They typically try killing anything that moves that they think they're more powerful than.
They seem a bit jumpy and paranoid, and ironically still manage to get into trouble all the time. You must have a lot of fun watching them.
They typically try killing anything that moves that they think they're more powerful than.
well, we had an anders game finally. where we accomplished nothing.
it started off with wrapping up what we did last time. all they had to do was run a body through with the sunsword. that took hours to actually do.
everyone was just talking and running off on tangents, which is totally fine, it was just funny. we were joking that our characters were looking up at us saying, come on already and taking naps.
at least it gives me time to fill in some meat into the story which was already written, but didnt get to yet.
i really want to run a challenge but im having a bit of block. i want the bad guy to invite the town and the players to a sort of gathering formal party. they havent met the good ol count strahd yet but know who he is. i just need to figure out how to run the whole thing.
i dont think they are daft enough to try to attack him during the party, and if they did, he'd completely out power them at this point which i really really want to do soon anyway...
I've noticed that since Anders has been absent, the story is progressing...funny how that works. o-O
Anyways, I love the big social gathering scenes.
What you need to do is spend a little time creating interesting NPCs that will be seen at the party. Kind of the "who's who" of town. You don't necessarily have to stat them out, except for possibly some social/knowledge type stuff because this is the PERFECT place for PCs to meet and greet and gather up contacts and allies. Perhaps they can even get a few side quests or get some character building in.
Something I did in my last vampire campaign during a garden party the prince threw is provide the PCs with a "guide" so to speak. It was someone who could whisper in their ears about this being Lord X who's main business is this, or that's Lady Y who's involved with that.
I also like throwing in a few red herrings. NPCs who are just there for show and if the players decide to interact with them, it usually sends them on a goose chase. It amuses me.
And of course provide the players with significant opportunity to scout out your count's property...even throw in some secret doors and whatnot for extra fun.
Oh, and if you have a rogue in the group, give the rogue ample temptations to get themself in trouble. ;-)
excellent! i do have the perfect NPC. someone they just met, whos heading to that town that they happen to like very much. and there is a couple others... good idea! you got me spinning now.
thanks. oooo ideas ideas....!
See, not so hard. ;-)
i think im gonna write some dialogue out to have handy. i've been on fire thinking about this social gathering. this is gonna be good. now, part of me want the PCs to try and fight him earlier than intended. i dont know if they would do it in the middle of a party, but, we shall see.
There might be a good chance. If there is one things players do it's often jump the gun and try and take off more than they can chew. You just hope they are also smart enough to run when things go downhill, because for some reason players are often unwilling to do that until it's too late.
black leaf.. i remember you guys talking about him a long time ago.
i was leaning towards easter eggs... id feel bad killing bunnies.
But what if they´ve got big sharp pointy teeth?
i really need to watch monty python. like, seriously.
id feel bad killing bunnies.