I've noticed that one member has been banned for making "racist comments". I'm curious as to why other members who've made gender bigoted comments aren't banned. For example, just a few posts above, x4g63x made a number of gender bigoted comments focusing solely on the male viewers of videos containing "violent" scenes. Yet it is a known FACT that in the BDSM worlds, there are BOTH male AND female masters as well as BOTH female AND male slaves/submissives. Which proves that not only are there videos and images of violent male domination over women but videos and images of violent women over men (as well as same gender videos and images). Yet the overwhelming opinion seems to it's good if it's female against male but bad if male against female. Indeed, there have been numerous bigoted comments solely against the male population without punishment. Does this mean the forum is gender bigoted against male members? It would be important for me to know. After all, I'm a believer in True Equality and Non-discrimination. My stance is either it's wrong for ANYONE to do it, or it's wrong for NO ONE to do it. Justification, deception, shell-gamery, and so on can be left fluttering in the wind. Meaning you can spout misleading statistics and personal opinion all you want. All I have to do is show several sites containing a mixture of genders and say "if you find it wrong for this group, you should find it wrong for that group. And if you find it wrong, you should condem ALL viewers, not just select groups."
And on the issue of what is good porn and what is bad porn: Freedom of Choice isn't just a shell-gamery catch phrase for pro-abortion. It's a broad term that covers many choices humans make. So long as it doesn't violate someone else's rights, then even what one may find unacceptable should be a freedom for another person. (And yes, I'm aware of the legal contridictions that exist today. No one ever said law was written by intelligent people.) There are some situation I may find undesirable but that doesn't mean I have the right to tell someone else that they don't have the right to partake in it. If everything was spelled out (the scenes and their composition, the "stop commands", etc.) and written in a contract, and no violations of the contract or rights of ANY participants occured, then who are any of us to decide who is "good" and who is "bad"? You can judge people however you want. I'm sure someone else may judge you just as harshly regarding some aspect of you own life and your own interests. And probably feel they have the exact same justifications any of you do for your beliefs.
There are plenty of scenes I have no interest in. Plenty I do. And many probably won't be ones any of you will like. But I have no interest in disrepecting anyone for their desires or likes, even if they don't jibe with mine.
Who am I standing up for in this post? All those individuals who've chosen the path that they are on, even if others find it distasteful (and yes, that includes Ms. Duvalle. It also includes all those who have been disrespected and treated with bigotry simply because they like something that others don't.