Hate More...

Bad head placement

Fat broad in string bikini or swimming with jellyfish?


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Swimming with jellyfish.

Mumbling people or people the say "uh" or "ah" or "um" when they speak?


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I could do without either one!

Crappy food during the holidays or getting a cold during the holidays?


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Cut off by a walker.

Finding out Santa was not real last year or finding out his elves aren't hotties?
Finding out his elves aren't hotties.

Santa getting you a lump of coal or Santa accidentally switching all your gifts with somebody that is a gay transvestite that likes sexual toys?


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Santa accidentally switching all your gifts with somebody that is a gay transvestite that likes sexual toys - Brokeback Santa?

All youtube links being banned from Freeones or All youtube links being banned from Freeones?
All youtube links being banned from Freeones :eek:

Having your chestnut roasted on an open fire or Jack Frost violating your nether regions?


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Jack Frost violating your nether regions.

The Nutcracker performed on your crotch or The Dick In A Box song never ending in your head?
Changing a flat tire in the rain.

Getting hit in the ear with a snowball or getting splashed by a car that runs over a puddle?