Favorite Rocky Movie and Why.

Favorite Rocky Movie

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Come on people ..Vote for the 3rd, save the planet!


Postal Paranoiac
The first one. The other ones sucked rhinoceros poopy.
I love all the Rocky films... but the one I'm happiest to watch over and over is the first one. I like the slightly rough around the edges feel to it, that gets smoothed over in the later ones.
Well first have you every seen Ray..LOL second he is from Philly so he has the harsh Philly accent like he says wooter not water.And they both had the same jobs not boxing, collecting money. they have the same Rocky 1 swagger.
I gave Ray the stage name Raymond Balboa LOL A girl can dream right!
Well Ray certainly married a knockout! ;)
The first one, it was the original and didn't need flashy characters other than Apollo. :2 cents:
Rocky roman numeral 4... becaue they make it seem more personal with the death of Apollo.

But there all good.
Although 1-3 are each great in their own way, I would have to go with 4. It's the classic east vs west showdown. Rocky 5, was a total trainwreck, and the last one was a nice comeback, and a nice way to end the series

In order... 4,1,3,2,6 and 5


Man aint sure the one with survivor- eye of the tiger in it....Think thats the one Apollo trains him to fight Mr Tee and also to change his fighting style from south paw to right handed(whatever that is called)


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Rocky IV cause I'm a Cold War buff.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I always liked Rocky IV because you have Drago. Then you have Rocky's training in the frozen Soviet tundra. And last I think Pauly had sexual relations with that robot Rocky got for his birthday.