1. What kind of audacity do we have in order to believe that our level of scientific knowledge can accurately predict something that has so many variables? If our models can't explain variations in the past, then it can't explain variations in the future.
2. The science of exploring this issue and its causes is still being uncovered, so doing something now is like jumping into a swimming pool without seeing if there's any water in it first.
3. Whenever you have a few educated elites skewing the system to turn science into propaganda, that should raise some red flags.
4. I believe in global warming and global cooling. I believe that we live on a constantly changing planet. As I heard a scientist once say, "the Earth does whatever it wants without the slightest bit of consideration for whatever lives on it."
5. Let's draw a distinction: Buffalo were almost wiped out because of man, not because of a change in climate. We're not massively hunting Polar Bears, so if they can't survive and adapt to nature, it's Darwinism.