Do you believe in global warming?

Do you believe it?

  • Yes

    Votes: 62 58.5%
  • No

    Votes: 44 41.5%

  • Total voters
Pre-Industrial Revolution----fat snow caps.

Post-Industrial Revolution--shrinking snow caps.

Pre Industrial Revolution-the Little Ice Age
Post industrial Revolution-moving out of the Little Ice Age.Guess what , it got warmer.Just as it did 1000 and 2000 years earlier.

1940s-1970s - cooling
1970s to 1998-warming
then the warming stopped.What stopped it?When the effect of human activity is supposed to be relentless it stopped warming.Perhaps there are other factors :)
How so?

The title of this thread is Do you believe in global warming?

& the fist post (your post) only states ya?. Nowhere does it say anything about Al Gore & the taxing of carbon.

But, if Al Gore believes in global warming & believes carbon is a benefactor to global warming, then he's right to tax carbon. If he believes a lie told by others he's not lying intentionally & saying he's the big liar in this thread would be unjustified.

If he doesn't believe in global warming then taxing carbon wouldn't really benefit him, since the money would end up in the US and/or state treasury, not in his wallet. Still, even though he'd be lying he wouldn't be the 1st liar & in fact only copying lies told by others. But like I already said, this would be illogical.
I misunderstood what you were saying. The way I read it was that you believed that the whole issue was a lie after you had already conceited that you believed it was true. That's why I said that I think you contradicted yourself.


Postal Paranoiac
It's a myth...if you believe Hangmethee, Limpballs, and others. But scientific evidence not backed by corporate subterfuge shows a significant increase in both surface temperature, and even more threatening, oceanic temperature. Is this a naturally-occurring atmospheric thing? It's happened before. Ups and downs in Earth's temperature averages. But not so quick and with such force over a much shorter period of time as now. Heat. The glaciers melt. More clouds because of evaporation. Ocean currents move south. More water means more weather formations. Winter is colder and more violent. Summer is hotter and more violent. The process continues, and step-by-step the aberrations increase. The cost on our governments to battle the problems escalate. Now...let's hear from the tailpipe suckers.
It's a myth...if you believe Hangmethee, Limpballs, and others. But scientific evidence not backed by corporate subterfuge shows a significant increase in both surface temperature, and even more threatening, oceanic temperature. Is this a naturally-occurring atmospheric thing? It's happened before. Ups and downs in Earth's temperature averages. But not so quick and with such force over a much shorter period of time as now. Heat. The glaciers melt. More clouds because of evaporation. Ocean currents move south. More water means more weather formations. Winter is colder and more violent. Summer is hotter and more violent. The process continues, and step-by-step the aberrations increase. The cost on our governments to battle the problems escalate. Now...let's hear from the tailpipe suckers.

I posted this in another thread ;
I've said it before-if you don't want a balanced and dispassionate view don't ask a climatologist.He's probably doing the job in the first place because he believes.His job, career and reputation are on the line.
It's all got to be theoretically based and it's not disputed that climate change is subject to many forces , some large some less powerful.These seem to work in cycles.It is therefore an extremely difficult background in which to determine causes of temperature change.
The climatologists cannot carry out the "crucial experiment" by removing all CO2 and getting humans to stop what they are doing so they can gauge the difference.All they can work on is correlation.
What I find annoying is the hyperbole employed The notion that recent warming has been at an unprecedented rate. It has not. The statements that it has been "the warmest on record" when records are barely 300 years ago and began in a little ice age.Records in any case were kept in only a few places on the planet until recently.In my opinion (as a genuine scientist well trained in the rigour of the scientific process) the argument for significant human contribution is not convincing.
When solar cycles cause it, yes. Man made? Not at all.
How could such a question could be asked ?

Global Warming is a FACT.
i think humans might slightly be contributing to it. but i also think that most of it is just the natural way the earth behaves. just going through a cycle.
It's not surprising to see global warming deniers blast scientific facts like the Taliban whenever it doesn't align with their moronic beliefs in a fairy tale God, intelligent design, the easter bunny, Cupid, Santa Claus and the tooth fairy
1. What kind of audacity do we have in order to believe that our level of scientific knowledge can accurately predict something that has so many variables? If our models can't explain variations in the past, then it can't explain variations in the future.

2. The science of exploring this issue and its causes is still being uncovered, so doing something now is like jumping into a swimming pool without seeing if there's any water in it first.

3. Whenever you have a few educated elites skewing the system to turn science into propaganda, that should raise some red flags.

4. I believe in global warming and global cooling. I believe that we live on a constantly changing planet. As I heard a scientist once say, "the Earth does whatever it wants without the slightest bit of consideration for whatever lives on it."

5. Let's draw a distinction: Buffalo were almost wiped out because of man, not because of a change in climate. We're not massively hunting Polar Bears, so if they can't survive and adapt to nature, it's Darwinism.