Mr. Daystar
In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
This subject can be debated all day, but the fact remains...police protection is not guaranteed under the Constitution, the right to defend yourself is. The police can't prevent violent crime, because there are to few, and always be to few of them....the fact is, they are only here to preserve the public peace, and enforce the laws...they generally are there after the crime, to clean up, and attempt to bring to justice, the criminal(s) involved. The only way they will ever be able to prevent every crime, every time, is if there were one officer, for every person...which I think everyone would agree is just impossible, and undesirable. I would also like to point out that, when our Constitution was written, the farmer had the same gun, or a better gun over his fireplace, then the soldier carried into battle...the citizen and the military were on equal ground. My point being, ANY law restricting ANY type of weapon clearly usurps the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution, whose main purpose is to allow it's citizens the ability to protect themselves from an oppressive Government. Last time I checked, the armed forces of thiscountry greatly out gunned it's people, a people whose rights are slowly but surely being stripped away from them under the guise of safety, and security. I find it hard to believe that anyone can look at the sad and pathetic reasons our Government gives for passing gun laws as anything but an excuse to disarm the American people. If anyone thinks that they really give a rats ass about our safety and well being, ask yourself this....why is it they don't seem to care about issues such as the price of fuels, or the price of prescriptions. Why don't they seem to care about the poverty, and hunger of the elderly and homeless? The Politicians look at an episode like Virginia Tech as an opportunity to pass a law, restrict our rights, and move their agenda forward...don't think for one nano second they give a rats ass about one dead means nothing to them...unless he has made a nice fat contribution to someones campaign. The fact is, I have guns, not once has any of my guns sprouted little legs, jumped from the drawer, and gone on a killing spree...nor have they climbed into my bed at night and whispered into my ear, urging me to go on a killing spree. The argument that even law abiding people go bad, or get a mental illness, or have their weapons stolen is a pathetic argument at get stolen, high speed chases kill innocent people, drunk drivers kill people...people are stabbed with kitchen knives...beaten with ball bats, and choked to death slowly by the enraged hands of seemingly law abiding people....don't deny me my rights, because of the actions of the criminal...enforce the laws on the books, and take their civil rights away, not mine. In closing. let me leave you with these thumbnails...they say it all......