do you believe 911 was an inside job

Arden Adamz

Official Checked Star Member
I think there is a lot we aren't being told. Overwhelming evidence of American foul play continues to mount including mass amounts of detonation compounds found by independent scientists in the rubble from the NY sites, lack of training the alleged terrorist pilot in DC had yet he maneuvered the plane in such a way that most career jet fighters can't accomplish, to the final reports that are convoluted and totally vague as to what the heck happened. I believe the ultimate crime here is that not only are the victims dead, leaving their mourning loved ones to pick up the pieces- but also that those families don't have a true and definite answer as to what happened to their children, husbands, brothers, friends, parents, etc. It's horrible. The best documentary I've seen (and the most alarming) is called Change 911 (I think)... I strongly recommend it to those interested in learning more about the events and how world history led up to that day.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
With the lack of even the smallest amount of hard evidence supporting their stories, conspiracy theorists have become more desperate to find anything which could be twisted to support them. Case in point: The WTC 7 was seen in the background of a BBC report while the reporter said the building had already collapsed. The story is that the reporters were given a "script" to say and these reporters stupidly read the lines before the building fell. Plain old common sense can dispatch this conspiracy story



AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Originally Posted by WTC7WasPulled Oh gawd! That ridiculous article has been debunked so bad so long ago its not even worth mentioning.


I have nothing I can say to refute an article that is widely considered one of the most balanced, objective analyses of the entire 911 conspiracy claim-counter claim movement. Therefore I will avoid challenging anything in it directly, go masturbate, and then post some YouTube videos.

I think there is a lot we aren't being told. Overwhelming evidence of American foul play continues to mount including mass amounts of detonation compounds found by independent scientists in the rubble from the NY sites, lack of training the alleged terrorist pilot in DC had yet he maneuvered the plane in such a way that most career jet fighters can't accomplish, to the final reports that are convoluted and totally vague as to what the heck happened. I believe the ultimate crime here is that not only are the victims dead, leaving their mourning loved ones to pick up the pieces- but also that those families don't have a true and definite answer as to what happened to their children, husbands, brothers, friends, parents, etc. It's horrible. The best documentary I've seen (and the most alarming) is called Change 911 (I think)... I strongly recommend it to those interested in learning more about the events and how world history led up to that day.

I'm with you. You have to excuse people like Johnny Styro, The Orange Cat, and a few others who live on here to bash anyone who talks about anything that goes against their precious government. They are downright nasty so please don't take anything they say personally.
I'm with you. You have to excuse people like Johnny Styro, The Orange Cat, and a few others who live on here to bash anyone who talks about anything that goes against their precious government. They are downright nasty so please don't take anything they say personally.
No. Just because people do not believe in crackpot 9/11 conspiracy theories it doesn't necessarily follow that they think their government is wonderful. They just don't believe in crackpot 9/11 conspiracy theories. . .


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Originally Posted by WTC7WasPulled
I'm with you. You have to excuse people like Johnny Styro, The Orange Cat, and a few others who live on here to bash anyone who talks about anything that goes against their precious government. They are downright nasty so please don't take anything they say personally.

Dude please look at this. There are like at least ten videos shown here of workers talking about explosives including a just released one.

thats all fine and dandy, but thats not a very good response to what i stated. in the documentary (which was filmed INSIDE the north tower as the south collapsed, and a few blocks from the north as it followed suit) you do not hear of anyone saying they heard multiple explosions or even one after the initial impact of the planes.

hell, when the one brother initially walks into the main lobby, he says there are people burning on the floor and he couldnt record them. so, if there wasnt any or enough jet fuel left, how did those people on the ground floor get burned to death? unless of course the jet fuel going down at least one of the elevator shafts was in fact true, leading to the ability to believe there was enough to weaken the buildings steel to the point of bending and breaking.

or why did people jump from the building? sure it was on fire, but im sure that if fuckin jet fuel wasnt burning the floors below them, they could have found SOME way out right? unless of course the fuel was indeed turning the area into a god damn inferno the was so fucking terrible that people chose to jump from the top floors to escape it all.

yea, i didnt use any snazzy videos from youtube, and these are just assumptions, but they make sense dont they. i think they sound pretty fuckin logical dont they? even YOU have to admit


No response.

I've seen all those videos and their arguments are so weak and have been debunked by the 1400 Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. There is a ton of evidence for controlled demolition.

Still no response. I love the fact that we're supposed to be convinced by your youtube videos, but these are just weak arguments.

Read earlier posts by me. You aren't looking for debate. You're a troll.
11/9 could of been an inside job but maybe it was just religeous nut jobs hijacking planes

Occam's razor (or Ockham's razor), often expressed in Latin as the lex parsimoniae, translating to law of parsimony, law of economy or law of succinctness, is a principle which generally recommends selecting the competing hypothesis that makes the fewest new assumptions, when the hypotheses are equal in other respects. For instance, they must both sufficiently explain available data in the first place.

The principle is often incorrectly summarized as "the simplest explanation is more likely the correct one". This summary is misleading, however, since the principle is actually focused on shifting the burden of proof in discussions. That is, the Razor is a principle that suggests we should tend towards simpler theories (see justifications section below) until we can trade some simplicity for increased explanatory power. Contrary to the popular summary, the simplest available theory is often a less accurate explanation (e.g. metaphysical Solipsism). Philosophers also add that the exact meaning of "simplest" can be nuanced in the first place.

Occam's Razor is attributed to the 14th-century English logician, theologian and Franciscan friar Father William of Ockham (d'Okham) who wrote "entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity" (entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem). This is also phrased as pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate ("plurality should not be posited without necessity"). To quote Isaac Newton, "We are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances. Therefore, to the same natural effects we must, so far as possible, assign the same causes."
In science, Occam’s razor is used as a heuristic (general guiding rule) to guide scientists in the development of theoretical models rather than as an arbiter between published models.

Therefore, I agree. The likelihood of this being a "conspiracy" has too many premises, all of which would have had to been carried out perfectly and to the letter and in complete secrecy. The much more logical and simple explanation is that 19 jihadis carried out the attacks in order to secure a place in their warped version of "heaven." :2 cents:
I'm curious WTC7WasPulled... Just how many were in on it, set it all up, knowingly killed thousands, and to this day are still lying and covering it up? Tell me. How many?
Sorry, I don't know what happened on 9/11 but the NIST narrative of WTC7's fall (essentially that debris and fire caused that collapse) is completely unpersuasive. It's insulting, really.