I don't care if you want to read it or not. This is a porn board (as has been pointed out many, many times), and this sort of talk is going to appear. Yes, I still deny homosexuality. I did not invite it, nor do I seek any relationship with another man. I do not deny that I enjoyed it either, but that still does not make me gay. I prefer women, that's all there is to it. Some people may label me as bisexual, and that is fine. I wouldn't, mearly because I do not seek out men as my sexual partners.
Don't quote directly me in a reply, if you don't care that I'm not wanting to read your homosexual stories. I never knew that only the giver's gay, while the taker's totally straight. If your boyfriend had only sucked your cock, I suppose neither of you would be gay.
This is not a gay porn board(as has been pointed out many, many times). Content and discussion on a male anal theme belong on gay boards. The bottom line is, you have willingly participated in a homosexual act and enjoyed it.
Plain and simple