Disney buys Lucasfilm; Star Wars Episode VII due out in 2015

Does everyone really hate the latest three? I thought episode III was a decent movie, besides the horrible acting of Manikin Skywalker, Hayden Christensen.
Episode I blew, II was slightly better but III was pretty good in my book.


I trust Disney much more then I trust Lucas. So far they've done right by Marvel here's hoping they can fix what Lucas has been fucking up over the last 20 years.

Apparently I have recently repped you. This was what I was going to say. Anything has to be better than Lucas. Fuck, I'd be optimistic if Woody Allen was making the damn things.

Does everyone really hate the latest three? I thought episode III was a decent movie, besides the horrible acting of Manikin Skywalker, Hayden Christensen.
Episode I blew, II was slightly better but III was pretty good in my book.

This I agree with also. I and II sucked (II mainly sucked because of Hayden Christiansen, but the plot/script was pretty fucked too. "Hey honey, I just annihilated an entire village. Wanna get married?") III was a last second......well, not a touchdown, but a field goal. At least they had a cool fight between Anakin and Obi-Wan, and showed the sorry state that lead to Darth Vader.

I'm going to go into the first one with optimism. So cheer up dammit. :nono:
It's all about the money. That and the opportunity to make the new entries all fancy with 3D and whatever new technology will be out by 2015. Then they will remake all the other movies in these formats..Maybe even the bastard child of the series, that being the Star Wars movie Christmas movie.

I liked Episode 3 quite a bit and figured it tied up everything as nicely as it could. I also will admit that I saw Episode I on the big screen during its opening week (seeing how everyone who lined up weeks in advance saw it opening night), there were seats available still.

Adding anything beyond Return of the Jedi however is just overkill.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Well, at least Disney can't fuck up the StarWars franchise anymore than whomever thought JarJar was a bloody fantastic idea did...
Why do you people even care anymore? Is there really any part of you that has hope for this franchise to return to its former glory? I liked the original movies, but I'm no superfan by any stretch, and I thought episode 1 was cool (2 and 3 sucked ass), but I can't see any possible positive outcome here. It'll make a shitload of money, and everyone will hate it.


Official Checked Star Member
This means nothing to me .... I've never seen a single Star Wars film :nanner:

Are they worth watching?
Yes, they are.

Honestly, I think everyone should at least see Episode IV - A New Hope, just to be aware of what is Star Wars. We're taking about the most popular movie franchise ever


This means nothing to me .... I've never seen a single Star Wars film :nanner:

Are they worth watching?

When Star Wars came out, there had been nothing like it. To someone watching now, the special effects will be dated (of course). But back then.......whew. The first scene where the Imperial Battle Cruiser fills the screen....it seemed to take 15 minutes. And the rest of the movie blew everyone away too. Now, all these years later, someone seeing them for the first time may or may not see what all the excitement was about.

If you ever decide to watch, I recommend watching in order of their release dates.

Connor Macleod

Staff member
I'm not surprised. During the first trilogy, Lucas stated that his original intent was to create 3 trilogies, 9 movies. The only surprise is that it has taken so long.

The new ones will probably deal with the aftermath of E6, trying to restore order to the republic.


Official Checked Star Member
Sorry I tell a lie ...... I have watched the Family Guy Star Wars episodes - does that count?



Bronze Member
First they bought Marvel, now they're buying Lucasfilm. I don't know. I just don't know. It really does seems Disney is trying to take over the world.