Have anyone in here ever been in a real fight?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
some assholes surely deserve to get smashed! respect.
and what was after that? I wonder if there were some troubles with security guys of that bar, or maybe even with the police.. what you were doing after that fight - did you stay at the bar? and what was this asshole was doing with his broken jaw? just went out? had anybody called ambulance?

An ambulance came and picked the guy up, that was about all that happened. I was a "regular" at the bar so the owners and bartenders knew who I was. The police officer that was acting as the bouncer that night was a friend of my moms too, so no jail time. The best part...I got free drinks for the rest of the night because all the girls at the bar kept buying me shots.

someone once told me "don't bring a knife to a gun fight."

so now I always carry a scud missle strapped to my back whever I go. gotta love the second ammendment.
There is nothing funny about self-defense and I don't think anyone has ever tried to say there is humour to it.

I know your post was attacking the assholes who start fights, but it's not always possible to talk your way out of conflict, sometimes using your fists is the only chance you have.

Good post, you got me there 2 times bud :hatsoff:. I noticed too that the choice of my words was pretty bad but you got the idea that i was trying to say.

People fight, and if you need to (maybe a friend taking a beating) and you can't run then you need to do what people have stated before.

My point was that hitting a man can lead to serious injuries, not many are aware of that. In movies and other media guys just get KO'd if lucky and people think that nothing will happen. Not everyone will win in lottery but still there are winners.

Sure I try to talk, but sometimes some folks don't talk they just lunge at you and hit and don't care if you head hits the floor and die, sometimes there's no way out of it.

Thats my point, people dont think and dont care. That pisses me off, what a waste of (someone elses/yours)life. "doh ill just hit that mofo he looks stupid *kapow* mofo cant work anymore cause he has braininjury"
I've been in 5 fights in my life and I've hit hard and nasty - I didn't pick or start them but I did finish them and they left hurting.
I have been in 10 fights.

Won 8 lost 2

Well I didnt really lose because my friends jumped in and I just backed out.

Im a muscular guy. Kicked my ex gf's bf's asses it was fun. They talk shit on the phone when I call my ex's then I show up at my ex's house and they are shocked ha ah thats my tactic.

I always love pissing my ex's bf's off. :D

Im an ass haa
The "coolest" (no fights are ever really cool) fight I ever got in was a full-on brawl that was made up of like 9 people. 4 on my side, 5 on theirs. The ONLY reason we won was because my buddy dragged himself away from the fight, got back to our van, and found the crowbar in the back. After that it was a fucking BLOODBATH, with our team as clear winners (we were still awake). In all seriousness, I've never enjoyed fistfighting with anyone, but in any case, I'd suggest deceit. Some people might say that it's the sissy way out, but I know now that rumors are the way that your rep as "someone not to fuck" with get started. Put a roll of quarters in your dominant hand and aim for the face. That's it. You'll definitely get spurred on less often when you lay out some asshole with one puch, and all of a sudden, everybody think's you've got one hell of a punch.


Hiliary 2020
do you mean olive complexion or olive oyl (pale white) skin?

Actually that was a line from The Godfather.
The boys in Florida picked fights with me alot because I am Italian looking and was usually with a pretty descent looking chic, and alone in the bar with her.
But I met some really nice people there also.
Actually that was a line from The Godfather.
The boys in Florida picked fights with me alot because I am Italian looking and was usually with a pretty descent looking chic, and alone in the bar with her.
But I met some really nice people there also.
ahh! never seen the godfather. long story. :D
As a kid... a couple fights that were just stupid kids fighting. Me and a friend of mine used to just beat the piss out of eachother for fun... but I have never been in a "real" fight as an adult and it kind of bothers me not to know how I would do.
I have been in to many fights to post. I grew up playing hockey so I was always in a fight here and there. Plus I live in the Ghetto and I'm white, so I am always having to defend myself.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Wait a minute! If you haven't been in a fight you don't know how much fun your missing! :rolleyes: its kind of a mixture of what everybody else has said; you do whatever you have to do to win; and hopefully escape with only minor damage that you recieve; yet you wanna hurt them enough so they won't ever wanna fuck with you again.. thankfully none of my fights ever turned into a weapons battle..

Although I have been in Gun related attacks; I was shot at; at very close range to boot; I wasn't (strapped)= (carrying a gun for those who don't know) when that incident happened!! but if I had been armed when that happened I would probably be serving a life bid right now; and fortunately the guy was a terrible shot!! :bowdown:

through all my years of doing dumbshit I have finally realized how stupid most of us were when we were young.. now I know and have just walked away from confrontation; its not worth it anymore; cuz now its shoot first; fight later mentality.. :hatsoff:
A few as a kid, but they all ended fairly quickly. I never lost, but the fights weren't anything memorable. Started weightlifting/bodybuilding when I hit 20 and I haven't had anyone who has even given me a mean look since, at the same time I am a pretty laid back guy though and tend to stay away from situations. It's doesn't matter how well you fight or how strong you are, one bullet and you are done, a friend of mine was shot over a decade ago, a guy that I worked out with that benched over 450 lbs. One bullet in the chest trying to stop a fight between his brother and some guys resulted in his baby girl being raised without her father. I learned from that and stay out of nonsense.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
how the hell did this thread get bumped up to the front page?? thats where I found it; and decided to post in it; then I realized that the last person to post before myself was july of 07? wtf?? I apologize for rehashing a dinasour thread..
New Years eve 1999 - GLENELG ADELAIDE sth Aust.....waiting in line in a packed HUNGRY JACKS ( Burger king ) when some clown ( shitfaced ) dives through the crowd and pops my mate in the chops , just a bit of a knuckle-slap.....2 or 3 of us escort him back out into the street , no bashing , just a shove and boot up the arse to send him on his way.

5 minutes later , still in line joking with each other about what just happened , no harm done to my buddy so carry on enjoying the night when ..BAM , same bloke KING HITS my mate AGAIN !!!!!

Instant reaction , scoop him up on my shoulders and fling him ( think BROCK LESNAR's F5 / JOHN CENA's FU ) OVER the serviette stand.....crowd make a circle , i race around and give the standard couple of chest stomps when he catches my foot and trips me up......now it's a race to see who makes their feet first and lands the first big right....and i was FATTER than him so he's made it up first and my bacon gets saved by the 2 security guards who haul us off to the copshop.

Moral - If ur gonna blue with a drunk....KNOCK EM OUT STRAIGHT AWAY !!!!!
CNUTS don't feel a thing.....fight should've been over after the throw :eek:

Ground and pound for mine.
Got smacked upside the head with a CLUBLOCK once , was ratarsed at the time but still remember it being so hard it felt SOFT ( go figure )
Have a crooked skull because of it and have to keep my hair short or i look like i'm leaning to the left !!
yeah im only 19....iv being in about 6 or 7 fights there was 1 time when i got beat by 4 on 1 lol i just went into a ball and got the shit kicked out of me
Never. If I fight someone, I'll keep hitting them until they die. That will reslt in jail time. To prevent that from happening, I just avoid fights all together. Becasue of that, I've been called a coward all my life.