Has McCain thrown in the towel on the race?

Hold on to your party hats now, it does not say that he's quiting, it does say in that other report that him and Obama where talking about this. How was Obama going to beat him on Friday? Yesterday he went back on about three of his economic promises, but of course you are not going to hear about that.
The Obama cultist you all go crazy and quickly declare victory on anything bad that happens to this country. This shit is some serious shit that in my generation I have not seen and probably a lot of you younger ones. If this deal goes bad I think our democracy is very much in danger and I do believe that Barrack is above petty stuff and he's going to try to do something about it now. One thing for sure that whoever gets to be the president, good luck with that farewell gift that W is leaving behind.

Some of what you say I totally agree with ,some I don't.I have heard Obama is now saying he may have to scale back on his economic proposals but thats not a a bad reflection on him just an acceptance of the new reality he will be facing if elected.As you say whoever is elected GWB has left them a helluva mess.But I do think its hard to imagine small old McCain looking very good on stage next to a tall very bright young Obama,is that all a superficial thing, for sure it is but still it is important.And on substance when they do debate the economy especially McCain as being a proponent of deregulation is going to be in a rough spot explaining how that was a good idea given whats happened.But the most important thing in your post is how grave the situation we are in is.While I am probably one of the older members I am not old enough to remember the depression lol but my parents both grew up in it and I have learned a lot about it from them and history.I think overwhelmingly most people in the country have no idea how bad this may be and what that would mean for them.Just imagine the country with 1/3 of everyone unemployed.And even more then in the 30s this would be emulated world wide.If people think the world is a volatile violent place now ,bunch of hungry people used to having a much different life would make this look like total stability.:eek:
You know what fuck Bush, Dick and Rumsfeld for starting that war and their policies that led us to this shithole that this country is going to. Fuck the people that voted for Bush second term and to those who still defend him or the Bush cult.

This financial crisis has been building up and NOW there's no way around it and is no reason to be a partisan or the be celebrating someone else vistory, that one person who gets elected will not wave a magic wand and fix this in one day or wait till they become president, they both are public employee, senators they need to get to work now.

All I said was as bad as this is, it's not as bad as the $7 Trillion total bill out there building over the last few years. The largest part is where our "leaders", dumped debt into Iraq. There is no mention about what to do about that. If adding $1.6T means $10,000 out of the pocket of every tax payer, the debt accrued by the Bush administration (not spoken about) makes that about $40,000 more. There won't be anything left for anyone to pay their mortgages with, will there?

I kept hearing the word cult in your vocabulary and asked for an explaination. It has nothing to do with Chavez, but the disdain you seem to feel for Obama supporters, and you mention he's untouchable. I dont get that. :dunno:
FL is a light red state.

I think Obama is going to carry FL, PA, OH, MI...he will lose states where the White, Dem voters might be racist..like MT, WV, NH, CO...

Although..given this shocking choice by McCain...perhaps Obama will carry every state if Pub voters become so disenfranchised with McCain that they don't bother showing up at the polls....:dunno:
He wants to work on the failing economy.
Can't he do that and campaign and appear at scheduled debates? How come he can't? Does McCain believe he will now have the time to draft the "savior" legislature that the country needs?:dunno: How can he do that when his first reaction to this mess was "The Fundamentals of the economy are strong.."

President Bush is going to give a national address to "soothe the American Public." What the hell can he say? At the minimum...in order for McCain to retain a shred of credibility..he has to launch into a massive anti-Bush tirade. Just posing as a populist, Republican Jimmy Hoffa is not enough...
McCain is putting aside his campaign for the time being. He isn't quiting. HE IS PUTTING COUNTRY 1ST!!! Maybe Nobama should take his lead and focus on what's best for the country and not a debate. As far as McCain being scared of being on stage with Nobama, why would he be? There will be no teleprompter to tell Nobama what to say during the debate. And when he doesn't have anything to tell him what to say, he falls flat on his face. Just my opinion. And since I am never wrong, I guess it's just a fact.
I think Obama is going to carry FL, PA, OH, MI...he will lose states where the White, Dem voters might be racist..like MT, WV, NH, CO...

Although..given this shocking choice by McCain...perhaps Obama will carry every state if Pub voters become so disenfranchised with McCain that they don't bother showing up at the polls....:dunno:

Of all the email stuff I get everyday, all the McCain supporters I know send me very racist stuff, and pictures of 9/11 and troops in Iraq. The Obama stuff is much more factual, to the point and never uses anything construed as attacking McCain.


Mc"Cane" was a decoy to begin with and we understand him for what he is - fundamentally a democrat. After all, McCain is known as the "single greatest democratic party advocate in the Senate".

Does anybody recall, about 3 months prior to the caucas, John McCain was running in dead last position amongst the pub candidates for President ? Also, Mr. McCain's campaign funds were tapped out and to add insult to injury, his campaign mgr. called it quits.

Then - A week or two prior to the caucas, the pub party was all (or became) ALL ABOUT John McCain ! :confused:.
I couldn't help but notice that only a few select (elite) candidates were "fortunate" enough to receive the valuable exposure / air time, while others remained obscure and unknown.
Why is it that some of the candidates get shut out of the debate while others flourish ?
Answer - Because they might ask difficult questions of media establishments' first choices Obama and McCane. We can't have that !!

If Georges Soreohhs wants Obama to be the next president of the US of A, by all means necessary, he's going to lobby the media elites to expose the worst possible choice amongst the opposition -> John McCain

1 + 1 = 2
This disaster didn't happen overnight, this has been coming on for about 6 or 7 years as far as the mortgage mess goes. Everybody was dumb and happy last week.

While this might look like McCain is rushing to the nearest phonebooth to turn into Superman, he only recently seemed to change his opinion to concerned about the economy. I could be wrong, but that's what I saw.

I think it's like choosing someone like Palin as a candidate. It suggests he has an ace up his sleeve and knows something we don't. But is that really true? I think this is a move to appear concerned, to make Obama appear to not take it seriously enough, and also avoid the debate as I don't think, (as of last week), he really had much to say on the economy. I understand he himself said it's not his strong point. There is little he can personally do about any of it except appear center stage for a while. It's Bernake and Paulsen in front of congress answering questions with him or without him present.
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This disaster didn't happen overnight, this has been coming on for about 6 or 7 years as far as the mortgage mess goes. Everybody was dumb and happy last week.

I hate this. I hate "supermarket banking"! Banks are making instant loans, they are racing with instant messengers. :D

Quantitive growth has failed once again. Banks gave massive loans to everybody and they couldn't pay back. Screw "quantitive approach".

Qualitative growth is the best. Grow slowly but stronger. Gave loans to those who have credibility above the average and got paid back with less risk. I support "qualitative approach".


The democrats have maintained that if we elect John McCain, we get Bush policy. No kidding ! The two are reps in name only - RINOs.

Bush, like McCain is a "pick and choose" republican, in that they're 90 - 95 % liberal socialist.
Being that they're 5 - 10% ideological conservatives, the dems treat them like manure ! You don't cross democratic party policy lines and expect to come out unscathed.

Once a good guy has become identified, that "good guy" can do no wrong.
Once a bad guy has become identified, that "bad guy" can do no right.
It's all about partisan politiks.


"Obama rejects McCain's call to delay debate"

NEW YORK - The economic crisis and raw politics threatened to derail the first presidential debate as John McCain challenged Barack Obama to delay the Friday forum and join forces to help Washington fix the financial mess. Obama rebuffed his GOP rival, saying the next president needs to "deal with more than one thing at once."

"It's my belief that this is exactly the time when the American people need to hear from the person who, in approximately 40 days, will be responsible for dealing with this mess," Obama said at a news conference in Clearwater, Fla. "It's going to be part of the president's job to deal with more than one thing at once."

C'mon John can't ya walk and chew gum at the same time?Can't ya spare a few hours friday night????


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Ehh. As much as I'd like to believe it's over, it's difficult to predict how American voters will respond to stupidity. Usually they take it quite well and feed right off it. I mean.. ::points:: Bush.

This move might relax the dems into a lull while the repubs are plotting something. Time will tell. I wouldnt be surprised to see one of those 'McCain visits the destruction of Ike" commercials on TV. Maybe a christmas dinner scene with Palin and McCain's family sitting around, stuffing their faces. Whatever it is, it's not difficult in the least to score conservative votes. Show some Normal Rockwell type shit.. sit back and call the other guy a liar, and it becomes truth after it's said enough times.

A nice, wholesome... lie. :almost laughs at it:


John McCain is doing what he does best...showing leadership at a time of chaos.
Not the first time...
The Senate is starting to melt down over the bailout; lobbyists were working round the clock to alter the bailout more favorable to the bankers, etc., and the Senate hears a rumble from the citizens, sees torches and pitchforks coming at night to depose the Frankenstein Monster we call the Congress.
Time to get a decent Bailout done, or face a serious loss of Dollar value, a credit scarcity unprecedented for all but the most creditworthy (maybe not such a bad thing). investor panic and stock market plunge of 1000+ points...I think the Presidential Debate can wait while all the Congress gather in the Congress and actually work this out non-stop without a recess.
People...this is serious.
Keeping in mind that John McCain was one of the few who advocated more Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac oversight; his deregulation was always directed towards the Transportaion industry, as well as other over regulated industries, where Government regs were stiffiling movement and innovation.
The Democratic base in Washington advocated (Nancy Pelosi) more affordable loans for lower income families, and quashed any restrictions on FM/FM that would keep housing in the hands of families with good credit/collateral. This is easily checkable...and I notice no one accusing McCain of deregulation flipflopping has a clue what he actually wanted to deregulate.
Interestingly enough, although Obamessiah believers think he is pure, B H Obama ranks #2 in the Senate on the list of Fannie Mae/FreddieMac contributions accepted...that means (I'll type slowly) that he accepted more money from these now bankrupt companies than anyone else but one Senator...who's not John McCain.
I didn't make this up...
There have been many facts changed and forgotten by many, since they don't fit in with a general attitude on this board...I have heard intolerance and racism spew from the mouth of many a Democratic voter, and heard many a Republican advocate a fair and equal deal for all lower and middle income families. The majority of middle income/lower income Americans are not rednecks or racists, yet over and over the intolerant (bigotted) Democrats on this board call me a redneck, a racist, ignorant, uncaring hick if I don't espouse Liberal views.
I would be insulted if it was even close, but truth is sacred to me, and I have never been one to drop a basic belief for a principle...never turn your back on home or family.
I am not a Democrat or a Republican; whoever does the best job of running the country gets my vote.
McCain is not G W Bush.
Obama is an unknown, McCain is not.
Republicans have run alongside Democrats for generations, and some of us vote the man/woman and not the party.
Democrats are a big group, some are dishonest, some aren't.
Same for the republicans.
I hope Obama and all the lawmakers drop everything and get this bailout worked out now...the debates can wait a few days.
America will survive no matter what, but I don't think most of us want to go through the really hard times to come before things get better. There is a small window of opportunity to fix this as best as can be done...I am impressed with B H Obama more now than at any other time seeing him come together with J McCain to do this thing.
Only his campaign can screw this up looking for advantage politically.
McCain is not now and never has been a coward, and only a fool thinks that is the reason for this move.
No party has an evil agenda...only different views on what is the best path for the country.
It takes an informed voter to make the best choice...learn what can be learned before the election, or you're only rolling the dice and waiting to see what happens.:2 cents::2 cents::2 cents:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
John McCain is doing what he does best...showing leadership at a time of chaos.

HA! That's supposed to be a joke...right? :confused:

McCain is showing leadership skills by wanting to put a hold on his campaigning so he can work on this financial crisis? Pleeeeeease. A real leader would be able to do both things at once and not have to make a big deal out of it.


This is not a contest...it's a crisis that requires a lot of attention.
No time for the candidates to be making speeches in other places, facetime in DC is needed now.
How can you see this as some kind of contest, like a "juggle-off" at the county fair?
I want every elected rep in session til this is worked out...no recess, no speeches...do it.

What part of my very sincere post do you think is a joke?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
This is not a contest...it's a crisis that requires a lot of attention.
No time for the candidates to be making speeches in other places, facetime in DC is needed now.
How can you see this as some kind of contest, like a "juggle-off" at the county fair?
I want every elected rep in session til this is worked out...no recess, no speeches...do it.

Unfortunately, it is a contest. Candidates doing what they can to get votes for President is no different than high school girls doing what they can to get votes for Homecoming Queen.

The "crisis" that we're going through has nothing to do with our finances. It has everything to do with the morons in this country who don't understand the value of a dollar.

Personally, I think it's our own stupid fault that we have this "crisis" to begin with. People don't know how to and how to not spend their money. I guarantee that the majority of our country (not just individuals, but companies as well) waste most of their money on stupid, unnecessary crap.

One of the guys I work with makes around $400/week, which equals about $1,600/month. He lives in a two bedroom apartment (by himself, mind you) which costs $1,100/month alone. On top of that, he has to pay for his electric, gas, cable, phone and internet bills. He always buys new clothes and always buys new video games on a constant basis. He also eats take out food quite regularly. He constantly complains about being broke and bitches about how shitty our economy is. No, it's not the economy that's bad, it's his shitty spending habits. If something is your own fault, then you can't bitch about it. That is exactly what is going on with this so-called "financial crisis" that we're in.

The problem isn't the finances...it's the stupid people who don't know how to correctly use the American dollar.

As the saying goes...

"You can't fix stupid."

What part of my very sincere post do you think is a joke?

The part that I quoted.
So I guess Obama is going to debate by himself? peachy...

I would not be surprised if tomorrow or Friday morning Obama says that he'll got back to work to try to fix this. It seems so far the Dems are always following what the Reps do, if the polls indicate that McCain's move is favorable in the public's eye they will do it.