Grits or Hash Browns?

Grits, Hash Browns or???

  • Grits....hell yeah!

    Votes: 7 25.9%
  • Hash Browns; would never eat grits!

    Votes: 7 25.9%
  • Tried grits, prefer hash browns

    Votes: 8 29.6%
  • Don't like either. I'd like some crepes, please (good luck with that in Texas)!.

    Votes: 5 18.5%

  • Total voters
How do you like your grits? Regular, Creamy, or Al Dente?

Vinny Gambini: How could it take you five minutes to cook your grits when it takes the entire grit-eating world 20 minutes?
Mr. Tipton: Um... I'm a fast cook, I guess.
Vinny Gambini: What? I'm sorry I was over there. Did you just say you were a fast cook? Are we to believe that boiling water soaks into a grit faster in your kitchen than any place on the face of the earth?
Mr. Tipton: I don't know.
Vinny Gambini: Perhaps the laws of physics cease to exist on your stove. Were these magic grits? Did you buy them from the same guy who sold Jack his beanstalk beans?
Colonel Nathan R. Jessup: You can't handle the truth!


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
No, not like cream of wheat at all except for the consistency (before adding milk). As ban-one said, if you've had polenta, grits are basically the same thing.

Here's a visual that looks like it could have been taken at any breakfast joint in Texas:


That looks awesome. I'm hungry again.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
Hash browns for sure. I don't like the way grits taste but I also think its a texture thing.. it feels weird in my mouth..

I usually always just get 2 sunny side up eggs, with sourdough toast, diced potatoes, sausage links (because Harley is right, fuck patties!) and grapes/banana.

But I would rather eat Grits over Geotta! ughhh that is the worst thing to come out of a meat factory ever.


I've never tried grits and would've probably never heard of them if not for the movie My Cousin Vinny. Is it similar to cream of wheat? That stuff is good mixed with sweetened condensed milk. That said, I love me some hash browns.

No, not like cream of wheat at all except for the consistency (before adding milk). As ban-one said, if you've had polenta, grits are basically the same thing.

To me, grits and Cream of Wheat are indistinguishable. I know they're different, but they taste exactly the same.

I prefer hashbrowns but, goddammit ya better make 'em right. Give me soggy, greasy potatoes on a plate and my thoughts turn to flamethrowers and grieving relatives.

Here's my way of cooking hashbrowns at home:
Saute some sliced mushrooms, but leave plenty of cooking time
Add shredded/grated potatoes and place mushrooms on top, pat firmly so potatoes cover the bottom of the pan
DON"T TOUCH until the potatoes on the bottom of the pan have had time to develop a good sear
Turn the mix upside down and again, LET IT COOK
Continue the last two steps until you're two minutes out from where you want to be
Add rough chopped onions. I don't want the onions to cook, just to warm up a bit
At this point you can turn off the heat anytime you're ready. This is where I go with THE BEST SCRAMBLED EGGS EVER COOKED BY THE HANDS OF MAN (sound of angels singing in the background)
Plate and munch

Editors Note: People laugh at the concept of "THE BEST SCRAMBLED EGGS EVER COOKED BY THE HANDS OF MAN", until they try mine. Then they shut the fuck up because they're too busy chowing down.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Blood sausage, some day I'll try it if I find it on a breakfast menu. This family restaurant by me serves a breakfast link that I've never seen anywhere else. It is almost as thick as an Italian sausage and has the breakfast sausage taste.


Closed Account
I prefer hashbrowns but, goddammit ya better make 'em right. Give me soggy, greasy potatoes on a plate and my thoughts turn to flamethrowers and grieving relatives.

Here's my way of cooking hashbrowns at home:
Saute some sliced mushrooms, but leave plenty of cooking time
Add shredded/grated potatoes and place mushrooms on top, pat firmly so potatoes cover the bottom of the pan
DON"T TOUCH until the potatoes on the bottom of the pan have had time to develop a good sear
Turn the mix upside down and again, LET IT COOK
Continue the last two steps until you're two minutes out from where you want to be
Add rough chopped onions. I don't want the onions to cook, just to warm up a bit
At this point you can turn off the heat anytime you're ready. This is where I go with THE BEST SCRAMBLED EGGS EVER COOKED BY THE HANDS OF MAN (sound of angels singing in the background)
Plate and munch

Editors Note: People laugh at the concept of "THE BEST SCRAMBLED EGGS EVER COOKED BY THE HANDS OF MAN", until they try mine. Then they shut the fuck up because they're too busy chowing down.
Best scrambled eggs??? I think there is a missing ingredient.
You're also starting a debate on shredded versus cubes.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Editors Note: People laugh at the concept of "THE BEST SCRAMBLED EGGS EVER COOKED BY THE HANDS OF MAN", until they try mine. Then they shut the fuck up because they're too busy chowing down.

I say they're not and would love for you to prove me wrong. I love breakfast and will eat it any time of the day. I grew up in a large family and handling food was something a regular chore of mine. Summer college gigs included being the egg man at a hotel. I rocked my 8 burners. I was completely autonomous and paid better than most of the kitchen crew. Making my own hours was the best part. Prep before the shift or afterwards depending upon what I wanted to do that day.


Best scrambled eggs??? I think there is a missing ingredient.
You're also starting a debate on shredded versus cubes.

If they're cubes it's not hashbrowns. And my scrambled egg recipe/technique goes to the grave with me.


Works for panties
Vinny Gambini: How could it take you five minutes to cook your grits when it takes the entire grit-eating world 20 minutes?

Actually, that 20 minutes depends. It depends on how you want you grits, the humidity, if you cook them covered or uncovered, and how accurately you measured your ingredients. After 20 minutes of covered cooking to let the condensation clean the side of the pot and to keep the heat in so they'll cook faster, they'll be kinda runny, and I don't like runny grits. I like 'em so thick, you can literally (and I have) stand a fork up in them. And to get that, you have to cook them uncovered for another 10 minutes so the steam can escape, thickening the consistency.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I don't mess with making my own hash browns. Too messy, too much work and too much grease. If you're lucky enough to live in the south, a short trip to any Waffle House (gotta be one near you) for some scattered, covered and smothered will do the trick every time. You can also get 'em plain if you want (or chunked, diced, peppered, topped or capped as well....I prefer scattered and smothered....they get nice and crisp!).

I made biscuits and gravy for breakfast this morning. Damn, why can't that be good for you?

Hash browns need to be shredded. It makes for the right texture IMO.

And if you follow this to the letter, you will make the best scrambled eggs ever. Period.


Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I don't really have a preference - I like both about the same. And even though I grew up in the south, I was probably in my late teens or early 20's before I ever tried grits.
I made biscuits and gravy for breakfast this morning. Damn, why can't that be good for you?

Hash browns need to be shredded. It makes for the right texture IMO.

And if you follow this to the letter, you will make the best scrambled eggs ever. Period.

Biscuits and gravy? That sounds fucking disgusting, but in your defence in England the two things are slightly different.

Here's how to serve brekkie.


I made biscuits and gravy for breakfast this morning. Damn, why can't that be good for you?

Hash browns need to be shredded. It makes for the right texture IMO.

And if you follow this to the letter, you will make the best scrambled eggs ever. Period.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to lurkingdirk again.

Never too old or set in my ways to try something new. I'm going to try the creme fraiche idea. I'm glad to see him using a rubber spatula. It's ESSENTIAL. And managing the heat the way he shows is absolutely critical. :thumbsup:


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
"Be a good boyfriend, go upstairs and give it to her in bed."

haha Rep Gordon Ramsay.