Having come of age in the early to mid 70s I owned a few muscle cars and knew people that owned almost all of the ones I didn't that have been listed.
Don't be so surprised facetious we didn't know we were running out of gas or about climate change yet lol. I used to get Sunoco 260 for 50 cents a gallon.That was the only gas my favorite car that I had would run on.That was a 70 1/2 Z-28 which had 11 to 1 pistons.But it was a tweaked turbo 400 not 4 speed version.
All around that car was my favorite it was fast as hell but got decent mileage (long as you weren't always punching it).
I knew someone who had a real nice 1970 AAR cuda that had the 340 six pack.That was fast as heck too.The big block cars were nice but you always have to keep in mind the bigger the car the more horsepower required.
And I have to say as awesome as Hemi engines were the price of the hemi option was prohibitive(like an extra $800 on top of a $3400 price tag).Plus the engine was not really good at all for daily driving.They would foul plugs fast in stop and go driving etc.
But if I was going to say what car from then I wish I had then (one that I actually never even knew of then or saw) it would be what was refered to as "Copo" Camaro from 1969.It was a totally unmarked camaro (No SS,Z-28 etc badges).They were 427 engined cars and with no badges would have fooled a lot of people at stop lights lol.Pics and description here.
Also another real nice package was the 68-70 Chevy nova which you could get eithier a real strong small block in or even the 396 and 427 big block.But really the small block cars were better all around.
And I need to say that there were big differences in engines of the same size even.As in if you bought a 1969 Chevelle you had the choice of 3 different 396 engines.325hp,350hp or the 375 Hp one.So not all Chevelles were equal or as muscular as each other.
Quick story about someone I knew.He was in Vietnam in the army and was due to come home in 1970.He ordered new car while in nam.It was suppose to be an SS Nova with a 350 in powder blue.So he gets home goes to the Chevy dealer in town to pick up his car.They give him the keys tell him its out back.He goes and looks and sees nothing resembling what he ordered. Goes back in dealer and they go out with him and point to a fire engine red one with a 396 in it.It was a 350 horse version so guy in nam go at least part of order right in a way.
And I have to mention the GTO's that people I knew had,they were some real bad fast cars too.