Hate More...


Center of the fothermucking universe
Damn man another draw vote from me! Though the havuing to shit with not toilets in sight will suck more, but oh Jesus paper cuts are horrible. Fuckers who say "Oh it's just a paper cut" need to shut the fuck up! Damn I hate paper cuts.

Pissing yourself or shitting yourself?


Hearing a bad song or driving to work turning on the radio and having nothing but commercials the entire trip on your favorite radio station.


Member, you member...
Spoiled brats.

Having to stop to put in gas or Having gas while your in line at a store?
union address. i watch simpsons reruns. the damn speech always knocks the simpsons out. :mad:

jon bon jovi or the guy in the band over there?


Member, you member...

Tearing you shorts scaling a fence or Getting shorted at the burger joint?
Definitely the drink with the cigarette butt.

Falling out of bed when you are barely asleep or something waking you up early and not being able to go back to bed?
something waking you up early and not being able to go back to bed

Not being abole to sleep because of thunder or having to get up and pee every 30 minutes?
cold and wet

Multiple people projectile vomiting in a long elevator ride with you or getting a shave from a barber using a strait razor that has shaky hands?