Tonight! :thumbsup:
Finished season 1, ready to begin season 2. No wonder all of you have been crazy about this show, I'm a little jealous I can't watch the premiere tonight since I'm behind.
The Beautiful Women Of 'Game Of Thrones'
I'm actually envious of you. It's cool when you come across a series that you like and you have multiple seasons worth of episodes to watch at your leisure instead of waiting every week or months between episodes. I was late watching Breaking Bad and Lost (but I kinda want to forget about Lost).
Samwell is such a pussy, sigh...
Awesome season premiere!! You know its an amazing show when an hour goes by and you say "wait its over already??"
I was going to make a comment about Sophie Turner but I just found out she's only 17. Nevermind:o
Leading Game of Thrones actor and Emmy winner Peter Dinklage will not return to HBO’s flagship program for a fourth season in 2014. In a press conference the morning of April 1st, 2013 show creators David Benioff, Dan Weiss alongside George R.R. Martin made the announcement to stunned members of the media.
I'm actually envious of you. It's cool when you come across a series that you like and you have multiple seasons worth of episodes to watch at your leisure instead of waiting every week or months between episodes.
Awesome season premiere!! You know its an amazing show when an hour goes by and you say "wait its over already??"
See, that's why I wait until the whole season is done! Then I'll have like a whole weekend marathon of GoT