Grand theft auto 4 DLC finally coming to......

The DLC episodes for grand theft auto 4,which was exclusive to xbox360 for awhile, is finally coming to ps3 and PC on march 30th. ITs gonna be a retail disc and download too,your choice.
The DLC episodes for grand theft auto 4,which was exclusive to xbox360 for awhile, is finally coming to ps3 and PC on march 30th. ITs gonna be a retail disc and download too,your choice.

First off when did exclusive become well not exclusive. It loses its meaning if just tossed around like it has in the game industry. Oh and hey great for the owners of ps3 and pc's.

Big Poppa Pump

- My Name Is My Name -
Yes, awesome! I almost bought an XBOX elite over Xmas cos I wanted those games so badly! That's great news, and what with the Resident Evil 5 content coming soon it should be a good year for downloadable content!
First off when did exclusive become well not exclusive. It loses its meaning if just tossed around like it has in the game industry. Oh and hey great for the owners of ps3 and pc's.

Exclusive in the videogame industry seems to mean you'll have it for a number of months and then it gets released everywhere else.
Oh this looks like a great year to waste all of my money on fucking PS3 games. Dammit, now who am I gonna sue to get me some cash?
Oh this looks like a great year to waste all of my money on fucking PS3 games. Dammit, now who am I gonna sue to get me some cash?

why dont we meet up and punch each other in the eye sockets,then sue each other for assault,split the money and fucking buy Sony straight up???
^^^That is a great idea. Why hasnt anyone come up with that sooner? A surefire way for us to get rich quick.:thumbsup:
im glad rockstar finally got their head out of their asses but i have this funy feeling that when gta5 comes out the same thing will happen microsoft will pay 50 million to keep the dlc exclusive to xbox
im glad rockstar finally got their head out of their asses but i have this funy feeling that when gta5 comes out the same thing will happen microsoft will pay 50 million to keep the dlc exclusive to xbox

I was thinking the same thing for awhile now but I recently read an article that said its highly unlikely that xbox will do that again. Solely because in the end, it did zero to move systems for the company like they hoped. Ps3 said fuck DLC and answered with insane games this past year and the start of 2010 already and supply for the ps3 is bad right now,theyre selling insane.

Why dish out a bunch of money on DLC for a game that technically the consumer already got their fill on if its gonna do nothing for you in the long run. Its a known fact too that DLC content doesnt sell very well no matter what it is,maps,missions etc. It was stated that only 15% of users that are online regularly,buy DLC regularly. Doesnt sound like its worth paying $$$ for exclusivity of DLC content does it???
im glad rockstar finally got their head out of their asses but i have this funy feeling that when gta5 comes out the same thing will happen microsoft will pay 50 million to keep the dlc exclusive to xbox

Rockstar made the smarter choice. If a company offers you that kind of money, especially for only two years of exclusivity, you'd be a fool to pass it up.
Rockstar made the smarter choice. If a company offers you that kind of money, especially for only two years of exclusivity, you'd be a fool to pass it up.

exactly, no matter what the dev always wins. R* got their money, do you think they give a fuck that it did nothing to move 360's?