Hate More...

Crushed nuts

Stale bread or Weevils in your cereal?


Member, you member...
Shows that should've been cancelled.

Bad lighting in any movie or bad lighting in a porn flick?


Center of the fothermucking universe
Bad lighting in a porn film. Lighting is very important in a porno!

Buying something you've been wanting to get all year then when you check out you find out your credit card is maxed out?

Or wanting to break up and then your significant other says they want to get married?



Center of the fothermucking universe
Neither though the BK King is a bit more creepy!

Finding out you have 6 months to live and on the same day you get in a car accident and it puts you into a non-waking coma?


About to ask the love of your life for their hand in marriage then they come to you wanting to break up?