I was raised my catholic, but agree that organized religion, at least historically, hasn't done much more good than bad. However, I do believe in god, and I think he gave us logic and reasoning for a purpose. The creatiion story is my strongest point for believe in god, and not the adam an eve one. I've read stephen hawkings "a brief history of time" (recommend it to all), and the point he brings up is that god could have created the universe 2 seconds ago and made it look like it's been around for millions of years ago. However, using logic we have to assume that when we find things that appear millions of years old, we have to assume that the universe is at least that old. Where it gets complicated and where science can't provide the answer is that the universe goes back to where? most evolustionist believe in the big bang theory, as do i, but that doesnt' really answer the question of creation. It's really a matter of applying occam's razor, the big bang theory states that it's more reasonable to believe that two big rocks that just happened to exist eternally for no reason in a universe that was just there for no reason and in a giant ball of empty space (why would two rocks be in empty space?), collided, and million of years later created the huge thriving societies and minds we see around us. Using my logic, I have to believe that u can slam together to rocks of any size as many times as u want and give it as much time as u want and u'll never end up with planet earth, millions of thriving species and well developed cities and ecosystems. There's just to much order, there something that has ensured that life has carried on, the evolution has taken place. the world is such a finly tuned and easily disturbed balance, it just doesn't make sense for it to still be around without some help from somewhere. my basic arguement here is that logic proves there is something out there, and if u do believe in ghosts or spirits or anything such as that, i see that also as being proof that there is at least more to humans than flesh and bones.