I don't believe it!
And evolution was developed by people who want to make money off it too!
Yeah that is the part of the other sides arguement is by far the weakest and most ridiculous IMO.That somehow this is all some made up thing to provide scientists with jobs.When anyone who really thinks about it would realize that all the money from rich powerfull interests like oil companies to be made is on the other side.Even they though are no longer are willing to fund the denial types the way they once were,the evidence for manmade climate change is just that strong now.
I watched some minutes of this vid someone put up "The Great Global Warming Swindle," and really found the bit I watched unimpressive.Really when you watch it even more then trying to deny the truth of the climate change the message you get is doing anything about this will not be fun or easy and on that part I think they tap into something very easy for many to buy into.As AL said its "An inconvient truth" and people have always had the tendency to just ignore and deny inconvient truths.