You must be predisposed to not liking this game. The Exploration is virtually endless. The Quests are buckets of awesome. The Skills/Leveling are fresh and enjoyable. The Scenery is flat-out amazing. It's miles better than Oblivion, which was awesome as shit. I played the Dragon Age 2 demo and thought I was playing N64 for about 10 minutes and then deleted it and never once considered buying it.
I said the exploration was it's strongest suit by far. Miles better than Oblivion? No way. Oblivion is a much older game and didn't benefit from as many technological advances. The quests in this game are actually pretty bad and repetitive. The dragons are underwhelming and the AI is not very good. The main quest is a snore.
Dragon Age II which you are referring to is almost universally panned as a rush job that Bioware put together while developing SWTOR. Dragon Age Origins however, has gotten very good reviews. I was referring to Dragon Age Origins, the first game. The quests are better and the story line is better too.
Oblivion is a better game than Skyrim and it looks like a lot more people are starting to notice.
*The scenery is not as great as advertised either. I could find some nice spots in World of Warcraft too, which is not known for it's graphics to say the least.