Final Fantasy VII


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Only 9th? I've played MGS1 over 30 times.
I AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!! my very favorite game of all time, everything about it is flawless.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
It's a nice game. Great game to get someone interested in RPGs, I suppose. There are better.


knows petras secret: she farted.
7 is a master piece. best game ever? well, it really hit home with me so id say yes. i love it enough to have a nice sized ff7 tattoo actually.

i also really liked 6. 8 was fun but not in that same class. ive yet to play 10 though 9 was ok and 5 was really awesome but hard.
I have been wanting to replay through ffx again since its been such a long time since I finished it. I was planning on beating Crisis Core then ffvii watch Advent Childern and try to force my way through Dirge of Cerberus just to do the whole saga.