"To the potheads who took 1 of the 4 free patio chairs I posted on CL"
D dave_rhino Closed Account Sep 3, 2007 #1 "To the potheads who took 1 of the 4 free patio chairs I posted on CL"
maildude Postal Paranoiac Sep 3, 2007 #3 That's funny in a sort of Bob Newhart way. She's so wrapped up in having a 3-chair set that she forgot about the fact that she had a bunch of mari-janies over at her place smokin'. Great!
That's funny in a sort of Bob Newhart way. She's so wrapped up in having a 3-chair set that she forgot about the fact that she had a bunch of mari-janies over at her place smokin'. Great!
Becks...poamr Sep 4, 2007 #5 I wonder if they're driving around singing that "Da da da" song. :nanner: