if guns are outlawed the only outlaws will have guns. so therefor anyone who has a gun is a criminal and they should be put in jail. seems easy enough to determine to me.
ok, so really what I'm getting at here is that there are silly things, what you would call fantasy, and then there are practical things that can be done. maybe the line is a little bit blurry, but that's how things work. it takes people to do things that seem crazy sometimes to pave the way for new things.
I am not really sure if I want a gun free society and what that entails. I do know that the gun policy we have along with many others, I feel, Isn't working to make society safer or more free or more happy. So the only solution that I can see to is to try to change that by doing new things. I don't know what those new things are, or if they will work, but I support trying them.
If people or a person decides that what they want to do is work toward a gun free society the best and simplest thing that they can do is to not own a gun. You may call that a fantasy and say that it's never going to work, because some people will always have guns no matter what. But just because everyone is not 100% agreed on an idea, does that make it a failure? Most people in europe don't own guns, some do. I think that it's still a test of time how successful that will ultimately be, but it shows that the experiment can be done and at least in that way it's not a failure.