Jon Stewart Lambastes 30 Republican Senators Who Voted to Sanction Rape


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Does John Stewart know anything about politics or does he just recite everything written down for him on the teleprompter?

Actually JS is a very intelligent political satirist. Is he a news organization? No. Pure commentary. Just like Glenn Beck and 75% of Fox. At least JS admits it though.

My question is when are we going to stop protecting big business at the expense of our own morals.

This bill was proposed because a woman was raped and had to deal with this. Seems liek a pretty clear cut bill to me. Will you find the word rape? No. But the Franken's intent was to prevent situations like hers from ever happening again.

Have any of them gi ven a clear cut answer why they didn't support? This is really going to bite them in the ass come next election.


This is really going to bite them in the ass come next election.

I highlty doubt it. We will still have high unemployment, be in 2 wars and spending and taxing like crazy. The people will look at the democrats and decide that enough is enough and vote them out. Instead what people should do is look at each person running and vote on the issue they represent and not their political party.
Actually JS is a very intelligent political satirist. Is he a news organization? No. Pure commentary. Just like Glenn Beck and 75% of Fox. At least JS admits it though.

My question is when are we going to stop protecting big business at the expense of our own morals.

This bill was proposed because a woman was raped and had to deal with this. Seems liek a pretty clear cut bill to me. Will you find the word rape? No. But the Franken's intent was to prevent situations like hers from ever happening again.

Have any of them gi ven a clear cut answer why they didn't support? This is really going to bite them in the ass come next election.

He still full of shit and I would bet money his show is all scripted just like 99% of all the other junk on the Television.

He obviously didn't look into this bill or he would have realized this bill does not even mention rape. I can see where Franken is coming from and what situation brought up this bill but it doesn't only represent that one situation it seems to me that JS likes to make up what every irrelevant fantasy he can and try to relate it to making the Rep's look bad.

Were the R's wrong for voting the way they did? Yeah probably but they did not "Vote for rape" or how ever JS wanted to twist words he obviously didn;t understand.:2 cents:


The fuck is wrong with these republicans? People are probably going to view at as "oh well all republicans probably think gang rape is ok". It's not true, but yes there are dumb people who band together. In this case they are republicans.

I wish to eliminate republicans and democrats and free the people.


The fuck is wrong with these republicans? People are probably going to view at as "oh well all republicans probably think gang rape is ok". It's not true, but yes there are dumb people who band together. In this case they are republicans.

I wish to eliminate republicans and democrats. free the people.
Here's the Most Honorable Al Franken valiantly standing up and speak up in defense for the oppressed
