To memo.
1. Who made God/Allah/Jahwe?
2. Why does an omnipotent & omniscient (allknowing) being make so many mistakes?
(creating the devil, placing the tree in the garden of eden, giving humanity the ability to choose but punish them as soon as they do (Noah's story))
3. Why did it take God more than 3 people to convince the entire world that he is the one and only god? (We've had Mozes, Jezus and Mohammed, but still large parts of the world don't believe in Judeaism, Christianity or the Islam)
4. Why are Christians, Jews and Muslims fighting eachother when they're praying to the same god? & why doesn't god stop them?
5. If God/Jahwe/Allah is not like he's described in 'the holy' books, then what is he like? Is there any reason to assume he exists then?
6. If you believe God can exist without there being any proof (besides some books written by MORTALS) then how come Zeus, Amon-Ra, Odin, Glurgh the Flying elephant with a skin made of stone, etc. cannot (I could write a nice story about each of them, although it would be totally unnessesary in all but the last case, since other have already written about them)?
7. Where did god live before he created the universe and where can heaven be found?
1. Who made this world?
Nobody did, it's purely coinsidence that this world exists. Elements gathered thanks to natural
magnetism that everything posesses (not only metals).
2. Who made me?
My parents made me. Large amounts of sperm cells are created every dayin your balls... Combine a sperm cell with an egg & you get a little kid.
3. Who made this star?
Nobody made this star. See the answer to question 1 and think about what happens when you put natrium in water.
4. Who made the universe?
Who says that it hasn't always existed?
(by the way, this post wasn't meant to offend anyone. If I did, I apologise.)