Gay Rights?

Should Gays have equal Rights?

  • Yes

    Votes: 84 65.6%
  • No

    Votes: 44 34.4%

  • Total voters

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Only if both chicks are totally hot.
The difference between Gay and Heterosexual is what's going on by the night in our chamber, and it's nobody's business. Beside that, all the same people.
I ask myself why this is even an issue.Gay,straight,bisexual,I don't see why make such a big fuss about it. I don't understand why society refuses to make legal something that is perfectly normal,that has been happening for years (gay couples,living as married) and that is in no way harmful to society.On the contrary,gay marriage will even a positive thing.
And children,yes,why not? Would you rather have kids being raised in an orphanage than by two people that love each other?Think of all the babies that have lost their parents etc etc.Why not give them a home,a family?
Sure ,a different family than mine or yours, but a family nontheless. Society might have trouble accepting it in the begginning, but it'll get used to it.Maybe the first generation of kids are going to be made fun of at school,but the next will be ok.
Besides,gay men are raising children.there are men that were married (to a woman), got divorced and are now living with their boyfriend and raising the kid.No one is going to take his kid away from him,so why not give a couple the right to adopt?
Society should try to make people lead a happy life.Not all people of course (like child molestors for instance), but since being gay is not illegal (at least in some countries it isn't..) I don't see why they should not have the right to get married.
More gay marriages, means more single women!!!!Think about it.....


Closed Account
The only reason i don't think gays/lesbians shouldn't be allowed to adopt or raise children is because kids growing up need a mother figure AND a father figure... When you have two fathers or two mothers, the is no balance, which could affect the childs social and general life skills.


knows petras secret: she farted.
Well, um, rapists, child molesters, murders are people too. Should they have equal rights? Not that I'm comparing these people to gays.

But anyway, I'm on the fence over the whole thing. I guess they should have some sort of contractual agreement, like a marriage. But I guess I just worry about the children.

thats the best thing u've said so far. child molesters, rapists, and murders should not have the same rights and freedom as everyone else so saying all people should have equal rights is an inncorect generalization.

regarding "gay" marriage, i dont think the term marriage should be used. marriage originally was built under the light of religion, and homosexuality is not only just a sin, but an abomination onto the Lord. with respect to homosexuals, as humans, i agree they can have some sort of contracted living together tax break ammendum that allows them the benefits of marriage with out the insult of chritianity and like religions holding marriage as a sacred thing.

i stand strong that children should NOT be involved in these bonds. the influence of growing up with 2 fathers or 2 mothers cannot be psychologically good for a child or children. plain and simple. those with children should agree. children are very special and innocent.

if gays want to be together, fine. then be together. if they want the benefits of marraige and are going to be exclusive with the other, thats fine too. let them sign a contract that gives them those things, but marriage is not what that should be called.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
The only reason i don't think gays/lesbians shouldn't be allowed to adopt or raise children is because kids growing up need a mother figure AND a father figure... When you have two fathers or two mothers, the is no balance, which could affect the childs social and general life skills.

How many kids are out there with no parents at all??? How about single moms or dads? Should they not be allowed to raise children as well? I say anyone who has compassion, love, care and wisdom to share with a child is worthy of being a parent regardless of gender.

What ever happened to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"???
You know, Penn & Teller did an episode of Bullshit! about family values. You should watch it. One researcher states that gay and lesbian parents are no more likely to produce gay or lesbian children than any other families, which makes sense.
From what I learned in psychology class, I do believe that hormones (testosterone) can be what decides a persons "sexual preference." I don't know if it's the only thing that decides it (I would guess not). I base this belief on the fact that 100% of pseudo-hermaphrodite males are all solely physically attracted to men and are very girly. A pseudo-hermaphrodite, at the very least in this case (I don't remember what the female version was if there was one), is a male whose body does/can not use testosterone and therefore looks more like a female.

Some more random information: Woman who are questioned on a scale between extremely homosexual, extremely heterosexual, and everything in between are much more often closer in the middle than men. Men usually pick one extreme or the other.

More random information part 2: There's higher percentages of homosexuals in densely populated areas. I don't know why.

Answer to question: Yes they should have equal rights, but not including marriage. Marriage comes from the Christianity, which is based on the Bible, and the Bible says it's between a man and a woman. However, the state and religion are supposed to be separate. Therefore, the gov't needs to stop recognizing marriages and make up something new that's the same thing that includes homosexuals. In conclusion, yes.
Why are people so sensitive on the word "marriage"?
What is the difference if you call it "rikly tookle" or "marriage"?
It's the same thing:The State recognizing the union between two people.
Call it marriage and get it over with,without trying to find a new, politicaly correct, word.
Marriage has been around way before christianity,before the Bible.let's not get religion involved into this.Why on earth do people want to base their lives today on a book written two thousand years ago??????
Imagine if the Bible was written by gay men or sheep-lovers and said that marriage should be between two men,or between a man and a sheep.Whould everyone we chasing straight couples around?
marriage [mar-ij] – noun

1. the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.
2. the state, condition, or relationship of being married; wedlock: a happy marriage.
3. the legal or religious ceremony that formalizes the decision of a man and woman to live as husband and wife, including the accompanying social festivities: to officiate at a marriage.
4. a relationship in which two people have pledged themselves to each other in the manner of a husband and wife.
5. the formal declaration or contract by which act a man and a woman join in wedlock.

Give them all the rights they want, just don't give them marriage. Because the definition of marriage, does not allow for the inclusion of homosexuals.

And if you want to change the definition of this word to the complete opposite of what it means now, then you might as well change the definition of the words smart and intelligent. That way these words could finally be used to describe Fox.
That won't happen. There will always be plenty of men who want to father children, and plenty of women who want to be mothers.
No. If men continue to fuck men then the human race dies out.

the human race is going to die out one day anyway. not from wars, famine, or disease. but from the sun burning out. so a little man on man or woman on woman action isnt going to be the end of the world.
I have the feeling that some people fear that if you give the right of marriage to the gay community,then EVERYONE will turn's like abortions:if it's legal,then there won't be any kids anymore.doesn't make ain't gonna happen like that.
Tha definition in the dictionary my friend is that of today.if society decides so,it changes.Language changes.The meaning of words changes,if the people decide to do so.and they don't even decide,language moves on,evolves.without asking anyone.
Several years ago a website like this would be considered "evil,perverted,immoral "etc, pornography was linked to prostitution,sin,filth etc.Hopefully, people today are more open-minded about it...
Wait a minute...there are people that STILL think seems that some people's minds are not ready to open up yet.