Global Warming / Climate Change - Are We Past the Point of No Return??


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
The only thing that can be proven in respect to Global Warming is that it's warmer now than it was a few hundred years ago. There is no proof or scientific evidence to answer WHY though.

It's all speculation as to why the planet is getting warmer, but most of the information that is highly publicized refuses to state obvious factors that contribute to the planet's warming, like...

- Larger populations (more people = more energy being used = more heat)
- Nature (nature creates, but nature also destroys)
- Tree farming (plants create oxygen and help to purify the air, naturally)

Most scientists say that Global Warming is caused by carbon dioxide emissions. That is the main argument that most scientific research will show. Now, let's take a look at what produces carbdon dioxide (other than pollution), shall we?

- Plants
- Human and animal respiration
- Volcanoes
- Water vapor (oceans, lakes, ponds)
- Decomposing vegetation
- Bacteria
- Etc.

All of those things are natural and naturally produce CO2, yet, most studies have conveniently left out that information. Those things have been contributing to carbon dioxide emissions since the beginning of time. Yet, it's somehow OUR fault, as human beings, for killing the earth.

No, no...I don't buy it.


I could say it's pretty arrogant of you to think that you know what the majority of scientific evidence says or what the majority of the scientific community believes. 5 minutes on google will turn up pretty convincing arguments for both sides.
Spend 7 or 8 minutes reading on Google, and you'll find the largest percentage of concencus
is from scientists in relevant fields who don't agree with the general and incomplete data used to claim the crisis exists, and are non committal at best, while many are skeptical of the baseless claims made by more politicians than scientists, and have yet to see actual hard data that positively points to a definate warming trend.
Many are specifically in disagreement with the theory of global warming being A) unnatural and B)a crisis.
More and more are jumping ship on the theory that was put forth by the Gorester and his Green group. Most of their "evidence" has been found to have been out of context, edited, and grossly exaggerated.
But don't let that stop you...:rofl:
Here's a what if!
What if the southern (warm) regions of the planet become cool,30-40 F,when it's should be 80-90-100 F? Mr. Gore can start calling it Global Cooling.
If we are causing the earth to "warm", How should we go about bringing the temps back up to save the planet?
Everyonne leave cars idling 24 hours a day?
Everyone leave there lights 24 hours a day?
Yeah! Seems kinda scammy to think we can affect the temp. of the plantet!
I'm just sayin'
The only thing that can be proven in respect to Global Warming is that it's warmer now than it was a few hundred years ago. There is no proof or scientific evidence to answer WHY though.

It's all speculation as to why the planet is getting warmer, but most of the information that is highly publicized refuses to state obvious factors that contribute to the planet's warming, like...

- Larger populations (more people = more energy being used = more heat)
- Nature (nature creates, but nature also destroys)
- Tree farming (plants create oxygen and help to purify the air, naturally)

Most scientists say that Global Warming is caused by carbon dioxide emissions. That is the main argument that most scientific research will show. Now, let's take a look at what produces carbdon dioxide (other than pollution), shall we?

- Plants
- Human and animal respiration
- Volcanoes
- Water vapor (oceans, lakes, ponds)
- Decomposing vegetation
- Bacteria
- Etc.

All of those things are natural and naturally produce CO2, yet, most studies have conveniently left out that information. Those things have been contributing to carbon dioxide emissions since the beginning of time. Yet, it's somehow OUR fault, as human beings, for killing the earth.

No, no...I don't buy it.

Not most scientists but many climatologists.But would you ask clergymen whether or not God exists and expect an unbiased opinion?
It's warmer than it was a few hundred years ago because a few hundred years ago was the Little Ice Age.
Caused by humans or nature, either way there is nothing that can be done about it, so I'll do exactly what anyone else will do; Fuck all.

What the hell does that even MEAN? "Fuck all" ?? Well, for starters, you won't actually fuck me or anyone I know. Or does "fuck all" mean you'll cry like a baby and ask the nice lady to help pull you into the lifeboat? :1orglaugh

I could say it's pretty arrogant of you to think that you know what the majority of scientific evidence says or what the majority of the scientific community believes. 5 minutes on google will turn up pretty convincing arguments for both sides.

Oh, sure, yeah - "5 minutes on google" can settle just about any debate, eh?

Spend 7 or 8 minutes reading on Google, and you'll find the largest percentage of concencus
is from scientists in relevant fields who don't agree with the general and incomplete data used to claim the crisis exists, and are non committal at best, while many are skeptical of the baseless claims made by more politicians than scientists, and have yet to see actual hard data that positively points to a definate warming trend.
Many are specifically in disagreement with the theory of global warming being A) unnatural and B)a crisis.
More and more are jumping ship on the theory that was put forth by the Gorester and his Green group. Most of their "evidence" has been found to have been out of context, edited, and grossly exaggerated.
But don't let that stop you...:rofl:

Oh wait, wait - in order to understand that global warming is either a) not happening or b) nothing we can slow down or prevent or c) nothing we can do anything about anyways, so "fuck all" you actually need to spend "7 or 8 minutes on Google" now!

Sure, I can fix that space shuttle - I've seen MacGyver a few times and spent 10 minutes on Google this morning, learning all about space shuttles!!

but the oil companies are just so great, I don't know what I'd do if I had to stop giving them money for the rest of my life! sheesh, what are we going to do, stop pollution? save the environment! use cheap renewable energy? that's ridiculous.

So even if global warming might have a shred of possibility that it might be real (and have catastrophic consequences for everyone on earth), it's best to assume that it isn't.


What the hell does that even MEAN? "Fuck all" ?? Well, for starters, you won't actually fuck me or anyone I know. Or does "fuck all" mean you'll cry like a baby and ask the nice lady to help pull you into the lifeboat? :1orglaugh

Whoops, looks like I've hit a nerve...

Oh, sure, yeah - "5 minutes on google" can settle just about any debate, eh?

About as much as spending 5 minutes believing everything you see on television.

About as much as spending 5 minutes believing everything you see on television.


Great graphic - so true, esp. for the Spleen Network!
what do you have against Dad's spleen?
omg. Climate change again....duh! The climate's always changing. And global warming? The globe ain't warming. It's complete BS in my opinion. Look in the past when giant animals like the dinosaurs and shit used to live was warmer than it is now. Since they were reptiles they would have needed a lot of heat from the sun to warm their bodies, therefore requiring warmer temperatures that what we experience now. And plus the world's coming out of an ice-age. It's only a matter of time when it goes back into an iceage.
I don't know how many times I've said this, but we really haven't been watching weather long enough to know what's happening, if anything, and whether it's natural or not. As has been said by myself and others, vikings were farming in Greenland long before people were driving hemis. We've been living with this global warming thing for so long that it's become absolute truth for too many people, despite the fact that many well qualified professionals are starting to seriously question the legitimacy of this "crisis."

And again, as I've said before, I think the biggest danger to our planet is in misinformed people making some panicked attempt to deliberately fuck with weather patterns and somehow succeeding, only to realize too late that they have seriously damaged the natural order.


omg. Climate change again....duh! The climate's always changing. And global warming? The globe ain't warming. It's complete BS in my opinion.

You'll be pleased to know it's not just your opinion, and one day, it will be everyones.

The thought of that day is so exciting it makes me wetter than a catholic school girl.
here's a riddle for you.

There are more experiments that prove that the earth is flat than one's that prove it to be curved. what do you make of that?

I'm not necessarily suggesting an analog here to global warming, just that there are many different ideas that can be assumed through the scientific method of experimentation.
I propose we spend $10,000,000,000 to help Mars with their global warming too. Why is Mars warming anyway? Could it be the one thing both planets have in common, the sun and sunspots?
why stop there. let's probe uranus.
There are more experiments that prove that the earth is flat than one's that prove it to be curved. what do you make of that?

Wasn't it Einstein who said something along the lines of "100 experiemnts can't prove me right, but 1 can prove me wrong?"
so why do most people accept that the earth is round? From our perspective we can clearly see that it is flat, yet counter-intuitively we still hold onto the belief that it's because our field if vision is not accurate. Even if you fly in an airplane the curve of the earth isn't precisely viewed. Most of us have never bothered to calculate the relative distance between two objects across a field to determine whether they are in a straight line or at different levels to prove which is correct.

The reason that there are more tests that show it to be flat is because once they did a couple tests that showed it to be round, people accepted it and no longer continued to try to prove it. For whatever reasons some people didn't believe it, and they were the ones that kept trying to disprove it. The difference lies in the views of the observer, not of the tests.

Scientists aren't going to calculate every possible weather phenomenon and every single influential factor and then give a list of the probabilities, with a margin of error, of the likelihood of each factor contributing to each phenomenon. That wouldn't tell us anything and no one would want to see it anyway, and if they did they would already draw their own conclusions based on what they were looking for ahead of time. You could say these factors prove global warming to this degree, and you could say these factors disprove global warming to this degree, and ignore all the other data that suggests that neither one of those is the case.

Instead scientists skip ahead to that last step and they do it themselves, conducting an experiment to prove a point that they want to make. that's the scientific method. They are going to look at the data that supports their conclusion. neither theory is based on people observing weather phenominon and then seeing that they fit a pattern. It's based on people saying "I think this is what is happening, so lets see what backs me up."

It's not as satisfying as admitting the truth, which is that we don't really know what is going to happen; we can just make educated guesses.

If an asteroid was coming towards earth and there was a reasonable chance that it would hit us, would you do nothing about it because you weren't convinced that it was a sure thing? Or because you didn't know for certain whether the plan to divert it would work? I've always maintained that it's better to err on the side of caution because being wrong about a horrible prediction just makes us look silly. being right makes us dead.


Re: Global Warming / Climate Change - Are We Past the Point of No Return??

Global warming by it's very design is a perpetual crisis.
You have to aplaud the anti capitalist enviro weenies in this country, making a killing in profits themselves, as they go about spreading their good word of the earth propaganda via their friends and colleagues in the realm of education, the main stream media and the arts.

Global warming has become a fashionable mania, if you will. Get over it and let real impartial scientists handle our environment, NOT a bunch of attorneys with an agenda.

Thank You very much :)


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
There are more experiments that prove that the earth is flat than one's that prove it to be curved. what do you make of that?

What experiments would they be I wonder? Point me to them..