Current Rankings
Here are the overall round rules. For Round 2, contestants in bold have moved 5 or more places, contestants in GREEN have moved into a position to advance, contestants in RED have moved out of advancing position. Remember, it's the Top 10 places in all categories that advance. With 7 voting day left in Round 2, here are the current standings:
Miss FreeOnes
Miss Hybrid 2 (=)
Cam Girl
Lolita Borgia 49 (=)
Lacey Black 20 (=)
Maggie Green 2 (=)
Briana Lee 1 (=)
Sabrina Deep 3 (=)
Adult Model
Lolita Borgia 6 (-1)
Kaylee Rayne 1 (=)
Andi Land 2 (=)
Briana Lee 26 (-1)
Miss Hybrid 28 (-6)
Lolita Borgia 21 (+2)
Jane Burgess 20 (+8)
Mandy Flores 1 (=)
Lacey Black 16 (=)
Leya Falcon 22 (+3)
Maggie Green 10 (-1)
Briana Lee 32 (-3)
Jaana Ruutu 40 (=)
Sabrina Deep 2 (+1)
Kaylee Rayne 30 (+4)
Andi Land 25 (-8)
Jane Burgess 34 (-5)
Maggie Green 36 (-6)
Sabrina Deep 45 (+2)
Most Underrated
Lolita Borgia 31 (+6)
Jane Burgess 11 (-2)
Bella Bellini 34 (+5)
Lacey Black 7 (=)
Aeryn Walker 12 (=)
Jaana Ruutu 47 (-2)
Samantha Wise 49 (-1)
Clayra Beau 46 (=)
Kaylee Rayne 5 (=)
Today's Votes
Miss FreeOnes
Miss Hybrid
Cam Girl
Lacey Black
Maggie Green
Briana Lee
Adult Model
Lolita Borgia
Andi Land
Kaylee Rayne
Mandy Flores
Leya Falcon
Jane Burgess
As always, all comments, questions, and commentaries are appreciated.
-The Flying Wallaby
Here are the overall round rules. For Round 2, contestants in bold have moved 5 or more places, contestants in GREEN have moved into a position to advance, contestants in RED have moved out of advancing position. Remember, it's the Top 10 places in all categories that advance. With 7 voting day left in Round 2, here are the current standings:
Miss FreeOnes
Miss Hybrid 2 (=)
Cam Girl
Lolita Borgia 49 (=)
Lacey Black 20 (=)
Maggie Green 2 (=)
Briana Lee 1 (=)
Sabrina Deep 3 (=)
Adult Model
Lolita Borgia 6 (-1)
Kaylee Rayne 1 (=)
Andi Land 2 (=)
Briana Lee 26 (-1)
Miss Hybrid 28 (-6)
Lolita Borgia 21 (+2)
Jane Burgess 20 (+8)
Mandy Flores 1 (=)
Lacey Black 16 (=)
Leya Falcon 22 (+3)
Maggie Green 10 (-1)
Briana Lee 32 (-3)
Jaana Ruutu 40 (=)
Sabrina Deep 2 (+1)
Kaylee Rayne 30 (+4)
Andi Land 25 (-8)
Jane Burgess 34 (-5)
Maggie Green 36 (-6)
Sabrina Deep 45 (+2)
Most Underrated
Lolita Borgia 31 (+6)
Jane Burgess 11 (-2)
Bella Bellini 34 (+5)
Lacey Black 7 (=)
Aeryn Walker 12 (=)
Jaana Ruutu 47 (-2)
Samantha Wise 49 (-1)
Clayra Beau 46 (=)
Kaylee Rayne 5 (=)
- With a week's worth of voting remaining, Miss FreeOnes, Cam Girl, and Adult Model are offering very little movement, but not because of a lull in voting. Will things remain as static once the casual voters for contestants #21-50 start looking for new contestants to support?
- Sabrina Deep has moved up to #2 in OCSM, but with Aaliyah Love's strongest position currently being OCSM, it could be difficult staying there.
- Moving down in OCSM could be good news for Andi Land and Miss Hybrid: hopefully, it means a greater voter focus on their categories of choice. Paralleling this is Jane Burgess, who, though she's currently out of the top 10 in Best MILF, has risen 8 places to #20 in Best OCSM.
- Lolita Borgia is up 6 spots in Most Underrated, but has fallen to 6th in Adult Model. Though she's definitely holding on in Adult Model, it wouldn't hurt if some of those Underrated votes went to the Adult Model category.
- Continuing her move, Bella Bellini is up another 5 places in Underrated, to 34. In the last 2 days, she's moved up 11 places, proving that Springboks can really move (if they're not playing Australians or Kiwis).
Today's Votes
Miss FreeOnes
Miss Hybrid
Cam Girl
Lacey Black
Maggie Green
Briana Lee
Adult Model
Lolita Borgia
Andi Land
Kaylee Rayne
Mandy Flores
Leya Falcon
Jane Burgess
As always, all comments, questions, and commentaries are appreciated.
-The Flying Wallaby