I have, yes.
Yes, many, many times but she swore me to secrecy so I can't share.
I met many strippers while I was in law enforcement, and the more I met, the more I had made up my mind that I would never, ever touch one of them sexually. Most of them have some kind of drug problem, mental disorder, or both. Almost all of them are completely self-destructive attention junkies with theeee worst imaginable boyfriends and ex-boyfriends.
And I always go back to this thought I had once while I was in a strip club (last time I was in one): She's after the cash, she has no idea who I am, she's putting on an act to get MONEY, she's covered in the spit of a bunch of 50-year old guys who can't get laid, and... she's coming right at me.
What kind of clubs are you hanging out in, dude? Jeez.
Most guys who go to strip clubs don't do so because "they can't get laid."
It's different at different places, but there are a lot of places out there where what he says is the truth. No matter what kind of place it is, even the classy ones, the strippers are almost always out for the money. There wouldn't be hardly any left if the ones that just do it because they like it were the only ones,
I'm thinking that's true for the vast majority of jobs people do. Those folks flipping burgers at BK are in it just for the money, I'd bet. Let's not make it out as though it were some kind of character flaw. I'm in it for the money (though I usually enjoy the work as well).
Damn you guys who have had a chance to bang strippers. Well I don't really mean "damn you" I just envy you.
Seriously..WHAT THE HELL DOES IT TAKE to go home with stripper for a fling? Does it take being Hot? I'm good looking but not hot. Does it take beign muscular? Please tell me, WHAT DOES IT TAKE???