Franken slams GOP NeoCons on Senate floor: ‘You’re not entitled to your own facts’

Re: Franken slams GOP NeoCons on Senate floor: ‘You’re not entitled to your own facts

NeoCons are a bunch of treasonous lying moral hypocrites
who pretend to be genuine Conservatives and decent Christians and history proves they have no moral integrity, credibility nor any intellectual honesty


Staff member
Re: Franken slams GOP NeoCons on Senate floor: ‘You’re not entitled to your own facts

NeoCons are a bunch of treasonous lying moral hypocrites
who pretend to be genuine Conservatives and decent Christians and history proves they have no moral integrity, credibility nor any intellectual honesty

because blowjobbers and liars under oath as well arab nation ass kissers like clinton and obama are respectable, "patriotic" and responsible people? You gotta be kidding.
Clinton, Pelosi, Rham, Bernanke, Daddy O, Carter, Ford and Kennedy are far to be considered as honest, they also don't have any integrity, credibility or any sense of patriotism. :yesyes: They are a bunch of fucking unamerican leftist liars and douchebags, that is what they are.
Re: Franken slams GOP NeoCons on Senate floor: ‘You’re not entitled to your own facts

Clinton, Pelosi, Rham, Bernanke, Daddy O, Carter, Ford and Kennedy are far to be considered as honest, they also don't have any integrity, credibility or any sense of patriotism. :yesyes: They are a bunch of fucking unamerican leftist liars and douchebags, that is what they are.

How did he end up on that list? :confused:

And by the way, Franken's actually a very bright guy, brighter I'd wager than most congressmen.
Re: Franken slams GOP NeoCons on Senate floor: ‘You’re not entitled to your own facts

al franken is a fat piece of shit like michael the fat pig moore who are both fucking leftist and unamerican stinky fat ass pigs. Both are überretarded cunts.

Substantive!!! :rolleyes:

NeoCons are a bunch of treasonous lying moral hypocrites
who pretend to be genuine Conservatives and decent Christians and history proves they have no moral integrity, credibility nor any intellectual honesty

Not a whole lot better. :confused:


Postal Paranoiac
Re: Franken slams GOP NeoCons on Senate floor: ‘You’re not entitled to your own facts

I had a pretty good post here until another FreeOnes database error fucked it up, so here it is in a nutshell, since I'll be damned if I'm gonna repost the whole fucking thing. Thanks, FreeOnes.:crash:

--Obama health care IS NOT the New Deal revisited necessarily.
--Roosevelt's New Deal was a kind-hearted but short-sighted stopgap fixture for a nation in crisis.
--The worldwide depression happened PRIOR TO when any New Deal initiatives were thought of.
--Neither party has responded well over the past seventy years to any problems the New Deal programs may have caused in the long term.
--Shut up Al Franken. Shut up Sean Hannity. Shut up pointless damned pollsters whose statistics are only viewed with expedience.
Re: Franken slams GOP NeoCons on Senate floor: ‘You’re not entitled to your own facts

Maybe threads like this one will someday penetrate the thick myopic skull of the wacko :dunno:

Don't hold your breath :)
Re: Franken slams GOP NeoCons on Senate floor: ‘You’re not entitled to your own facts

So you say this.....

Breaking News: Dumbfuck NeoCons as usual are unable to debate the facts without resorting to personal insults and attacks in order to divert attention from the truth being known

Then in the same damn thread you say this.....

NeoCons are a bunch of treasonous lying moral hypocrites
who pretend to be genuine Conservatives and decent Christians and history proves they have no moral integrity, credibility nor any intellectual honesty

Wow. There is no wonder you are a Franken lap dog. What you see is the truth and everything else is wrong.

You see nothing wrong with one senator saying to another "You’re not entitled to your own facts". If you believe that as the truth, nice democracy we have and so much for the 1st amendment. Guess that's why there's the second amendment. To protect the first amendment rights for the rest of us as long as there are moonbats like you running round with the government hard-on.

Practice what you preach, otherwise you just another stupid ignorant idiot from the great state of liberals, I mean California, which is bankrupt because of the wonderful save everyone from themselves mentality. Hows that working for you that much of the tax base is moving?

Re: Franken slams GOP NeoCons on Senate floor: ‘You’re not entitled to your own facts

I'm good enough, and smart enough, and goshdarnit people like me!


Re: Franken slams GOP NeoCons on Senate floor: ‘You’re not entitled to your own facts

You are correct sir!

Stuart Smiley was the height of Franken's comedic career, he was never very amusing solo...and "Stuart" was a major flop, easy to see why.

And as for Hellraiser (titsrockLite) wasting time doing other than laughing at him is like using a ShopVac to clean up the Sahara...way too much damage to be worth the effort.

There is a certain level of plain common sense that gets one through a lot of the political BS put out by Washington, and whenever someone makes a blanket statement denigrating a whole class of people without qualifiers ... like Hot-Mega, titsrock, Hellraisin , and those other Republican/Bush's easy to see the ignorance.
Likewise, Rush haters, Beck discounters, O'Reilly razzers, Hannity hecklers...all Sanpaku attitudes.

(Sanpaku: describes a condition in which the white of the eye can be seen between the pupil and the lower lid as the subject gazes directly forward. This condition connotes a grave state of physical and spiritual imbalance. The sanpaku is out of touch with himself, his body and the natural forces of the universe. Symptomatically, sanpaku can be recognized by chronic fatigue, low sexual vitality, poor instinctive reactions, bad humor, inability to sleep soundly and lack of precision in thought and action.)

I got lots of bones to pick with Repubs and Bush, but not like I got with the New White (hater) House.
After 911 happened, and the war was on, Bush had ZERO Terror hits here at home, and kept them ducking and hiding; so far, less than 1 year into the Obama admin, 2 hits on American "soil", with more coming. The Detroit bomb woulda killed hundreds if the shitty equipment had worked right.
Dumping shit on the heads of CIA ops, tying the hands of the troops with lame rules of engagement, threatening former admin with pointless criminal charges, etc, etc...Islam feels empowered and will try even harder now the heat is off to hit us hard at home.
Holder wants to try KSM and Co. in New all the Homicide Bombers will carry an explosives vest and a copy of their Constitutional Rights in Arabic, in case they're caught.
Shit is coming, and all the apologists won't be able to keep up with the grief the Dem/Obama admin is laying on us.

It's a Bad Moon rising...


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Re: Franken slams GOP NeoCons on Senate floor: ‘You’re not entitled to your own facts

al franken is a fat piece of shit like michael the fat pig moore who are both fucking leftist and unamerican stinky fat ass pigs. Both are überretarded cunts.

Ahhhh... Georges :hatsoff:

And they say that poetry is dead :rofl:

A full sentence completely off-topic premium rant - but we can just expect that from Georgie-Boy :bowdown:


Why are something like 75% of the posters in this thread ignoring the topic is about sheer facts. One senator caught another simply at not telling the truth.

That is all.
Re: Franken slams GOP NeoCons on Senate floor: ‘You’re not entitled to your own facts

Ahhhh... Georges :hatsoff:

And they say that poetry is dead :rofl:

A full sentence completely off-topic premium rant - but we can just expect that from Georgie-Boy :bowdown:


Why are something like 75% of the posters in this thread ignoring the topic is about sheer facts. One senator caught another simply at not telling the truth.

That is all.

Because Helldoucher is a broken record and no one cares what he actually posts. I just like to watch people tear him apart and then watch him call everyone a Neocon because he can not be original or intellectual in his retort.

I come here for the laughs and to relieve a little stress...
Re: Franken slams GOP NeoCons on Senate floor: ‘You’re not entitled to your own facts

You mean... like liberals do when they can't get through a conversation about Rush Limbaugh without using the word 'fat'?


Or Rush cant get through a discussion without throwing out the word "socialist"?


Re: Franken slams GOP NeoCons on Senate floor: ‘You’re not entitled to your own facts

Or Rush cant get through a discussion without throwing out the word "socialist"?

So...obviously you don't listen to Rush at all, how do you know how often he uses the word Socialist? Not that often...only when discussing many of the admin's policies and their agenda...otherwise, he doesn't use the word.
You obviously let other people tell you what to think about Rush, who is very smart and carefull to say only true things and give opinions that are verifiable...not guaranteed completely "correct", but true.
Better than most politicians, especially and including Obama.
They know they can lie and his people (maybe you're one of those?) will provide the excuses and justifications for the obvious "misrepresentation" (lie).
Rush is on the hot seat, he makes a mistake and the crazy O-People pounce.
And he isn't very overweight any more, but that never stops the usual "fat" comments.
Whatever...personal attacks are all the Lefties have...not a single occasion where he's lied.
Re: Franken slams GOP NeoCons on Senate floor: ‘You’re not entitled to your own facts

Or Rush cant get through a discussion without throwing out the word "socialist"?

It's funny how dumb NeoCons do that all the time yet there's pics on google images showing Ronald Reagan shaking hands with Gorbachav and Nixon shaking hands with Mao :rofl:
Re: Franken slams GOP NeoCons on Senate floor: ‘You’re not entitled to your own facts

Rush is a big, fat idiot Philby....where have I heard that before :rolleyes:

He's also a racist pig and anyone who listens to him, and takes him seriously, is a weak-minded fool.
Re: Franken slams GOP NeoCons on Senate floor: ‘You’re not entitled to your own facts

It's funny how they do that yet there's pics on google images showing Ronald Reagan shaking hand with Gorbachav and Nixon shaking hands with Mao :rofl:

Conservatives and their Corporate Masters love Communist countries. Isn't it amazing how Ronny Reagan thundered on the desk that Communism must be defeated, but really it must be defeated so that GM can go in and sell Buicks to "new markets":rolleyes:

Shouldn't our tax dollars be used for something more important than American companies selling shit to Communist consumers?

The real transfer of wealth in America is all the capital and labor we've transferred directly to communist countries....
Re: Franken slams GOP NeoCons on Senate floor: ‘You’re not entitled to your own facts

^ What's also hypocritical about NeoCons ranting about Communism and Socialism is that communist countries are the one's mass producing products that NeoCons buy at Wal-Mart :rofl:
Re: Franken slams GOP NeoCons on Senate floor: ‘You’re not entitled to your own facts

The irony of all ironies---is that if Ronny and the Cowboy Conservatives of his era take credit for bankrupting the USSR in "the arms race" then the NeoCons of this era should take credit for bankrupting our country as they use capitalism to empower communist China :rolleyes:
Re: Franken slams GOP NeoCons on Senate floor: ‘You’re not entitled to your own facts

^ Don't hold your breath :rofl: