Did the world end where you are yet?


knows petras secret: she farted.
im just bummed that a lot of christians are gonna get laughed at when it was only a few crazy ones who went out there believing some dbags "prediction."

no one i know in real life is worried about it as they shouldnt be. there's a lot of tangents of christianity out there like those ones that mess with snakes and all that.

but i suppose its just like how everyone is either scared of or hates or distrusts muslims and all that just because of a couple of so called "terrorists."

i mean really! if they are so into scripture, how are they gonna run around like that believing it. no one knows the time, and no one can foresee the future! this shouldnt even be a question.
i believe appropriate quote to any christian who thinks they know when armageddon is coming is:
Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
i sometimes wonder how many christians actually read their bible

this one is a fun one too...not related but good times
Therefor I say unto you, What things soever you desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any; that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.
6pm, isn't it? If so, Britain seems to have taken to being raptured quite well.

That's because you're in the wrong time zone, buddy. As we all know, God only cares about the U.S. of A., not about some crappy little island in the Atlantic known for inbred ruling families and chicks with bad teeth. It's supposed to happen at 6 P.M. PACIFIC time. Why Pacific time, you ask? Well, because that's the time zone where the Good Reverend Camping, who sagaciously foresaw the events that will unfold today, lives. Praise the Good Reverend! Hallellujah, brother! For the Lord has given us a herald in these apocalyptic times!
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Greetings from Heaven! Weather forecast is cloudy with a chance of Sunshine! God's a pretty cool dude but he listens to Jay-Z a lot. Apparently he's down with Jigga. I saw George Washington playing backgammon with Martin Luther King Jr. upon entry. I've been told by Ghandi that they laugh at the stupid stuff that goes on in the United States. Must go now, I've got tickets to the Michael Jackson concert!
Hmmm... It's now almost 10 minutes past 6, and nothing has happened. Well, that was anticlimatic. :lame:

Jon S.

Look on the bright side....we have until October 21st! That's the date the fuck nut (who guaranteed the Rapture today) guarantees the big fire will engulf the entire Earth...thus destroying it! Oh well.....what ya gonna do?:dunno:

I guess we were all just evil enough to get passed over. I just hope the zombie epidemic isn't as bad as they were predicting.
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Rest assured people: you will never have to compete for a job against anyone who was ready to check out today.


For the EMPEROR!!
Wow. You're good.

Has anyone heard from Australia recently?

I think we missed it. Then again I was on the drink last night. .... They probably just don't want us Aussies making a mess of the joint.


Oh no, I just thought of something! :eek:

What if they actually meant "The Crapture" !?! :surprise:

... has anyone seen AlexP lately? :uohs: