Do you believe in God?

Do you believe in God?

  • Yes

    Votes: 57 56.4%
  • No

    Votes: 44 43.6%

  • Total voters
I don't want to get into any argument...I am just answering the question...yes I believe in Christ...'nuff said.


I was raised my catholic, but agree that organized religion, at least historically, hasn't done much more good than bad. However, I do believe in god, and I think he gave us logic and reasoning for a purpose. The creatiion story is my strongest point for believe in god, and not the adam an eve one. I've read stephen hawkings "a brief history of time" (recommend it to all), and the point he brings up is that god could have created the universe 2 seconds ago and made it look like it's been around for millions of years ago. However, using logic we have to assume that when we find things that appear millions of years old, we have to assume that the universe is at least that old. Where it gets complicated and where science can't provide the answer is that the universe goes back to where? most evolustionist believe in the big bang theory, as do i, but that doesnt' really answer the question of creation. It's really a matter of applying occam's razor, the big bang theory states that it's more reasonable to believe that two big rocks that just happened to exist eternally for no reason in a universe that was just there for no reason and in a giant ball of empty space (why would two rocks be in empty space?), collided, and million of years later created the huge thriving societies and minds we see around us. Using my logic, I have to believe that u can slam together to rocks of any size as many times as u want and give it as much time as u want and u'll never end up with planet earth, millions of thriving species and well developed cities and ecosystems. There's just to much order, there something that has ensured that life has carried on, the evolution has taken place. the world is such a finly tuned and easily disturbed balance, it just doesn't make sense for it to still be around without some help from somewhere. my basic arguement here is that logic proves there is something out there, and if u do believe in ghosts or spirits or anything such as that, i see that also as being proof that there is at least more to humans than flesh and bones.
I like to believe there is a God.

A god I can't refer to as "he" and one I don't picture to be a human of some sort.

I believe all the good energy that flows through us, all the positive things we do and say, are coming from God. We are all connected and God is inside us all, no matter who you are and what you do.

Organised religion has no place or value in my life and that is that.

I've got nothing but respect for those who practice their chosen faith and feel that their lives are better for it.

What pisses me off is the manipulation of religion and of minds by those who call themselves "men of god".

We are seperated vastly because of what? One person believes this is how we got here, another believes something different and in many cases, in many countries, it leads to conflict and death.

Protestant vs Catholic(N. Ireland), Muslim vs Muslim(Iran - Iraq war), and now today's war on terror, seen by those who are having bombs fall on them as a battle between Christianity and Islam. It doesn't matter who is right or wrong in these conflicts because each side believes that God is on their side. Fucking sad shit, to say the least!! :angels:

Without going on forever, I'm down with a creator, a God if you like. Bring that religious interpretation into the mix and I'm outta here.

God bless you all, whatever your faith.

This is a porn sight right? :tongue:



While this isn't exactly the most appropriate place to discuss religion, I'll indulge in this poll.

I am a Christian. Proud of it, too. While it may seem hypocritical to espouse my belief in the Almighty and Christ on a porn-site, I am not at all ashamed of my beliefs nor will I condemn anyone else for being here or their beliefs.
religion itself can be reduced to three questions:
1) why do we exist ?
2) is there someone/something looking after us ?
3) is there a life after death ?

1) probably the most confusing question ever (the question "why" always leads to further questions - the infinite cycle of cause and effect) but i do see the urge and necessity of asking it - otherwise religion and philosophy wouldn't have occurred in the first place. personally, i think that question can trigger very interesting discussions, but it's basically a waste of time. we should be glad that we do exist, and we should enjoy that fact. "why" doesn't get us anywhere in this matter.

2) let's assume that god exists and that he created us. would he have given us intellect, emotions, free will and the ability to act if he thought we couldn't make it on our own in this world ? don't think so. then why should he intervene ? it doesn't make any sense. i believe that our quest is to find strength and peace in ourselves, not to seek help and comfort from god.
divine intervention doesn't exist, no matter what some religions tell us. that is what i believe.

3) mankinds greatest flaw: the fear for death. we're the only living beings on this planet that are truly aware of being alive - that's why we fear death. we fear that everything might be over and lost, thus we believe in afterlife.
as far as i'm concerned, i don't believe in heaven and i'm not sure about reincarnation either, but i do take comfort in (of all things) a scientific principle: no energy or matter ever gets lost. nothing's fading - only changing. if that's the working of this universe then everything's allright, isn't it ?!
and that is basically my "religion". i don't believe in god, but i do believe in the entity of the universe, which we're part of.


LetoII said:
religion itself can be reduced to three questions:
1) why do we exist ?
2) is there someone/something looking after us ?
3) is there a life after death ?

1) probably the most confusing question ever (the question "why" always leads to further questions - the infinite cycle of cause and effect) but i do see the urge and necessity of asking it - otherwise religion and philosophy wouldn't have occurred in the first place. personally, i think that question can trigger very interesting discussions, but it's basically a waste of time. we should be glad that we do exist, and we should enjoy that fact. "why" doesn't get us anywhere in this matter.

2) let's assume that god exists and that he created us. would he have given us intellect, emotions, free will and the ability to act if he thought we couldn't make it on our own in this world ? don't think so. then why should he intervene ? it doesn't make any sense. i believe that our quest is to find strength and peace in ourselves, not to seek help and comfort from god.
divine intervention doesn't exist, no matter what some religions tell us. that is what i believe.

3) mankinds greatest flaw: the fear for death. we're the only living beings on this planet that are truly aware of being alive - that's why we fear death. we fear that everything might be over and lost, thus we believe in afterlife.
as far as i'm concerned, i don't believe in heaven and i'm not sure about reincarnation either, but i do take comfort in (of all things) a scientific principle: no energy or matter ever gets lost. nothing's fading - only changing. if that's the working of this universe then everything's allright, isn't it ?!
and that is basically my "religion". i don't believe in god, but i do believe in the entity of the universe, which we're part of.

Very interesting Leto the Second. The last explanation is anew one for me. Extremely interesting. And possibly encouraging.


mcrocket said:
I bet you the only 'they's that said that were Christians.

Just out of curiosity and meaning no disrespect...


Without trying to sound preachy, condescending, or "holier-than-thou", I do consider myself to be a Christian (even though I LOVE this site and all porn in general :D ) and believe in good & evil, God & Satan, and Heaven & Hell.

Life is what you make of it. Our beliefs are our own. Undoubtedly there is a higher presence; what 'it' is no one knows. It is beyond our comprehension.

There is a lot of evil in this world. I would like to think that when we pass on, there is something far more greater than we can even begin to comprehend.

Just my view. Opinions are like assholes as we all know.



You give me factual, imperical data that supports the existence of any religion's 'god' and I will believe it.
Every major religion...EVERY one (as far as I am aware), is based on a leap of faith. There is no way that I am going to believe something just because it's written in a really old book. Short of that, all there is left is that old leap of faith. In other us. I trust no one. Certainly not some person who struts around with a thick book saying 'this is the way it is because this book says it is'.
Besides, doesn't the 'good' book say to place your trust in god, not mortal man. Fine. When god comes and tells me him/her/itself to trust in him/her/it..then, maybe. Not before.
I have said it before and I'll say it again..the only people that believe in major religions are the ignorant and/or the desperate.

Funny, I said that about those that voted for Bush. And more Christians apparently voted Rep. then Dem..


QBall1970 said:
Just out of curiosity and meaning no disrespect...


Without trying to sound preachy, condescending, or "holier-than-thou", I do consider myself to be a Christian (even though I LOVE this site and all porn in general :D ) and believe in good & evil, God & Satan, and Heaven & Hell.

Life is what you make of it. Our beliefs are our own. Undoubtedly there is a higher presence; what 'it' is no one knows. It is beyond our comprehension.

There is a lot of evil in this world. I would like to think that when we pass on, there is something far more greater than we can even begin to comprehend.

Just my view. Opinions are like assholes as we all know.


I do believe in ahigher power(s). And I do believe in life after death. I just do not believe in any major religion.
Organized religion is definately the most successful business ever created as far as I am concerned.

There is more proof of aliens than there is a God.


mcrocket said:
I do believe in ahigher power(s). And I do believe in life after death. I just do not believe in any major religion.


I don't either. I consider myself to be spiritual. (Or a Christian to be more specific.) To believe in a higher power... or even life after death... requires that very leap of faith that you're referring to when it comes to organized religion.

Do I believe in Christ? Yes. Why? Good question. Honestly. We have no physical, concrete evidence that Jesus actually walked this earth a millenium ago. What we do have is a series of religions - of leaps of faith - that have existed for well over a thousand years. We have a written record - who knows... it could be just a novel - of supernatural events that were attributed to this person. These records have been translated in many different languages, starting with the original Aramaic, then Latin, then Greek, then Arabic, and so on...

I even question the validity of my faith.

Well, I'm through preaching. Sorry I couldn't give you any tangible, irrefutable proof... guess it just requires faith.

Have a good night.


QBall1970 said:

I don't either. I consider myself to be spiritual. (Or a Christian to be more specific.) To believe in a higher power... or even life after death... requires that very leap of faith that you're referring to when it comes to organized religion.

Do I believe in Christ? Yes. Why? Good question. Honestly. We have no physical, concrete evidence that Jesus actually walked this earth a millenium ago. What we do have is a series of religions - of leaps of faith - that have existed for well over a thousand years. We have a written record - who knows... it could be just a novel - of supernatural events that were attributed to this person. These records have been translated in many different languages, starting with the original Aramaic, then Latin, then Greek, then Arabic, and so on...

I even question the validity of my faith.

Well, I'm through preaching. Sorry I couldn't give you any tangible, irrefutable proof... guess it just requires faith.

Have a good night.

May you have a good night as well.
Harry Lime said:
Organized religion is definately the most successful business ever created as far as I am concerned.

There is more proof of aliens than there is a God.

Exactly what i'm thinking !! :bowdown: :thumbsup:
I would just like to say that this thread turned out to be quite interesting instead of just a flame thread. I would like to applaude everyone here for stating their opinions without attacking someone else about their beliefs. We CAN get along!