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no booze for a month

(I can imagine the sex but not the other way around)

Great bands that break up or Bands that keep on touring even though they are in depends?
TV broken

People that are a little too touchy feely even when they don't realize it, or people that scratch their balls without realizing it and want to shake your hand?


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Ballscratchers like Roseanne.

Stepping on an anthill or finding a bug in your plate at a restaurant?
Stepping on an anthill.

Somebody putting a rattlesnake in your bed as a practical joke or getting an atomic wedgie?
Losing a friend. They’re hard to come by. A new enemy would just have to take a number and get in the back of the line.

An earthquake when your putting together a delicate model and you can't back out of it now, or a hailstorm when your car is outside out in the open?


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Getting splashed by a car going through a puddle or poodles?
Splashed by a car going through a puddle.

Post spammers or people who dig up year old threads or people who dig up year-old threads in order to post spam them?


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Old thread bumpers just to spam and thread spammers.

Rats or mice?