Do you believe in global warming?

Do you believe it?

  • Yes

    Votes: 62 58.5%
  • No

    Votes: 44 41.5%

  • Total voters
Its the biggest fucking scam going and Obama is buying it. His result? Tax American companies even more and chase them out while the rest of the world fucking pollutes at will!

is this ok with you? we did that.

(note: i avoided putting a picture with a dead or dying animal because i'm not playing a guilt card i just want you to look at that and tell me we aren't fucking up the world)
No. But I do believe in ManBearPig.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
What's to believe in?
No, I bet all those vast overwhelming majority of scientist are all coincidently lying or don't know what they are doing or maybe they are all a part of some secret society that's jobs is to spread lies and the vast overwhelming body of evidence that says global warming is real and is caused by human's changing our very atmosphere is all a big international conspiracy. I think all those pictures of glaciers getting smaller, snow on mountaintops disappearing, and the Artic and Antarctic ice shelves getting smaller is just faked and can't be real. I think we have all been hypnotized to see that the level of the oceans are getting higher and it isn't happening. I think all the thermometers and weather stations have been tampered with the give false warmer readings even if they seem perfectly fine on inspection. I think that altering the very chemistry of our freaking atmosphere would logically have absolutely no effect on the ecosystems and weather patterns that operate in it. I think that pumping more of a gas that we know to have greenhouse like properties in the atmosphere can't possibly do anything. I think one of the biggest recorded spikes in temperature in the world's history that we know about that is happing in almost an instant at a geological timeframe and is happening right at the same time the world become industrialized and is pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is pure coincidence. I think all those Antarctic ice samples that show a pretty good correlation between carbon dioxide levels and temperate is a pure fabrication.

You know, because it's a lot easier to believe all that than to believe something as sanely logical as GLOBAL WARMING AND CLIMATE CHANGE IS REAL AND CAUSED BY HUMAN'S CHANGING THEIR ENVIROMENT. :rolleyes:

Hang on , all that's happened is that carbon dioxide levels have gone up a couple of hundred parts per million to a level which is still low in geological standards.The idea that recent temperature rises have been unusual or uinprecedented can't be substantiated;for one reason records of sufficient accuracy don't go back very far (ice core etc doesn't deal with small time scale) but it is known that when the Great Ice water melt took place the temperature rise was extremenly fast;sea level changes could be observed by local inhabitants and whole villages were abandoned intact.
Melting of ice isn't caused by rising temperature, it's caused by the temperature itself so even though it's now apparently falling it's still warm enough to melt ice.In fact only recently the Danish Meteorological Institute ahs reported that Arctic temperatures haven't changed since 1958.

Who are these scientists? Scientists are people who formulate theories, test them and allow for other explanations. They do NOT report theories as facts.Ask them why their fancy models used to predict future temperatures don't work when asked to say what the temperatures were in 1800.Models whare you pick and choose what results you publish.Not science to me.
^ice at the poles is fucking melting, there is no denial of that, the dark coloured water takes in more light, thus more heat which melts the ice faster than if the white/reflecting ice were there

it also doesnt help that we cut down trees that absorb the CO2 and put out pure oxygen
The climate has never been a constant, so the climate changes might not be purely our doing, but just like an Afrixcan alephant destroys it's own environment by pushing over the trees it feeds from (creating more savannah) & just like the wildebeest & zebra keep on eating the grass in a certain area until there's nothing left to feed on, so do we have an impact. Since we no longer push over trees or eat grass, but use advanced technology, the impact we have on the climate is also more substantial.

Yet, in the distant past, we've already had times when large parts of the world lived in a subtropical climate & we've also had ice ages. So do I believe in climate changes? Yes. Do I believe humans might be influencing this proces (faster)? Maybe.


Lost at Birth
WTF?!? Everything we do is a political act. Politics is vital! I'm glad that it is higher on the agenda than bloody sports!

perhaps you misundertood, trebus, i'm talking about PARTISAN politics. but in case you didnt misunderstand, please read on. sorry for the length.

during a discussion on sex with a hot female you'd rather discuss a tax bill coming down the pike? when you're with some guys at the local bar/pub having beer and trying to take the edge off of the day by discussing a football or cricket game, you'd prefer to discuss health care bills?

past-time is a break from all the bullshit the day has to offer. that's what a past time is, a vacation from the pressures and stress of everyday events. so yes, i prefer NOT to talk about fuckin politics during my past time because politics surround me in every fucking thing else that i did that day.

tho i usually agree with you, im gonna have to disagree with you on this one. theres a time to play and theres a time to work and theres a time to discuss politics. look at this thread for example. The OP asked a legitimate question about mankinds impact on the environment and somehow it quickly turns into a partisan left vs right he said/she said thing. i need no politician to tell me whether global warming is real or not, i need a scientist. left vs right debate here is not scientific at all. not really helpful at all. and no closer to the truth is it? heck, i even hesitiate to post this response as it steers us even further off course from the original question. see how politics can detour? politics has been helpful, yes....but politics has also been non-helpful as well, and i'm glad i'm able to see both sides of that story.

i use to volunteer a lot with different groups, i've gone to under developed countries to help put in plumbing and build medical structures, i've stayed here in the states and helped build homes for people, and other volunteer projects. its opened my eyes to some very real facts about politics: people who are thirsty dont give a fuckin shit about your candidate or party, they just want a clean drink of water. most of the people i encounter who want to bring partisan politics into every discussion simply do so to pound their chest, rattle their sword and not actually act but just stir the muck, which in turn, makes the water stay dirty.

each time i've volunteered, i've seldom encountered heated political debates about bush vs obama (back then it was bush vs clinton). instead i saw a common goal of trying to help people and we achieved much more then sitting around in a circle jerk and talking politics. so i really think youre over selling politics and under selling the human yearning for advancement.

discuss politics all you want, but actions not only speak louder than words, actions also have to battle on two different fronts. one being against the poverty or the event its working to correct/advance and the other battle being against the wordsmiths and spin doctors whose partisan arguments negate participation from other potential candidates. Remember Kanye's tirade against Bush on national TV during the Katrina telethon? Did you know that after that tirade he made, the high participating rate of donations dropped significantly? donations continued, yes, but at a much slower pace. Alienation and Division are common enemies to a concentrated human effort. Partisan politics are the prime nutrient for alienation and division. partisan politics dont really fuckin help there. in these scenarios give me human compassion for advancement over politics every fuckin time.

and to be fair, i'm probably underselling human apathy and trivializing social advancements made via politics. so yeah, i can see as where i can be wrong. but that makes me a rare human species in political debate because i never see that willingness for someone to admit error in any political discussion anymore. partisan politics doesnt seem to be about who's right or who's wrong, but more along the lines of how much can i insult the other guy and his beliefs. so the political debate continues with little chance of coming to terms.

bottom line: i simply dont see how a mudslinging contest of how bush sucks vs obama sucks can lend any merit whatsoever to a discussion on global warming, but i do know that's pretty much how nearly every discussion on global warming will go. in this case, politics retard the advancement and its not a singularity. even as i write this, i know it will do no good, cos there's folks sitting here reading it and looking for every possible opportunity to invalidate it and use that to continue the political argument. pursuit for common ground is seemingly non existent and even unwanted in partisan politics, so yeah...i'd rather talk sports. sorry if that upsets you. politics have been useful, but politics is not the god you make it out to be.

sorry to the OP for getting off track, but hey it proved my theory, partisan politics retard the original debate.0
This entire thread is a revelation. WillE becomes the evangelical before our eyes. :eek:

Do Christians call other people worthless, WillE? You attack everyone in this thread and most other threads, you call philosophic giants "liars" with only scripture to support your assessment? Good GOD that's lame :rolleyes:

That doesn't seem very Christian-like, fwiw. Faith is not supposed to be a win/lose contest. If other people don't agree with you, aren't you supposed to leave them alone?

Organized religion is the domain of the weak-minded, and the Bible is the source of those who "shepherd" the weak-minded. That seems like a natural convenience to me...

Careful now, Grasshopper will think that your trying to flame Will E because your counter pointing him like I did.

Will E why do you think religious leaders are called "shepherds"?

It’s funny how he can call people liars, but when it is pointed out that he is lying about something he calls it flaming.

He can call people followers of Satan (including Jason and I for being Catholic) He can reminisce for the good ole days of “state rights” back in when that meant slavery, but someone calls him and idiot and he cries to the mods.
Can this be an Al Gore is a joke thread or does Will E speak on the subject too much already?
Al Gore is a joke. I actually got to shake hands with him when he was campaigning for president back in 2000. Something I regret now. I for one believe he is a liar and a criminal against free human society.


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Well, somewhat. It's natural that all of our activity would have some sort of an effect on nature. However, the whole media craze is somewhat unjustified as they all claim that it has been going on for decades. It's just like the swine flu, some bored journalists have found a new topic to cling on to.

It's always a good thing trying to be oil-independent and looking for more efficient ways of doing the things that make life more comfortable for us. So, it's not all evil. However, it sometimes is strange when you see all those diehard iceberg-huggers on TV talking about how evil we all are. They didn't get to those icebergs on bicycles, did they?

So, as far as I am concerned, I just try to be more efficient. It's good when it's time to pay the bills. Walking when it's possible is also never a bad idea, it helps me stop anyone from saying that I am leading a sedentary lifestyle.
"The Great Global Warming Swindle," a documentary based on facts and opinions that take an opposition to the theory of anthropogenic global warming.

Have you read some of the controversy that surrounds this documentary? Much of which focuses on the intellectual dishonesty displayed by the filmmakers; ignoring pieces of research that disagree with them and the deliberate slanting of others in order for them to seem more in favour of the filmmakers views. Even two of the scientists involved say their views were misrepresented.

So yes, it may well represent some of the objections to the theory. It is by no means objective.
I believe in it as much as I believe we need to slaughter all the cows to prevent them from farting and contributing more to this epidemic known as climate change!