Hate More...

There isn't much difference because one probably causes the other. ;) :1orglaugh

Leaving your slices in the toaster to burn when you don't have time to make more, or almost finishing a recipe and then finding out you don't have one of the ingredients when the supermarket is closed?


Center of the fothermucking universe
One given to me.

Undercooked potatoes or undercooked carrots?

Insomnia, I never want to go through that again.

Which do you hate more:
Going to the doctors, or going to the dentists?


Member, you member...
Home without food - that reminds me....

Stinky cheese or stinky underarms?


Center of the fothermucking universe

Spilt chili down your shirt, one dirties up your shirt and two you're wasting chili, but the upside is I can clean it. Exploding pen makes your shirt FUBAR, I ain't made of money.

Pain from being kicked in the testicles or pain from a migraine headache?
