Global Warming / Climate Change - Are We Past the Point of No Return??

We're quickly coming to the point where we will not only have to stop emissions of carbon dioxide, but where are going to have to somehow find a way of actually taking it out of the atmosphere.

BioChar. Burn wood in an oxygen-free furnace, and 90% of the carbon gets locked in the charcoal, instead of turning to smoke. Bury the charcoal in farmland, and you've got a great fertiliser as well as getting rid of CO2. :thumbsup:

Global Warming is happening, it's a simple fact, but the reason behind it remains unclear. But whether natural or manmade, it will have an effect on us, so maybe we should just stop all the arguing and try to make a plan for the future, instead of finding someone to blame.

Beaverton Dam. I rest my case. :1orglaugh :wave2:

Edit: I also think we should call it "climate change" not "global warming" as the non-believers always say "last summer was the coolest ever" or something stupid like that, which really ticks me off.
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Global Warming is happening, it's a simple fact,

That's exactly the kind of blind ignorance that has led to this mass hysteria. How is it a fact? How many millions of years have you been tracking weather patterns?

the non-believers always say "last summer was the coolest ever" or something stupid like that, which really ticks me off.

Kinda like all those global warmists who say "last summer was the hottest ever," or "we used to get way more snow in winter," (one of my favs because last winter was the 5th snowiest on record for my area and people were still saying the same shit).

All you global warmists who accept and promote this as absolute concrete truth are just as idiotic and blind as any other religious fanatics.

These are the only real facts about global warming, climate change or any other term you want to apply to it:
1) We don't really know yet if ANY significant change is occurring.
2) If any serious change is occurring, we don't know if it is part of the natural cycle or not.
Over the last 100 years, average temperature has risen: fact. What happened millions of years ago has no bearing on todays problems, as there were no modern humans then, and different creatures were adapted to that specific climate.

Kinda like all those global warmists who say "last summer was the hottest ever," or "we used to get way more snow in winter," (one of my favs because last winter was the 5th snowiest on record for my area and people were still saying the same shit).

Exactly the point I was making. "Last winter was cold, so global warming doesn't exist". What about the other 20 before which were the warmest on record? And why should your tiny part of the world be an indicator of the whole planet? :sleep:


Over the last 100 years, average temperature has risen: fact. What happened millions of years ago has no bearing on todays problems, as there were no modern humans then, and different creatures were adapted to that specific climate.

Exactly the point I was making. "Last winter was cold, so global warming doesn't exist". What about the other 20 before which were the warmest on record? And why should your tiny part of the world be an indicator of the whole planet? :sleep:

Google "Interglacials"
Earth climate IS NOT STATIC !
Global warming is a test balloon, will you believe ?

:sheep: :p
i'm not an expert but we are past the point of no return only because we are unwilling to do what it might take to fix the issue. there's also the issue of whether or not global warming is entirely of human cause vs a natural shift in the earths environment which nothing we could do would change.
Over the last 100 years, average temperature has risen: fact. What happened millions of years ago has no bearing on todays problems, as there were no modern humans then, and different creatures were adapted to that specific climate.

Exactly the point I was making. "Last winter was cold, so global warming doesn't exist". What about the other 20 before which were the warmest on record? And why should your tiny part of the world be an indicator of the whole planet? :sleep:

What happened millions of years ago is relevant if it indicates-as it does-that the temperature of the planet did rise and fall at a time before humans arrived.
OF COURSE the temperature rose over the last 100 years and in the 200 years before that. There was a little ice age in the 1600s and 1700s (when records first began) and when you come out of an ice age , big or little, guess what? It gets warmer.Even so, in the 20th century we saw rising, then falling , rising again (this is the rise that climatologists assumed to be man made) then fell again.
The way they talk about "since records began" is therefore meaningless, if you pick a time when the figures suit your argument it seems to add credibility.But if records had begun when Stonehenge was being built there would be no alarm bells ringing as we are historically still relatively cool.
BioChar. Burn wood in an oxygen-free furnace, and 90% of the carbon gets locked in the charcoal, instead of turning to smoke. Bury the charcoal in farmland, and you've got a great fertiliser as well as getting rid of CO2. :thumbsup:

huh? how are you supposed to burn wood in a vacuum?
In january it barely got above freezing here for the whole month. In the last few weeks, all the snow has melted and we are seeing days getting into the 50s!!! Irrefutable proof of global warming if you ask me.
huh? how are you supposed to burn wood in a vacuum?

Try this link: It's more "heating" the wood rather than burning it, the same way that coal is turned into steel. It's a brilliant idea, originally used by South American farmers over 400 years ago, and now there is a modern hi-tech BioChar furnace up and running in Sussex, I think it is. :thumbsup:

To the rest of you, if you read my first post, you will see that I stated temperatures are rising. You all seem to be in agreement with this, regardless of whether the cause is natural or man-made (which I also stated) so what points are you trying to make? Are you saying a Snowball Earth or a Desert Planet would have no effect on Human civilisation? I can't see it myself. :confused: :wave2:
Try this link: It's more "heating" the wood rather than burning it, the same way that coal is turned into steel. It's a brilliant idea, originally used by South American farmers over 400 years ago, and now there is a modern hi-tech BioChar furnace up and running in Sussex, I think it is. :thumbsup:

To the rest of you, if you read my first post, you will see that I stated temperatures are rising. You all seem to be in agreement with this, regardless of whether the cause is natural or man-made (which I also stated) so what points are you trying to make? Are you saying a Snowball Earth or a Desert Planet would have no effect on Human civilisation? I can't see it myself. :confused: :wave2:

Some confusion here.Pyrolysis is the result of heating up materials.In this process heat is put IN.It's not a way of getting energy out.
not everyone does agree that the earth is getting warmer.

to those that believe that it is not influenced by human activity, I think that they just accept that we are fucked and there is not much we can do about it. not a bad idea really. but it seems to me if we are screwed anyway, then once again, why not take the measures of those that believe the process is reversible? what have we got to lose? nothing.

Ok, I understand your idea heyfellas, but I don't see how that is going to help our energy problems/global warming. the process still requires electricity to produce it (which is usually gas and coal powered, which are burnt to create energy (electricity) and produce CO2 and CO. of course you could use alternative methods.) and the charcoal itself is not a good source of fuel because the process you described just basically separates oxygen and other components from carbon, and then when the carbon (charcoal) is burnt, it rebonds with oxygen in the air and produces carbon mono and dioxide again.
The last link I posted was to explain how wood can be burnt without oxygen. Here is a direct link explaining the whole idea of BioChar , as I said before it is not some pie-in-the-sky fantasy, it is a commercial system which is up and running in several places around the world. The key points are:

*It produces five times the energy that is put in (the burning wood providing all required heat),

*It cleans CO2 from the air, putting the carbon under the soil,

*It can be done without the assistance, or even knowledge, of the general public.

Of course, it only works if the main cause of Climate Change is in fact CO2 emissions, which remains a grey area. I do have my own theory that a chief cause of temperature rise could be direct heat from houses, industry, cars, and any other modern or mechanical item that gives off artificial heat, but like all others this is just a theory in a world full of them. :wave2:
The last link I posted was to explain how wood can be burnt without oxygen. Here is a direct link explaining the whole idea of BioChar , as I said before it is not some pie-in-the-sky fantasy, it is a commercial system which is up and running in several places around the world. The key points are:

*It produces five times the energy that is put in (the burning wood providing all required heat),

*It cleans CO2 from the air, putting the carbon under the soil,

*It can be done without the assistance, or even knowledge, of the general public.

Of course, it only works if the main cause of Climate Change is in fact CO2 emissions, which remains a grey area. I do have my own theory that a chief cause of temperature rise could be direct heat from houses, industry, cars, and any other modern or mechanical item that gives off artificial heat, but like all others this is just a theory in a world full of them. :wave2:

There's a misunderstanding here.What happens is that some of the fuel is burned in the normal way as a source of heat to heat up (pyrolise) the organic matter. It's a very similar process to the gasification of coal .It is a thermodynamic impossibility to get heat from nowhere.The wood can't burn without oxygen of course but it can be loosely describe as being "burnt" just as you would describe it if you put your finger in a flame.What happens is that the carbon content of the wood remains which can be dug unto the soil and remain unchanged.So instead of dead vegetation slowly rotting and returning CO2 to the atmosphere, some of the carbon content is removed from circulation.


Closed Account
I'm just really concerned that the UK and the Netherlands might be sunk under the ocean. The Polar Cap is melting so fast, that water is rising.
I'm just really concerned that the UK and the Netherlands might be sunk under the ocean. The Polar Cap is melting so fast, that water is rising.

Melting of the polar cap won't affect sea levels (basis school physics)
A few thousand years ago Britain was joined to Europe.In just a few years sea levels rose so fast that villages had to be abandoned and we became cut off from the continent.This warming was much faster than anything happening in modern times or even envisiged by the most alarmist climate change protagonists.If nothing else it shows how unwise it is to attribute the relatively small recent warming to human activity.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
The Dark Ages were a mini ice age and the Renaissance was the warm up afterwards. We are heading into that same kind of cycle. Yes poking holes in the ozone sounds frightening. Wear sunscreen.

When Mt Pinitubo in the Phillipines erupted 20 some odd years ago it put more CFCs into the atmosphere than all the automobiles on the planet could put out over a ten year period. Limiting the emissions is a good and noble idea but the idea that we as a race are singularly responsible for climactic change is arrogant.

All the tree hugging, Al Gore loving,bisexual hippies out there who subscribe to these theories sound like Chicken Little crying, "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"
The Dark Ages were a mini ice age and the Renaissance was the warm up afterwards. We are heading into that same kind of cycle. Yes poking holes in the ozone sounds frightening. Wear sunscreen.

When Mt Pinitubo in the Phillipines erupted 20 some odd years ago it put more CFCs into the atmosphere than all the automobiles on the planet could put out over a ten year period. Limiting the emissions is a good and noble idea but the idea that we as a race are singularly responsible for climactic change is arrogant.

All the tree hugging, Al Gore loving,bisexual hippies out there who subscribe to these theories sound like Chicken Little crying, "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"

You do know there is a difference between CFC and greenhouse gases and they aren't necessarily mutually inclusive, and you also know that the hole in the ozone and the problem with climate change are for the most part separate issues...right?