Clean underwear. Finding boogers under a chair or picking your nose and someone sees you?
jod0565 Member, you member... Oct 28, 2006 #881 Clean underwear. Finding boogers under a chair or picking your nose and someone sees you?
pussypoppa Oct 28, 2006 #885 Splinter you cant get out Waking up with a really old woman next to you or waking up with a man next to you
Splinter you cant get out Waking up with a really old woman next to you or waking up with a man next to you
The mOBSCENE Oct 30, 2006 #888 Abducted.... they touch your ass and shit. Playing a game for hours without saving and it suddenly freezes up on you -or- Your girl on her period.
Abducted.... they touch your ass and shit. Playing a game for hours without saving and it suddenly freezes up on you -or- Your girl on her period.
HeartBroker Nov 1, 2006 #893 getting a ticket Crappy drivers or Having your body torn to pieces and eaten by zombies?
jod0565 Member, you member... Nov 2, 2006 #897 Sardine sammich. Cat scratching your arm or Cat peeing in your car?
drdeath67 Nov 2, 2006 #898 Cat peeing in your car Having your brother and his bitch of a wife living with you or having your brother and his bitch of a wife living with you?
Cat peeing in your car Having your brother and his bitch of a wife living with you or having your brother and his bitch of a wife living with you?