every cup counts, if their not interested they should'nt be playing thats why it DOES matter to the players, they play the game they love & should try & win everything their involved in, if they don't try they should'nt be getting payed the wages they do (which is too much may i add coz no players worth 80 million, Christiano Ronaldo for example, ridiculous money especially when the worlds went to hell with the credit crunch)
Rangers Fan
Ok if every cup counts , why were most of the spanish and Itailian players trying to get out of going , only because Fifa demanded they take there top players there , is why they went ! If it was optional there would have been 2 reserve teams!!
Also the Gold cup last time , why did Brazil leave out most of there European based players , there best players , no Ronaldinho no Kaka and the rest!!!
This I would say is why they dont take it seriously , if it was a world cup , european cup , copa america all the top players would be fighting tooth and nail to get there because this is where it matters , not some stupid show piece tournaments !!!!!!!!