Even if you're an army of elite soldiers if your outnumbered 10, 100, or 500 to one by farmers you're still going to lose.
It could be greatly fixed for any more contest in the years to come, but they would have to do way more than what they did to give the most senior members a very marginal advantage. For example the people that have been over here 5 years get only one vote multiplier over the people that have been here just barely over a year. Somebody who signed up to vote last year just for the contest and nothing else would have almost the same voting power as Blueball, Georges, or me. In fact not only do the number of votes for person not go up exponentially or even linearly they go backwards exponentially to be almost all inclusive. When it's considered that a significant portion probably signed up last year for the contest then the differences between senior members and the others isn't great at all.
What would be a better way to do it would be to have the multiplier on somebody's vote be based off of time on the board, posts, and I hate to say it but maybe even rep count. For example it could be done where the amount somebody’s vote was worth was broken down by number of years on the board like this.
0-2 years: X1
3 years: X2
4 years x3
5 years x5
+5 years x7
That would increase the amount that the senior members would have over people that showed up a year or so ago.
I would also add a multiplier by post count to something like 1 for each two thousand post. So if you have 10,000 posts you would have a X5 multiplier. I thought about it being just one for 1,000 posts, but I didn't know if that was going too far without seeing how many of each multiplier is going to people as of this moment. Without that information it's hard to balance.
For rep I would keep it something like a multiplier for every 500,000 (at least for this year) that way some people might get a little extra but it would be high enough to not be an incentive to circle jerk rep with people to inflate it. (And if it is the numbers could always be adjusted or just get rid of this if it ends up being that way.)
I would round all numbers down with the exception that all of them have to be at least one so nobody ends up with a vote of X0 I would also keep the fraction of a vote for people that never signed up, reduce it even, or maybe if it comes to it eliminate it them being able to vote completely.
Under this somebody that almost never post and just signed up for the contest to vote would pretty much get one vote while under it somebody like BlueBalls, for example, would get X110 to their vote, Georges would get X210, and I would get a multiplier of X189 under the system that was laid out (if my numbers are right.) Under the system operating now Geroges gets 5 votes while somebody on here a year and a day that posted once gets 4 votes. As of now the person that might be the most senior member of the board when all factors are taken into account gets 1/4 of the voting power more than somebody that signed up last year to blindly vote for their favorite person because she directed them here in a link.
Yes, under the way I drew out as an example that is A LOT more than some person that just gets directed over here just to vote, but one, so what, and two, I also picked the people that came to the top of my mind that I thought would be near the top of the list for multipliers. Pretty much nearly all senior members would be well below that. Even still, they would get a significant amount more than some person that joined yesterday or last year, and even more, a good handful of senior members that interact a lot with the board would be able to very seriously blunt the mindless hording masses. If there is people that both groups like that person is almost assured of doing well, and there's the added benefit of the more longstanding members taking the contest a lot more seriously than anybody else. It also allows all the people out there to keep contributing to the contest in some way.
Another way to do it if FreeOnes doesn't want to go through a bunch of number crunching (Although once the programming was set up even that wouldn't be hard, even if I can see some FreeOnes programmer shaking their fist at me for suggesting this and having to set something like my system up. :tongue
is to make everybody's vote even, but make it so certain groups of people's votes can only be worth a certain percentage of the total, sort of similar to the Pro Bowl voting the NFL where it's divided into groups like the general public, players, and coaches except here it would be divided between people that don't have any time in and don't post much and the senior members of the board where what each decides goes 50% to determining the winner. (I would have added in the OCSM themselves, but in not other things that do this the shady stuff is bad enough, and I'm not naive enough to think that people in the industry as a whole would be able to do anything other than manipulating who they vote for their own self interest, especially when money is on the line.)
I would still restrict voting for Best OCSM category to only the senior members with a certain amount of time in and a certain amount of post in any system.
It could be greatly fixed for any more contest in the years to come, but they would have to do way more than what they did to give the most senior members a very marginal advantage. For example the people that have been over here 5 years get only one vote multiplier over the people that have been here just barely over a year. Somebody who signed up to vote last year just for the contest and nothing else would have almost the same voting power as Blueball, Georges, or me. In fact not only do the number of votes for person not go up exponentially or even linearly they go backwards exponentially to be almost all inclusive. When it's considered that a significant portion probably signed up last year for the contest then the differences between senior members and the others isn't great at all.
What would be a better way to do it would be to have the multiplier on somebody's vote be based off of time on the board, posts, and I hate to say it but maybe even rep count. For example it could be done where the amount somebody’s vote was worth was broken down by number of years on the board like this.
0-2 years: X1
3 years: X2
4 years x3
5 years x5
+5 years x7
That would increase the amount that the senior members would have over people that showed up a year or so ago.
I would also add a multiplier by post count to something like 1 for each two thousand post. So if you have 10,000 posts you would have a X5 multiplier. I thought about it being just one for 1,000 posts, but I didn't know if that was going too far without seeing how many of each multiplier is going to people as of this moment. Without that information it's hard to balance.
For rep I would keep it something like a multiplier for every 500,000 (at least for this year) that way some people might get a little extra but it would be high enough to not be an incentive to circle jerk rep with people to inflate it. (And if it is the numbers could always be adjusted or just get rid of this if it ends up being that way.)
I would round all numbers down with the exception that all of them have to be at least one so nobody ends up with a vote of X0 I would also keep the fraction of a vote for people that never signed up, reduce it even, or maybe if it comes to it eliminate it them being able to vote completely.
Under this somebody that almost never post and just signed up for the contest to vote would pretty much get one vote while under it somebody like BlueBalls, for example, would get X110 to their vote, Georges would get X210, and I would get a multiplier of X189 under the system that was laid out (if my numbers are right.) Under the system operating now Geroges gets 5 votes while somebody on here a year and a day that posted once gets 4 votes. As of now the person that might be the most senior member of the board when all factors are taken into account gets 1/4 of the voting power more than somebody that signed up last year to blindly vote for their favorite person because she directed them here in a link.
Yes, under the way I drew out as an example that is A LOT more than some person that just gets directed over here just to vote, but one, so what, and two, I also picked the people that came to the top of my mind that I thought would be near the top of the list for multipliers. Pretty much nearly all senior members would be well below that. Even still, they would get a significant amount more than some person that joined yesterday or last year, and even more, a good handful of senior members that interact a lot with the board would be able to very seriously blunt the mindless hording masses. If there is people that both groups like that person is almost assured of doing well, and there's the added benefit of the more longstanding members taking the contest a lot more seriously than anybody else. It also allows all the people out there to keep contributing to the contest in some way.
Another way to do it if FreeOnes doesn't want to go through a bunch of number crunching (Although once the programming was set up even that wouldn't be hard, even if I can see some FreeOnes programmer shaking their fist at me for suggesting this and having to set something like my system up. :tongue
I would still restrict voting for Best OCSM category to only the senior members with a certain amount of time in and a certain amount of post in any system.