Global Warming / Climate Change - Are We Past the Point of No Return??

Past the point of no return is cool when you're about to blow a load, but not so cool when the fate of the planet and at least a goodly portion of humanity (and our life as we know it) is at stake.

Excellent science-oriented blog about climate change, chock full of charts, graphs and maps (not full of BS from Exxon-funded "dissenters"):

(see especially their Worldwide Temperature Anomalies maps - done every month!)

Sobering article, very much worth the read:,0,646220.story


Nowhere is the evidence of a heating planet more dramatic than in the polar regions. Over the last 50 years, the Arctic has warmed twice as fast as the rest of the globe. Last summer, for the first time in recorded history, the North Pole could be circumnavigated. Ice sheets on Greenland and West Antarctica are melting rapidly. Polar bears and emperor penguins are threatened with extinction.

Even as glaciers and sea ice have captured the most headlines, growing concern is now focused on the transformation of permafrost -- soils that are frozen year-round.

Today, 20% of Earth's land surface is locked up in a deep freeze. But scientists predict that air temperature in the Arctic is likely to rise as much as 6 degrees Celsius (10.8 degrees Fahrenheit) by the end of the century. That is expected to boost the emission of carbon compounds from soils.

The upper 3 meters (about 10 feet) of permafrost store 1.7 trillion metric tons of carbon, more than double the amount in the atmosphere today, according to a recent study in the journal Bioscience.

"We are seeing thawing down to 5 meters," says geophysicist Vladimir Romanovsky of the University of Alaska. "A third to a half of permafrost is already within a degree to a degree and a half [Celsius] of thawing."

If only 1% of permafrost carbon were to be released each year, that could double the globe's current annual carbon emissions, Romanovsky notes. "We are at a tipping point for positive feedback," he warns, referring to a process where warming spurs emissions, which in turn generate more heat, in an uncontrollable cycle.



Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
::the average person in the crowd steps forward and yells::
One of the more interesting things about the climate change issue is whats known as "global dimming" which is the effect of air pollution preventing as much warming as there would be if the air was cleaner.We are so on a course to climate catastrophe only people with what I call "ostrich mentality" still deny it.
As those links show what we have done with all this release of Co2 from mans activities in the last 100 to 150 years and it has been accelerating is rapidly coming to a head and will result in massive releases of even more now locked up Co2.I am very pessemistic that really we can do anything about it as with the increasing population and developement in the world we are just going to constantly be increasing the Co2 no matter what we do.The only real question is how soon it really becomes a catastrophe and what exactly that will look like.Mass extinctions of animal and plant life and possibly total extinctions are almost built in.The end of the world as we know it in a few decades at most the way we are going.
We're quickly coming to the point where we will not only have to stop emissions of carbon dioxide, but where are going to have to somehow find a way of actually taking it out of the atmosphere. When scientist around the world have been warning us for years that something needed to be done right away and we did nothing, you know it's not going to end well.
Definitely. I used to sit in my closet burning candles and praying that judgement day would be nice to me, but now I do it without the candles. I also fart into empty jam jars so that I don't hurt the atmosphere with my flatulence either.


Closed Account
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, and not even $2 000 000 000 000 dollars can put him back together again.

As much as I don't like winter much, I am really dreading this year's summer. Australia barely made it through.

Then of course there's next year, and the next.


I can't fucking wait for everyone to realise what a joke this global warming shit is.

It's nothing to do with us. It's natural. Move on with your lives.

The Paulinator

Spreading the seed
I can't fucking wait for everyone to realise what a joke this global warming shit is.

It's nothing to do with us. It's natural. Move on with your lives.

It is with absolute arrogance that humanity
1) Claims complete responsibility
2) Believes humanity can control it

And just how are we certain that we will not over-do it in our back-pedaling and turn the earth into another of trillions of trillions of balls of ice floating in space?

Right - just like that hole in the ozone layer, I suppose???

And if YOU turn out to be wrong about global warming, what will you say or do?

This would actually be a projection, had we continued polluting at 1974 levels (+ a 3% annual raise) It's also a computer model, the likes of which have also predicted 15-18 Hurricanes making landfall last year (There was actually 1 in the last 3 years)

That and it's from fucking Blogspot :confused:

I just might have bought into this had the solution been something other than giving the US government money, and the obvious presence of anti-capitalists in this movement.

The Paulinator

Spreading the seed
We control all our emissions, output zero carbon (The reasoning of which, I can only surmise, is to kill all plant life), and one volcanic eruption fucks it all up.

Worth worrying about less than the "massive asteroid hitting Earth" thing


And if YOU turn out to be wrong about global warming, what will you say or do?

Caused by humans or nature, either way there is nothing that can be done about it, so I'll do exactly what anyone else will do; Fuck all.

BUT OHHH, WAIT, I KNOW, maybe if I buy an energy efficient lightbulb I'll be able to save the world... :rolleyes:
Actually, I think it's arrogant to not believe something when the overwhelming amount of scientific evidence points to something and when the overwhelming majority of the scientific community believe it.

Caused by humans or nature, either way there is nothing that can be done about it, so I'll do exactly what anyone else will do; Fuck all.

BUT OHHH, WAIT, I KNOW, maybe if I buy an energy efficient lightbulb I'll be able to save the world... :rolleyes:

That's a great strategy. Keep claiming nothing is wrong or it's all a myth, and then when in future it inevitably comes true just throw up your hands, shrug, and say, "Well, there is nothing we can do now, so lets go and burn more coal." :rolleyes:
I think it's arrogant to not believe something when the overwhelming amount of scientific evidence points to something and when the overwhelming majority of the scientific community believe it.

I could say it's pretty arrogant of you to think that you know what the majority of scientific evidence says or what the majority of the scientific community believes. 5 minutes on google will turn up pretty convincing arguments for both sides.
We can only hope so. Too many damn people in the world already. Global warming is just the earth's way of culling the excess human population.