It's no surprise that, since the FN is tough on Islam and Islam is anti-gay, many gay voters think the FN is the party tht would defend their interests best. And the head of the party pays attention not to hurt gay voters. Marine Lepen refused to participate to the huge anti-gay marriage protests a few years ago. But what is true when you talk about th head of the party isn't when you talk about its base.
A big part of FN voters and registrate members are traditionnal catholics who are very much anti-gay. Marion Marechalk-Lpen, grand-daughter of founder Jean-Marie Lepen and niece of Marine Lepen is the "leader" of that side of the FN. She was front row in nearly every anti-gay marriage protests in Paris, even tought politicians from the establishment right avoided to be anywhere near to her...
About 6 monthes ago, a gay FN exectuvive resigned because of the rampant homophobio he encoutered inside the party. On Facebook he motivated his explained that, althoght he registered for partiotic reason, trusting that the party's ideology, he explained how he became a militant, how he accepted to take responsabilities in the party. He also explains how he was called a "LGBT parasite", a "sodomite", a "pederastic waste", etc. And he tells how, when reaching the head of the party and reporting that, all they did was telling him to endure this in silent. (it's in french)
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It's no surprise that, since the FN is tough on Islam and Islam is anti-gay, many gay voters think the FN is the party tht would defend their interests best. And the head of the party pays attention not to hurt gay voters. Marine Lepen refused to participate to the huge anti-gay marriage protests a few years ago. But what is true when you talk about th head of the party isn't when you talk about its base.
A big part of FN voters and registrate members are traditionnal catholics who are very much anti-gay. Marion Marechalk-Lpen, grand-daughter of founder Jean-Marie Lepen and niece of Marine Lepen is the "leader" of that side of the FN. She was front row in nearly every anti-gay marriage protests in Paris, even tought politicians from the establishment right avoided to be anywhere near to her...
About 6 monthes ago, a gay FN exectuvive resigned because of the rampant homophobio he encoutered inside the party. On Facebook he motivated his explained that, althoght he registered for partiotic reason, trusting that the party's ideology, he explained how he became a militant, how he accepted to take responsabilities in the party. He also explains how he was called a "LGBT parasite", a "sodomite", a "pederastic waste", etc. And he tells how, when reaching the head of the party and reporting that, all they did was telling him to endure this in silent. (it's in french)