Gay Rights?

Should Gays have equal Rights?

  • Yes

    Votes: 84 65.6%
  • No

    Votes: 44 34.4%

  • Total voters
We haven't advanced to the point where we can say that homosexuality is entirely biological or psychological or how much psychology is linked to genetics for that matter. The world hasn't even come close to a consensus on the nature vs. nurture debate, and it's not like I know more than all the world experts who either don't know or don't agree with each other. Unless concrete evidence comes up, it's a stretch to say things one way or another and assume that they are true. It isn't impossible that humans have gone to a point where we think in terms past just being a biological system anymore.

There is no way to tell what is a defect and what is normal yet. The left-handed example is a good example of that. We would have to ignore the fact that left-handers have an advantage over right-handed things (especially in the animal world where they have an advantage in fighting) because they are more adaptable, more ambidextrous, and their percentage of the population seems to be growing at any rate. That would be a strange thing for something with a defect to have. Usually evolution weeds defects out over time. We would have to admit that either, it was never a defect, or some things have now gone to the point where they are not totally bound by evolution, especially with humans. When you add in physiological aspects it even become that much more incredibly muddled and hard to determine from a biological standpoint.
Like a lot of Science, it does not take into account the emotional, human aspect of being human. That which makes us human. That which scientists would say is all scientifically explicable, but others would say is not. We have souls. Your religious or scientific beliefs might define or disprove that, but most people believe in some kind of emotional spirituality that is other than pure biological science. Biology makes us machines. If we do not act like machines are scientifically "supposed" to, we can be branded "defective". That, to me, is not what we are.

And to me, it just sounds like wishful thinking, that we're somehow special. Humans being the ultimate creation, the sun revolving around Earth and so on, so forth. I can show you a brain, I can show you how it responds to stimulation, what it has in common with more primitive brains, and to some extent, what parts does what. Can you show me a soul? I don't subscribe to such things, because it statistically seems to have a fairly good chance of being wrong. Whenever something is considered spiritual or magical etc., it seems it is merely because we lack a closely enough approximated explanation. Winds are caused by the sun heating up air, not a giant eagle flapping its wings. People seem to be offended by the notion that we are biological machines, and again, I don't quite get why. So what if we are?

When you say (a) is normal and (b) is defective, it quite clearly and very simply implies that there is something imperfect or undesirable and unnatural about (b).

Unnatural, possibly. Imperfect or undesirable, hardly, at least not by default. If I had functional wings, that'd be a defect. It's quite clearly not something I'm supposed to have as a human. Apart from the physical impossibility of supporting the weight of a human with a realistic wingspan (not to mention the difficulty of finding clothes that fit), I'd be quite happy to have functional wings. It's an extreme example, but it's only to illustrate a point. Take Einstein again. If I could get a defective brain that would help me come up with stuff like he did, I'd take it. I suppose I could call it "different" if you'd prefer, it's just semantics.

In a scientific evolutionary sense, if procreating is our given end, maybe it is undesirable to be homosexual and not have children, but then again, we are overpopulating the world, so maybe it in a scientific and evolutionary sense it IS actually desirable. And the defect in *humans* is to spread across the earth like a virus. So therefore homosexuality, in a certain percentage of the people, could even be nature's way of regulating our own defects - therefore it would be something to aspire to, not a "defect". WHO really knows.

Indeed, and I believe I mentioned something similar. The thing is though, I have no evidence to believe that this is the purpose of homosexuality. It has been observed in animals where this would not be a valid reason. It may very well be some sort of dormant failsafe, but how it would come to be before it is necessary is beyond me.
I'm more inclined to believe that we're a bit too successful for our own good. Nature will take care of it eventually, though it'll probably mean we get to see far more wars, the decline of our and quite likely other species, and possibly the destruction of the planet for a couple of thousand years, but nature is not going to bat an eyelash. She's patient, and starting over with the surviving cockroaches will not be a problem. Better luck next time.

What we do know for sure is that calling homosexuality "defective", however innocent you claim that claim is (meaning, you say it's not homophobic to call homosexuality a defect, but I don't see it in any science books, because (a) it's not proven science it's your theory and (b) it's damn well homophobic even if you're not ) is only going to fuel homophobia, and your scientific energy and brilliant mind would be *far* better spent pondering things like how to save our world, or how to bridge social differences, or cure diseases, than coming up with very well argued scientific theories on why homosexuals are defective as human beings.

If a human male brain responds in the same way to sexual stimulation as I would expect a human female brain to do, then yes, I would say that something is not as it should be there. Again, this doesn't mean much more to me than someone being left handed, but I'm not going to pretend there's not something odd going on. Quite frankly, left handed people bother me more because they actually affect my life in a slightly negative way from time to time. Like I said, homosexuality is at this point even a good thing as I see it. Less humans reproducing, increased chances for me to get a woman if it's a male homosexual or good porn if it's not, and so on.
As for homophobia, it is rooted in moral issues rather than a direct objection to the biological one. If they are against it, they will be against it whether homosexuality is a defect or hetrosexuality is.

As for what I spend my time on, I do believe that is my business, but if you must know, I don't spend a lot of time researching homosexuality. In case I haven't made it clear, I don't really care who or what you sleep with, as long as there is consent. Stop arguing with me if you don't like me arguing with you.
As far as saving our world goes, there's a good chance we're screwed already. Fusion technology, vastly improved utilization of renewable resources or population control are the things I can think of, and neither is realistic at the moment (although fusion might be possible if a method of containing it can be found, I'm pretty skeptical about cold fusion). Without either, resources will run out, wars will start, and things will go to hell in a handbasket. That is unless Black Death v2.0 sneaks up and takes care of us first. Or we could move to another planet, although that is even less realistic than the two previous suggestions.

This kind of "science" fuels discrimination. Darwin made that kind of scientific discrimination very popular. Why do you want to be a part of that? If we want to move beyond "alpha male" syndrome and try and create a world where all are respected as equals, then we cannot make a science of determining that the ideal human being is. In the extreme case, you get a world of Aryans or a world of pure Castilian Spaniards or a world of Sunni Muslims or "pure" Jews depending on what your image of human perfection is. In the modern American sense, you get a stable, middle-to-upper class heterosexual well-to-do couple, moderately liberal christians, with decent careers and no worrying medical history. Scary.

Again, you're talking about social issues. I'm not. Race, politics, career, religion have nothing to do with what I'm talking about. I'm not suggesting discriminating homosexuals any more than left handed people, unless it can be shown that there's something that either can't do well enough. I don't believe in discriminating women either, but it is a fact that women are on average weaker than men are, so I don't expect to see 50/50 in areas where physical strength is important. If a woman becomes a fire(wo)man despite not being qualified compared to the men, equality and fair chances are not going to mean a damn thing to me if I'm stuck in a burning building and she is not strong enough to get me out. I expect people to be capable regardless of race or sexuality etc. If they are not, I'll treat them the same, regardless of race/sexuality/..., which is to say, I'll be against them doing it.

Pheromones and hormones explain what makes us all frisky, physically, but nothing explains what makes us truly attracted to someone, male or female...

a) That's not entierly true, and b) see above about lack of explanations.

...but don't you realize that arguing against what I am advocating is arguing against equality?

No, actually, I don't. I'm not sure what you're arguing against or think I'm arguing for, but it has nothing to do with equality (unless your interpretation of it is along the lines of the women in the FD example I mentioned, in which case I'll have to politely ask you to stuff it).
*Shrugs* Call it whatever you want then. Different, mutation, feature, attribute, improvement, doesn't matter to me. I call it defective because that's what I'd say about something that doesn't work like it normally does for no apparent reason. Provide me with a valid reason for its existance and I'll call it something else.

I don't "work" yet. I spent most of my life not having a clue what to do, so I ended up doing a bit of everything and not getting much done. I've studied a bit of humanism (philosophy, psychology and religion/mythology), science (some biology and very little chemistry, mostly physics), and now I'm doing computers which I might stick with. Not the most glorious line of work maybe, but there's room for creativity and reasoning and computers tend to behave, unlike people and science.
I don't generally describe people as defective just because they have an attribute I might consider defective. It wouldn't be a very useful term if it could be applied to everyone, which is more or less the case. I think I mentioned it before, everyone has some type of defect, some are just more noticable than others. Someone would have to be screwed up pretty badly for me to call them defective, but then again, I don't mind as long as they don't have a problem with it and no one else gets hurt.

But if you'd feel more comfortable, just replace the word with "an unusual variation of the response of synapses active in areas of the brain dealing with sexual stimulation" or something to that extent (I don't actually remember the details except that something looked like it belonged to the opposite gender, so don't quote me on that).
*Sigh* "a slightly less common variation of the response of synapses active in areas of the brain dealing with sexual stimulation".
How unusual is something that appears in 15% or more of the population, and doesn't take into consideration all of the people who are slightly or very bisexual? Homo and hetero isn't an all or nothing thing, and some people become more straight, more bi, more gay, or less, as time goes by. But is "unusual" really accurate? :)

Uhh...15% of the population.....I doubt it. You would have to take the most un-conservative estimate among the ones that have been done to reach that amount.

D-rock said:
When you add in physiological aspects it even become that much more incredibly muddled and hard to determine from a biological standpoint.

I made a mistake here. Physiological should be psychological.
Those kids will be ridiculed their entire youth for having gay parents, which will result in them killing themsevles and/or others.

well you are still here, so who have you killed?
I've tried to stay out of this thread in general because of the nauseating amount of disinformation:


But if you'd feel more comfortable, just replace the word with "an unusual variation of the response of synapses active in areas of the brain dealing with sexual stimulation" or something to that extent (I don't actually remember the details except that something looked like it belonged to the opposite gender, so don't quote me on that).

All just a big bunch of pseudo-scientific hokus-pokus. I've asked you before and you never bothered to answer me in proper, so I'll try again:

1. Are homosexuals less than Homo sapiens? Or are "Homo Sexuals" a class/species/genus other than "Homo sapiens"?

if so you have two choices ---->
1. Homosexuals are a part of Homo sapiens and thus as "human beings" are entitled to the same RIGHTS as everyone else is....

2. ... or you can start your own classification system of homosexuals and inform me about it.

What I did claim was that I believe the community in which the child is raised might treat it badly, and I would not want to sentence a child to being bullied at school for years. Children get bullied for all kinds of things, I cannot even imagine how much ammunition gay parents would be. What you need to do is prove to me (and everyone else) that being raised by gay parents is not harmful, directly or indirectly, for a child. So far, you've pretty much only said that the sexual orientation is biological and not affected by the parents (to which I'll say "duh"), and that gay people can be good parents too (again, "duh"). That's nice and all, but it's far from everything.
Actually - you are using a societal "excuse" to justify your own prejudice. I can think of a hundred and one reasons for a child being bullied - and none of them have to do anything with his/her parents being gay. You're grasping at thin air....

Let me re-iterate your own prose form earlier on in this thread:
If a child will be harmed in any way from being raised by homosexual parents, whether this is the fault of the parents or the reaction from the rest of the world, then gay people shouldn't be allowed to adopt
Despite the fact that you ADMIT that "other factors might be involved" ("I'd like to stress that it has fairly little to do with homosexuality and I'd say the same thing about any factor that can negatively influence the well-being of the child.") ... you don't seem to pause nary a bit in casting judgement on an entire section of your fellow populace .. with no evidence other that "their kids might be taunted through school".

You are SO concerned about the future welfare of kids ... that you completely ignore the kids who DO grow up well adjusted under single parent homes???

You are so focused on proving same-sex adoption as being "harmful for kids" that you'd rather let those children rot through our State system of "foster homes" than find a loving adopted home... be they the same sex???

You are so "concerned about the welfare of the kids" that you'd use an argument about the potential molestation of kids from "same sex households" by OTHER KIDS as a justification of withholding parental rights from gays?

In fact - you are so 'concerned' about "same sex households" that you ignore the very REAL and very PRESENT threat of heterosexual households and the immense suffering they cause children on a monthly... NAY.. DAILY fucking basis!!!! Do I hear you arguing for State mediation in hetero-couples and their children based on their "success" rate? Or how about how "well adjusted their children are?" Shouldn't we compare how many kids of hetero-parents go on to commit all kinds of crime?

Shouldn't Hetero couples with their abysmal divorce rate need to seek State sanction to bear and raise children so that the kids are brought up in loving homes? I mean, why should the kids suffer the tangle of divorce and child custody?

Do I need to go on?

You know.... I don't even need the "all men are created equal" part of the supreme law of the land [The Constitution] to dismiss your arguments as the 'clutching on straws' part that they are....

All just a big bunch of pseudo-scientific hokus-pokus. I've asked you before and you never bothered to answer me in proper, so I'll try again:

1. Are homosexuals less than Homo sapiens? Or are "Homo Sexuals" a class/species/genus other than "Homo sapiens"?

if so you have two choices ---->
1. Homosexuals are a part of Homo sapiens and thus as "human beings" are entitled to the same RIGHTS as everyone else is....

I thought I had made it fairly clear by now; they are entitled to the same things as a non-homosexual person. That being said, I also believe that a person doesn't automatically have certain rights, more specifically, those that would allow the person to harm someone else. If a person is an unfit parent for whatever reason, including their sexuality, then they shouldn't have children. Human rights is an invention, not divine law. It's a fairly new concept, not even applied universally yet, and I see no reason why they shouldn't be given or taken away when it is appropriate.

As for the rest of your post, I would suggest you read again what I've said. I don't directly support adoption for homosexual people, true. I support the status quo, meaning essentially that I don't have to prove squat; you do (at least if you want a change). Had adoption been an entierly new concept, I would've asked the same from hetrosexual couples. Or single parents. Or whatever other group that would want to adopt. I would ask the same if people wanted to prevent certain groups from adopting (assuming they are currently allowed to). The same goes for any right applied to any group you can think of. If it may be harmful to someone, I want proof that it's not before I accept it.
I'm not claiming that homosexual parents will be bad for a child. I'm saying that I don't know if they will or not. Apart from studies saying that homosexual parents does not influence the sexuality of the child, I can't remember seeing any. Perhaps they are there, I haven't really been looking, in which case you're free to go find them and show them to me. If they satisfy my standards, then I'll change my position. But until then, like I said, I'll maintain status quo.

You can claim that I'm predjudiced or hate homosexuals or whatever all you want. You'd be wrong, but you could. It's irrelevant to the discussion anyway.

Do I hear you arguing for State mediation in hetero-couples and their children based on their "success" rate?

Actually, you do. People who are unfit to be parents for whatever reason shouldn't have children. Ideally the state wouldn't have to point that out, but people are selfish and stupid. My only concern there is the near impossibility of enforcing it. And since in that case, the burden of proof lies on me, I'd have to actually find a realistic solution first. If you have any ideas, feel free to share.

You know.... I don't even need the "all men are created equal" part of the supreme law of the land [The Constitution] to dismiss your arguments as the 'clutching on straws' part that they are....

Good, then I don't need to point out that it's an appeal to majority (or possibly authority) and an invalid argument.
All humans deserve to be treated the same, unless they insist on treating others inhumanely for no reason other than the fact they are different.
It is counter productive to the individual, not the species. A higher degree of homosexuality (or other way of reducing birth rates) would actually be one of the best things that could happen to our species at the moment. We're far too many, the planet is essentially overloaded. Do us all a favor; turn gay today.

nah, i stick by my original statement. In Australia our population is like 20 million. We got heaps of space, so a population boost is in our best interests, most of our pollies agree. But like you said its up to the individual. It'd be nice if everyone 'hit the right hole' though lol.