with men, they would fear less. There would be less violence in the world, as violation of consent is often forceful, with sex being the avenue, not the root cause.
In the same regard, we have millennia upon millennia of recorded history and government where we, as the human race, have enacted both written and unwritten laws to allegedly protect us from ourselves. If we were all mature and focused on consent, we wouldn’t need such bullshit. We’d be open and honest, always asking before taking.
Even clothes exist to deny others by default. So I say if she’s sporting it, totally agreed, she’s a hypocrite to complain about those who look. To call Maria a pervert is just to ignore herself in the mirror, because she herself violated the unwritten law to not show what you don’t want others to see.
And as I stated in Maria's poll, I’m a career professional, and a consultant. So at work, at any client, I don’t even look at women below their neck. Yes, even the full figured beauties I have to work with. And yes, I’ll fully admit the body is the first thing I notice about a woman in a social setting (not her face). But I keep it eye (or mouth, reading her lips) level, until she prompts me, with permission, to do otherwise.
Of course, if a woman starts talking negatively about her body to me, I will try to be accommodating. At some point, if she keeps prompting it, I’ll ask her if I can be honest. If she agrees, I will look her head-to-toe, and then I’ll describe all of her curves. One time another woman who overheard complained at work, even threatening to report me.
That’s when I told her, “Well, you’ll have to report both of us, because she gave me consent, after initiating it all. And you’ll also have to then explain why you listened in, instead of just ignoring two, consenting adults who did not want you in the conversation.”
Hypocrisy is the American way too much, sadly enough. Heck, we outlaws sex in movies, but put violence on TV. But that’s another argument.
Hell, my wife looks at cleavage, I catch her all-the-time. I know she notices me noticing the bodies of other women. She doesn't say anything, as long as I don't. I know both of us just love the female form, and she knows I only want hers because hers is the ultimate consumation of everything I love.