Finish the Sentence


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
.. pick up that soap.

Frank Zappa was fomous for his guitar playing, but few people knew he was better at ...
...was personally responsible for taking out several...


...weasels with one sandwich.
However...don't crush that dwarf, hand me the ...
liverwurst," were the last words Zappa spoke before he took out the weazels.

All of a sudden, Puma Swede just walked into the room and began to look for...
...a big cock. Unfortunately, all the big cocks had perished because...


...Nancy "Queen Bitch" Pelosi...but she was able to escape at the last minute and join the Underground!

Soon, the DEA found many Kenyans sneaking into the USA, most were related to someone named "Obama"...and when they were interviewed they all said...


Lord Dipstick
hair doesnt get sunburn on their head.

Going to the bathroom....